The Clutter Fairy Blog

Paintbrush collection

Unintentional Collections: The Stashes We Gather Without Even Trying


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The Clutter Fairy identifies sources of unintentional collections and offers solutions for getting them under control.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
The Great Outdoors: Organize Your Garage, Balcony, Patio, or Shed

Kitten in a tree

Overcoming Barriers: Simple Ways to Get Unstuck and Start Organizing


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The Clutter Fairy shares simple techniques to short-circuit negative thinking, get unstuck, and start reclaiming your space and your life.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Unintentional Collections: The Stashes We Gather Without Even Trying

Old tree with leaves in fall colors

Independence, Safety, Security, Comfort: Organizing to Age in Place


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The Clutter Fairy considers the pros and cons of “aging in place” from an organizing perspective and offers strategies for preparing your home for the future you.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Overcoming Barriers: Simple Ways to Get Unstuck and Start Organizing

Young girl's bedroom

The Kid Zone: Organizing Playrooms and Children’s Bedrooms


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for organizing children’s bedrooms and playrooms, plus tips for managing man-caves and she-sheds.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Independence, Safety, Security, Comfort: Organizing to Age in Place

Leaf laying on top of old wood

Winds of Change: Organizing as a Tool for Self-reflection and Growth


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy examines how change impacts our relationship to stuff and explores how to leverage the organizing process as a means to accept and adapt to change.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
The Kid Zone: Organizing Playrooms and Children’s Bedrooms

Kitchen Island and Countertop

Trap Doors and Rabbit Holes: Special Issues of Clutter-Prone Spaces


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy explains why problematic spaces collect so much clutter and suggests strategies for trouble-shooting these special organizing issues.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Winds of Change: Organizing as a Tool for Self-reflection and Growth

Scissors laying on sheets of colored paper

Off to Work We Go! Assembling Your Organizing Toolkit


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy offers tips for assembling an organizing toolkit so you’ll be equipped to face almost any clutter challenge.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Trap Doors and Rabbit Holes: Special Issues of Clutter-Prone Spaces

Hat, Beach Towel, Seashells

Bulky Bags and Itty-bitty Bottles: Organizing for Vacation Travel


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy offers pointers for right-sizing your packing to prepare for stress-free vacation travel.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us August 10 for:
Trap Doors and Rabbit Holes: Special Issues of Clutter-Prone Spaces

Purple cardboard box half-full of packing peanuts

Leader of the Unpack: Empty Your Boxes & Start Strong in a New Space


Watch the YouTube video:

Join us next week for:
Bulky Bags and Itty-bitty Bottles: Organizing for Vacation Travel

The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for unpacking a recent move (or the remnants of an old one) to optimize the use and enjoyment of your new space.
Man and woman dancing

Choreography for Clutter: More Tools for Setting Project Priorities


Watch the YouTube video:

Join us next week for:
Leader of the Unpack: Empty Your Boxes & Start Strong in a New Space

The Clutter Fairy offers principles for setting organizing priorities to help you “choreograph” your work on a variety of spaces and projects.

Talking Back to the Cloud: Comments and Questions from Our Audience


Watch the YouTube video:

Join us next week for:
Choreography for Clutter: More Tools for Setting Project Priorities

The Clutter Fairy responds to audience comments about clutter negotiations, e-mail bankruptcy, catch-and-release shopping trips, and why Gayle doesn’t need to spy on you.
The ABC's

The ABCs of Clutter: An Alphabet of Organizing Ideas


Watch the YouTube video:

Join us July 13 for:
Choreography for Clutter: More Tools for Setting Project Priorities

The Clutter Fairy sets a challenge: to identify and explain an organizing concept, issue, or tip for every letter of the alphabet.
Golden Apple

For What It’s Worth: Assessing Value in the Struggle Against Clutter

The Clutter Fairy examines value-based emotional responses and habits of thought that sabotage our ability to get or stay organized.

The Bee Box: Declutter Your Craft Room for Inspiration and Creativity

Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy explains key principles for organizing an art or craft workspace and offers tips to keep your creativity flowing.
Room with shelves completely full

No Accounting for Taste: Decluttering Decor for Your Evolving Style

Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy identifies the behaviors that lead to decor clutter and suggests strategies for cleaning up your “look.”
Three soft foam cubes stacked in a corner

Back to the Basics: A Clutter Fairy Recap of Organizing Fundamentals

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The Clutter Fairy revisits the basic steps in the decluttering process and how to apply them to your cluttered space.
Hand reaching up from beneath sand

Clutter and Quicksand: When Stuckness Stalls Your Organizing Progress

Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy examines the many flavors of decluttering stuckness and suggests strategies for extracting yourself from the mire.
Fork in a road in a forest

Curveballs and Crossroads: Rethinking Our Stuff in Changing Times

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The Clutter Fairy explores the transitions that disrupt our lives and suggests ways to adjust our thinking and behavior around stuff to help us move forward.
Antique Coffee and Tea Set

The Way We’ve Always Done It: Assumptions, Expectations, and Clutter

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The Clutter Fairy examines the assumptions and expectations we inherit from our family or culture—or entrench in our own habits—and offers fresh perspectives on our must-have stuff.
Various storage containers

Bags, Baskets, and Bins: Favorite Organizing Tools and Materials

Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy explains how a few carefully selected organizing products can make a world of difference in your space and shares a few current favorites.