Purple crocuses blooming on icy ground

Organizing for Lawn and Garden Season | Challenges of Downsizing


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy discusses decluttering and organizing for lawn and garden season, the emotional and logistical challenges of downsizing, and more.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Shoestring Organizing: Declutter and Organize on a Tight Budget

Brown bird singing in an apple tree

Ask Us Anything: Breaking Up Is Hard | Tiny Bathrooms | Why We Procrastinate


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy explores why it’s hard to break up with your stuff, organizing a tiny bathroom, and why we procrastinate—and how to break the cycle.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Organizing for Lawn and Garden Season | Challenges of Downsizing

Three magenta mugs hanging on wall-mounted rack

Food, Form, and Function: Organizing Your Kitchen and Pantry


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy explores the sources of kitchen clutter and offers strategies to optimize your kitchen to fit your food habits, tastes, and lifestyle.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Ask Us Anything: Breaking Up is Hard | Tiny Bathrooms | Why We Procrastinate

Dandelion growing through cracks in asphalt

Shifting Ground: How Life Changes Complicate Your Clutter Landscape


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy talks about keeping your organizing mojo and momentum even when life changes make you feel as if the ground is moving beneath your feet.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Food, Form, and Function: Organizing Your Kitchen and Pantry

Grand piano in dreamlike beach scene

Ask Us Anything: Clearing Big Stuff | Art & Craft Spaces | Getting Out the Door


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy discusses how to declutter large, cumbersome items, recaps art or craft space organizing, and offers tip to help you get out the door.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Shifting Ground: How Life Changes Complicate Your Clutter Landscape

Cutaway view of house plan

Creative Destruction: Craft a Strategy to Organize Almost Any Room


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy outlines a process for analyzing the contents, purposes, and layout of a room to create a decluttering and organizing strategy.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Ask Us Anything: Clearing Big Stuff | Art & Craft Spaces | Getting Out the Door

January is NAPO GO (Get Organized!) Month

Celebrate “Get Organized Month” by (re)Starting Organizing Projects


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for planning and implementing a rock-solid organizing project.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Creative Destruction: Craft a Strategy to Organize Almost Any Room

Stars and Snowflakes

Drink a Cup o’ Kindness: Happy New Year from The Clutter Fairy!


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy pledges to support and encourage our community in making 2023 your best decluttering and organizing year yet!

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Celebrate “Get Organized Month” by (re)Starting Organizing Projects

Snow falling on evergreen branches

Gayle Presents Her “Nice” List for 2022 | Happy Holidays!


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy thanks our clients, patrons, subscribers, viewers, and listeners for your support this year and wishes you a peaceful holiday season!

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us on January 10 for:
Celebrate “Get Organized Month” by (re)Starting Organizing Projects

Winter holiday gifts and decorated cookies

Hit Pause on Organizing Projects | Self-care for Holiday Stress


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy suggests strategies for maintaining commitment to projects that we’ve placed on hold—plus self-care tips for the chaotic holiday season!

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us on January 10 for:
Our first webcast of the new year! Topic(s) to be announced

Raindrops on a rose

Ask Us Anything: Favorite Things, Shared Workspaces, Listen to Your Clutter


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy discusses a focus on favorites, organizing shared workspaces, and answers the question, “What is your clutter trying to tell you?”

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Hit Pause on Organizing Projects | Self-care for Holiday Stress

Milestone (with top painted red) by the side of a road

Landmarks and Losses: Organizing Around Life’s Memorable Moments


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy discusses how to face the special clutter issues that arise around life’s traumatic events, disruptions, and major milestones.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Ask Us Anything: Favorite Things, Shared Workspaces, Listen to Your Clutter