Golden Apple

For What It’s Worth: Assessing Value in the Struggle Against Clutter

The Clutter Fairy examines value-based emotional responses and habits of thought that sabotage our ability to get or stay organized.

The Bee Box: Declutter Your Craft Room for Inspiration and Creativity


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The Clutter Fairy explains key principles for organizing an art or craft workspace and offers tips to keep your creativity flowing.
Room with shelves completely full

No Accounting for Taste: Decluttering Decor for Your Evolving Style


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The Clutter Fairy identifies the behaviors that lead to decor clutter and suggests strategies for cleaning up your “look.”
Three soft foam cubes stacked in a corner

Back to the Basics: A Clutter Fairy Recap of Organizing Fundamentals


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The Clutter Fairy revisits the basic steps in the decluttering process and how to apply them to your cluttered space.
Hand reaching up from beneath sand

Clutter and Quicksand: When Stuckness Stalls Your Organizing Progress


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The Clutter Fairy examines the many flavors of decluttering stuckness and suggests strategies for extracting yourself from the mire.
Fork in a road in a forest

Curveballs and Crossroads: Rethinking Our Stuff in Changing Times


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The Clutter Fairy explores the transitions that disrupt our lives and suggests ways to adjust our thinking and behavior around stuff to help us move forward.
Antique Coffee and Tea Set

The Way We’ve Always Done It: Assumptions, Expectations, and Clutter


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The Clutter Fairy examines the assumptions and expectations we inherit from our family or culture—or entrench in our own habits—and offers fresh perspectives on our must-have stuff.
Various storage containers

Bags, Baskets, and Bins: Favorite Organizing Tools and Materials


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The Clutter Fairy explains how a few carefully selected organizing products can make a world of difference in your space and shares a few current favorites.
Toy dolls in a family setting

Sharing Space: Strategies for Reducing Household Conflict and Clutter

The Clutter Fairy examines how relationships complicate organizing challenges and suggests ways to improve communication, negotiation, and cooperation to reduce household clutter conflict.
Yoga Mat

From Aerobics to Zumba: Organizing for Fitness and Fun

The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for organizing clothing, gear, and accessories for relaxation and fitness to maximize your fun and benefits.
Shower head and spray of water

Context and Cues: The Science of Habits and the Struggle with Clutter

The Clutter Fairy explores interesting findings from the field of habit research and suggests ways to apply these ideas to our clutter challenges.
Room full of boxes and moving supplies

Moving Stories: Plans and Preparations for the Peak Season of Moves

The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for planning and preparing for a successful move or a major home renovation project.