Trap Doors and Rabbit Holes: Special Issues of Clutter-Prone Spaces
The Clutter Fairy explains why problematic spaces collect so much clutter and suggests strategies for trouble-shooting these special organizing issues.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Todd Mahloch contributed 197 entries already.
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The Clutter Fairy explains why problematic spaces collect so much clutter and suggests strategies for trouble-shooting these special organizing issues.
Join us next week for:
Winds of Change: Organizing as a Tool for Self-reflection and Growth
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The Clutter Fairy offers tips for assembling an organizing toolkit so you’ll be equipped to face almost any clutter challenge.
Join us next week for:
Trap Doors and Rabbit Holes: Special Issues of Clutter-Prone Spaces
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The Clutter Fairy offers pointers for right-sizing your packing to prepare for stress-free vacation travel.
Join us August 10 for:
Trap Doors and Rabbit Holes: Special Issues of Clutter-Prone Spaces
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Join us next week for:
Leader of the Unpack: Empty Your Boxes & Start Strong in a New Space
The Clutter Fairy offers principles for setting organizing priorities to help you “choreograph” your work on a variety of spaces and projects.
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Join us next week for:
Choreography for Clutter: More Tools for Setting Project Priorities
The Clutter Fairy responds to audience comments about clutter negotiations, e-mail bankruptcy, catch-and-release shopping trips, and why Gayle doesn’t need to spy on you.
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Join us July 13 for:
Choreography for Clutter: More Tools for Setting Project Priorities
The Clutter Fairy sets a challenge: to identify and explain an organizing concept, issue, or tip for every letter of the alphabet.
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Next week:
The ABCs of Clutter: An Alphabet of Organizing Ideas
The Clutter Fairy examines value-based emotional responses and habits of thought that sabotage our ability to get or stay organized.
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The Clutter Fairy identifies the behaviors that lead to decor clutter and suggests strategies for cleaning up your “look.”
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The Clutter Fairy revisits the basic steps in the decluttering process and how to apply them to your cluttered space.
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The Clutter Fairy examines the many flavors of decluttering stuckness and suggests strategies for extracting yourself from the mire.
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The Clutter Fairy explores the transitions that disrupt our lives and suggests ways to adjust our thinking and behavior around stuff to help us move forward.
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The Clutter Fairy examines the assumptions and expectations we inherit from our family or culture—or entrench in our own habits—and offers fresh perspectives on our must-have stuff.