Survey #207 Results: Empty Nests | Earth Day Declutter | Indoor–Outdoor Work Balance
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #207: Empty Nests | Earth Day Declutter | Indoor–Outdoor Work Balance.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Edward F. Gumnick contributed 216 entries already.
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #207: Empty Nests | Earth Day Declutter | Indoor–Outdoor Work Balance.
Are you still lining an empty nest? Do environmental issues factor into your decluttering decisions? Is the outdoors calling you away from indoor work? Take our survey!
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #206 Results: The Canary and the Wrecking Ball.
What are the warning signs that your decluttering habits are starting to slip? What factors tend to disrupt your good routines? Take our survey!
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #204: Do You Look Good on Paper?
How big a problem is paper clutter in your home? Which types of paper give you the most trouble? Take our survey!
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #202: Spring Cleaning and Your Burning Questions.
What challenges and difficulties does spring cleaning present? What question have you been desperately wanting us to ask? Take the survey.
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #201: Love in the Time of Clutter
How does clutter affect relationships? What objects evoke strong memories of people? And what is Valentine’s Day all about? We’d like your opinions! Take the survey.
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The Clutter Fairy pledges to support and encourage our community in making 2024 your best decluttering and organizing year yet!
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A Game You Can Win: Using Gamification in Your Organizing Process
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The Clutter Fairy thanks our clients, patrons, viewers, and listeners for your generous support and wishes you a joyous and peaceful holiday season!
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The Clutter Fairy Weekly: First 2024 topic to be announced soon!