Holiday string of lights on rough wooden wall

Embrace Your Reason for the Season: Decluttering Holiday Preparations

The Clutter Fairy suggests lightening your load and brightening your life by focusing holiday preparations on what the season means to you.

Holding On and Letting Go: Ownership, Gift-Giving, and Value

The Clutter Fairy talks about ownership, gift-giving, and how our judgments of value impact our decision-making about what we keep and what we’re willing to let go.

Money, Money, Money: The Problem with Monetary Value

The Clutter Fairy discusses definitions of value and factors that complicate our thinking about monetary value as it relates to the decluttering process.
Rose-tinted collage of eyeglasses in various styles

Looking Through Rose-colored Glasses: Sentimentality and Clutter

The Clutter Fairy examines the rationalizations we use to hold on to things and suggests an approach to decision-making that balances sentimental value with our real-world conditions of time, space, and resources.
Suzanne Goddard’s patio, North Carolina

Clear Your Clutter, Love Your Life: Organize for Positive Change

The Clutter Fairy suggests how the decluttering process can serve as a release from bad feelings and a trigger for brightening your emotional landscape.
White doily designs on lavender background

Just What IS Clutter, Anyway?

The Clutter Fairy explores the many criteria by which we may identify and categorize clutter for ourselves and the people with whom we share our spaces.
Jigsaw puzzle with one piece left to place

A Decluttering Philosophy: Putting it All Together

The Clutter Fairy looks for practical approaches to reduce the clutter coming in and to deal effectively with the stuff we already have.
Topiary labyrinth

Complex Choices: Ethical and Environmental Questions About Clutter

The Clutter Fairy asks ethical and environmental questions that can guide and influence our relationships with stuff.
Elephant walking through office space

One Bite at a Time: Clutter and Habits

The Clutter Fairy discusses habits—the routines or patterns of behavior that lead to bringing in or holding on to too much stuff, and how to cultivate better habits for preventing and reducing clutter.
Stack of luggage near airport baggage carousel

Unpacking Our Baggage: Clutter and Emotions

The Clutter Fairy talks about emotions—the positive ones that can support the organizing process and the negative ones that interfere with our ability to declutter.
Zen garden with single stone and raked yellow sand

Guiding Principles for Your Philosophy of Decluttering

The Clutter Fairy talks about how to identify the guiding principles for your own personal philosophy of decluttering.
Lavender paper with torn edge on purple-blue background

Yes, You Really Can Go Paperless—Mostly

The Clutter Fairy offers tactics for reducing your paper load and working your way toward a paperless lifestyle.