Ask Us Anything: Answers to Your Questions, Plus Ultra-short Topics
The Clutter Fairy answers your questions about culinary plants, journal collections, and old clothes and covers other topics suggested by our audience.
Join us next week for:
Down, But Not Out: The Clutter Fairy Guide to Downsizing
Your Best and Your Worst: Household Sweet Spots and Problem Areas
The Clutter Fairy explores household problem areas and clear zones and offers strategies for working toward a whole house that’s a clutter-free sweet spot.
Join us next week for:
Ask Us Anything: Answers to Your Questions, Plus Ultra-short Topics
Vicious Cycle: Clutter as a Symptom and Cause of Negative Emotions
The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for working around or through negative emotions to move your projects forward no matter where you’re starting from.
Join us next week for:
Your Best and Your Worst: Household Sweet Spots and Problem Areas
How Much Lining Does an Empty Nest Need? and Other Good Questions
The Clutter Fairy discusses not-quite-empty nests, Earth Day organizing, and other questions and short topics suggested by our viewers and listeners.
Join us next week for:
Vicious Cycle: Clutter as a Symptom and Cause of Negative Emotions
Recognize and Avoid the Slippery Slope that Leads Back to Clutter
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy explores the tendency to relapse into cluttering behaviors and offers tips for maintaining good habits and routines to stay organized.
Join us on April 9 for:
How Much Lining Does an Empty Nest Need? and Other Good Questions
It’s the Little Things: The Organizing Challenges of Small Items
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for corralling the collections of small items that present big organizing challenges.
Join us next week for:
Recognize and Avoid the Slippery Slope that Leads Back to Clutter
Look Good on Paper: Control the Influx and Manage What You Keep
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy examines habits, behaviors, and attitudes that lead us to keep more paper than we need and offers pointers for purging your paper piles.
Join us next week for:
It’s the Little Things: The Organizing Challenges of Small Items
Convenience vs. Clarity | Avoiding Consumerism | Cluttered Siblings
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy discusses balancing convenience and clarity, how to avoid consumerist messages, and organizing and cluttering styles among siblings.
Join us next week for:
Look Good on Paper: Control the Influx and Manage What You Keep
Spring Is in the Air: Leap into Cleaning with a Plan for Success
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy peeks into often-neglected corners of our lives and shares a list of simple cleaning chores where you can rack up big spring wins.
Join us next week for:
Convenience vs. Clarity | Avoiding Consumerism | Cluttered Siblings
Love Me, Love My Clutter: Organizing Styles and Relationships
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy examines ways in which attachment to stuff complicates relationships and offers strategies to defuse conflict and hold space for love.
Join us next week for:
Spring Is in the Air: Leap into Cleaning with a Plan for Success
Why We Procrastinate and What We’re Planning to Do About It…Later
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy explores procrastination and avoidance behavior and suggests tips and techniques for breaking an unproductive cycle.
Join us next week for:
Love Me, Love My Clutter: Organizing Styles and Relationships
Just Right: Keeping Decor from Exacerbating Your Clutter Problem
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy examines ways that decor can lead to clutter and suggests strategies for right-sizing your decorative choices.
Join us next week for:
Why We Procrastinate and What We’re Planning to Do About It…Later