Low-hanging Fruit: Easy Wins to Start or Restart Your Decluttering
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The Clutter Fairy offers a few simple criteria for assessing your stuff and suggests easy starting places to “thin the herd.”
Join us next week for:
Stem the Tide: Tips to Prevent or Reduce Clutter at its Sources
Clutter Dangers: Organize for Safety, Mobility, and Ease of Access
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy uncovers the dangers lurking in our clutter and offers tips for optimizing space for safety, mobility, health, and ease of access.
Join us next week for:
Low-hanging Fruit: Easy Wins to Start or Restart Your Decluttering
Clutter and Recidivism: How to Avoid Re-stuffing Unstuffed Areas
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy examines ingrained behaviors of “clutter recidivists” and suggests strategies for breaking patterns that lead back to clutter.
Join us next week for:
Clutter Dangers: Organize for Safety, Mobility, and Ease of Access
Peace Process: Reducing Household Conflict, Confusion, and Clutter
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy explores how other people complicate our organizing and offers tips to improve communication, negotiation, and cooperation about clutter.
Join us next week for:
Clutter and Recidivism: How to Avoid Re-stuffing Unstuffed Areas
Reimagine Your Space to Break Free from the Clutter Status Quo
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy suggests shaking up your clutter status quo and offers strategies to reimagine your space for progress on decluttering and organizing.
Join us on July 11:
Peace Process: Reducing Household Conflict, Confusion, and Clutter
Tick, Tock: Set Realistic Time Expectations for Organizing Projects
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy explores the complexities of estimating and allocating time for organizing work and suggests ways to set realistic time expectations.
Join us on July 11:
The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Topic to Be Announced Soon!
Rethink and Reframe Your Clutter Language: The Power of Words 2
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy examines words we use to describe our clutter and suggests reframing language for a clearer insight into our stuff and our lives.
Join us next week:
Tick, Tock: Set Realistic Time Expectations for Organizing Projects
What Are Your Clutter Set Points, and How Can You Change Them?
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy talks about how we arrive at clutter set points—the “right” volume of stuff for our needs—and how we can change them.
Join us next week:
Rethink and Reframe Your Clutter Language: The Power of Words 2
Make Space for Your Best Life: Declutter for Health and Well-being
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy discusses impacts of clutter on our physical, emotional, and psychological health and the health benefits of taking control of our spaces.
Join us next week:
Clutter Klatsch Virtual Coworking Session
Life Is a Journey: Prepare and Pack for Smooth Vacation Travel
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy offers tips for planning, packing, and preparing for lower-stress vacation travel.
Join us next week:
Make Space for Your Best Life: Declutter for Health and Well-being
Irreplaceable: Managing Family Photos, Heirlooms, and Memorabilia
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for managing family photos, heirlooms, and other “priceless” memorabilia.
Join us next week:
Life Is a Journey: Prepare and Pack for Smooth Vacation Travel
Cradle to Cane: Advantages of Organized Space in All Life’s Stages
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy talks about how people of almost any age can benefit from a clear, clutter-free home.
Join us next week:
Irreplaceable: Managing Family Photos, Heirlooms, and Memorabilia