Tag Archive for: nostalgia

Ivy vines on lavender wall

Feeling, Meaning, Value: Untangling Emotional Attachment to Stuff


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy scrutinizes sentimental clutter and offers tips for balancing emotional attachment with real limitations of time, space, and resources.

Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle.

Join us next week for:
Yours, Mine, Ours: Sharing or Delegating Responsibility for Clutter

Ivy vines on lavender wall

Survey #184 Results: It’s Complicated (Our Relationship with Stuff)

The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #184 Results: It’s Complicated (Our Relationship with Stuff).
Ivy vines on lavender wall

Survey #184: It’s Complicated (Our Relationship with Stuff)

We’ve prepared a survey to learn more our audience’s experiences with topics related to episode #184 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly.
Child’s painting of rainbow, grass, flowers

A Detour Down Memory Lane: Declutter Stuff with Sentimental Value


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy explores sentimental clutter and offers tips for balancing sentimental value with our real-world conditions of time, energy, space, and resources.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Ask Us Anything: Unfinished Projects, Micro-/Macro-organizers, Common Mistakes

Purple flowers on yellow background

Holding on Tightly or Letting Go Lightly: Clutter and Emotions


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy unpacks positive and negative emotions that influence our choices and suggests ways to leverage emotions in managing our clutter.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Eating an Elephant: The Power of Habits in a Decluttered Life

Heart carved into old wood

I’ve Got a Feeling: When Emotions Complicate the Organizing Process


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy examines negative feelings that complicate decluttering and offers encouragement to put positive emotions to work in the process.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Spread Too Thin, Piled Too High: Clutter in the Sandwich Generation

Stack of luggage near airport baggage carousel

Unpacking Our Baggage: Clutter and Emotions

The Clutter Fairy talks about emotions—the positive ones that can support the organizing process and the negative ones that interfere with our ability to declutter.

Tag Archive for: nostalgia