Happy New Year! Crowd-sourced Inspiration to Energize Your 2025
The Clutter Fairy shares our audience’s favorite inspirational sayings and affirmations—and where we find our motivation.
Join us next week for:
Back to Basics: The Clutter Fairy Reviews Organizing Fundamentals

Happy Holidays! Self-care Tips for the Festive Season
The Clutter Fairy’s holiday wish is that you’ll set aside time for self-care. May this season of light bring you good health and spirits!
Join us on January 7 for:
Back to Basics: The Clutter Fairy Reviews Organizing Fundamentals

Strategy for Success: Make a Plan for a More Organized 2025
The Clutter Fairy explores how to choose, plan, and strategize your next big—or small—organizing project.
Join us on January 7 for:
Back to Basics: The Clutter Fairy Reviews Organizing Fundamentals

How Many Is Too Many? Setting Limits on Your Stuff | Short Takes
The Clutter Fairy contemplates the question “How many is too many?” and discusses other short topics suggested by our viewers and listeners.
Join us next week for:
Strategy for Success: Make a Plan for a More Organized 2025

A Clutter Carol: How Ghosts of Past and Future Haunt Our Present
The Clutter Fairy examines how nostalgia and plans for every possible future contribute to clutter and suggests ways to clear space for a rich present life.
Join us next week for:
How Many Is Too Many? Setting Limits on Your Stuff | Short Takes

Be Thankful for What You Do (and Don’t) Have: Gratitude and Clutter
The Clutter Fairy explores the role of gratitude in our decision-making and the work of decluttering and organizing.
Join us next week for:
A Clutter Carol: How Ghosts of Past and Future Haunt Our Present

Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day: Consumerism, Clutter, and Choice
The Clutter Fairy discusses the effects of consumerism on clutter and offers strategies to resist consumerist influences to right-size shopping practices.
Join us next week for:
Be Thankful for What You Do (and Don’t) Have: Gratitude and Clutter

Ask Us Anything: Short Topics and Viewer and Listener Questions
The Clutter Fairy answers viewer and listener questions and discusses short topics suggested by our audience on our surveys and through other channels.
Join us tomorrow for:
Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day: Consumerism, Clutter, and Choice

Ask Us Anything: Short Topics and Viewer and Listener Questions
The Clutter Fairy answers viewer and listener questions and discusses short topics suggested by our audience on our surveys and through other channels.
Join us next week:
The Clutter Fairy Weekly—topic still to be determined

You Minus Your Stuff: Visualize and Create a Clutter-less Life
The Clutter Fairy explores how clutter interferes with our “best lives” and suggests strategies for gaining more clarity about and control over our stuff.
Join us next week for:
Ask Us Anything: Short Topics and Viewer and Listener Questions

Stories We Tell About Our Stuff: Organizing Myths versus Reality
The Clutter Fairy uncovers the realities hiding behind popular myths, misconceptions, and limiting beliefs about decluttering and organizing our stuff.
Join us next week for:
You Minus Your Stuff: Visualize and Create a Clutter-less Life

A Roadmap for Downsizing: Planning for Your Smaller, Simpler Life
The Clutter Fairy explains how to plan for a smaller living space and applies downsizing lessons to “right-sizing” the stuff in our cluttered homes.
Join us next week for:
Stories We Tell About Our Stuff: Organizing Myths versus Reality