Make lemonade: Use stay-at-home time to improve yourself and your space
The Clutter Fairy reflects on ways people are making the best of the COVID-19 lockdown. She also answers viewer and listener questions.
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The Clutter Fairy reflects on ways people are making the best of the COVID-19 lockdown. She also answers viewer and listener questions.
The Clutter Fairy describes potential life-changing effects of decluttering—small (and large) ways in which your life might be different after organizing. She also discusses the delicate balance between stuff from your past and the needs of your present life.
The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for expediting your sorting and packing project when you’re under pressure to move house in a short timeframe. She also revisits self-talk for an uncluttered lifestyle.
The Clutter Fairy tackles the question, “Why, when I have so much time on my hands, am I still not motivated to organize?” She identifies sources of our resistance to organizing and ways to overcome it.
The Clutter Fairy discusses strategies for keeping your organizing projects on track in challenging times. She offers advice for minimizing stress and increasing cooperation for all of us who’ve found ourselves suddenly homebound.
The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for getting paper piles under control in preparation for filing tax returns. She shares advice for clearing your paper backlog and creating systems to manage paper on a day-to-day basis.
The Clutter Fairy suggests rethinking the way we talk about ourselves and our clutter in order to shift our habits and behaviors. She also talks about more creative uses for zip-lock bags in organizing.
The Clutter Fairy offers tips for organizing tight spaces—stuffed closets, packed attics, and bulging basements. She also talks about a few of her favorite organizing tools and materials.
The Clutter Fairy discusses alternatives to buying more stuff, such as borrowing from or sharing items with family and friends; making use of lending libraries, rental stores, and maker spaces; and adjusting our thinking about what we need to own.
The Clutter Fairy responds to viewer and listener questions about dealing with other people’s input on your organizing projects, reducing your collections, and more.
The Clutter Fairy tackles digital clutter—the accumulation of data beyond what we can reasonably keep and manage. She talks about common sources of digital clutter to watch out for and offers strategies for getting them under control.
The Clutter Fairy explores the “clutter life-cycle”—a way of framing the psychological issues around clutter in terms of the decision-making that happens throughout the life-cycle of a possession. She also responds to viewer feedback and reviews the 2018 book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning.