Finding Boundaries Between You & Your Stuff: Clutter and Self-image
The Clutter Fairy talks about clutter and self-image: how the lines between you and your stuff get blurred, and how to start seeing the boundaries clearly again.
Ain’t No Big Thing: Organizing Small Spaces
The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for solving the special organizing problems that come with living in very small spaces.
Motivation and momentum: keep your organizing project moving
The Clutter Fairy offers tips for finding motivation and creating momentum on a long-term organizing project when the progress feels slow in coming.
Organizing room by room: the guest room
The Clutter Fairy offers a strategy for balancing the role of the guest room as a place to host visitors with all the other ways we (and our cats) use our multipurpose spaces.
Organizing room by room: alternative storage spaces
The Clutter Fairy unpacks the clutter issues of deep storage—backyard sheds, storage units, parents’ houses, second homes, attics, and basements. She also answers a viewer question about creativity in the kitchen.
Organizing room by room: the kitchen
The Clutter Fairy discusses sources of kitchen clutter and offers ideas for planning or reclaiming your organized kitchen. She also talks cookbooks and suggests strategies for long-term food storage.
Organizing room by room: the bathroom
The Clutter Fairy breaks down the causes of restroom clutter and offers a step-by-step strategy for reclaiming bathroom space. She also revisits tricks for managing cast-off clothing.
Organizing room by room: the master bedroom
The Clutter Fairy suggests strategies for transforming your master bedroom from a stress-inducing mess into a peaceful sanctuary. Viewers introduce her to the buzzwords “floordrobe,” “floorage,” and “fledroom.”
Organizing room by room: the garage
The Clutter Fairy offers a step-by-step strategy for reclaiming the usable space in your garage—or other storage space of last resort. She also talks about examining the rationalizations we use for keeping too much stuff, such as “I’m keeping this for my family.”
Organizing room by room: the home office
The Clutter Fairy offers a step-by-step strategy for organizing your home office space. She also answers viewer and listener questions.
Make lemonade: Use stay-at-home time to improve yourself and your space
The Clutter Fairy reflects on ways people are making the best of the COVID-19 lockdown. She also answers viewer and listener questions.
Life-changing effects of decluttering
The Clutter Fairy describes potential life-changing effects of decluttering—small (and large) ways in which your life might be different after organizing. She also discusses the delicate balance between stuff from your past and the needs of your present life.