Pots and vases of flowers in florist's shop

Survey #249: Unconventional Donations | Acquiring versus Using

Do you have ideas for unconventional places to take donated items? What kind of stuff do you acquire faster than you can use it? Take our survey!
Simple, traditional Japanese room

Survey #248: Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to Your Things?

What’s your impression of minimalism? What did you take away from Goodbye, Things? Does your stuff own you or vice versa? Take our survey!
Mess of crumpled balls of paper, one of them lavender

Survey #247: How Do You Look on Paper?

How serious is your paper organizing backlog? How well do you manage new paper coming in? What kinds of paper get your stuck? Take our survey!
Teddy bear birthday party

Survey #246: Entertaining Obstacles, Plans, Dreams, and Stuff

How has clutter interfered with your ability to entertain guests? What are your ideal events to host? What’s standing in the way? Take our survey!
Thrift store shelves loaded with cowboy boots, one pair in vivid purple

Survey #243: Thrifting, Re-cluttering Anxiety, Deep-cleaning the Kitchen

What do you look for in thrift shops? Do you experience “re-cluttering anxiety”? What’s your schedule for deep-cleaning the kitchen? Take our survey!
Pepper seedlings

Survey #242: Decluttering and Organizing Mindset Pre-test

What is your current mindset with respect to decluttering and organizing? What attitudes and beliefs do you bring to the work? Take our survey!
Beautiful, clean kitchen with pale blue backsplash

Survey #241: Clutter in the Kitchen and Pantry

What’s the source and severity of your kitchen/pantry clutter? What solutions have you tried? What’s your “one-trick pony”? Take our survey.
Three building blocks in Clutter Fairy colors on a blue background

Survey #240: Getting Back to Basics

What do you want people to understand about your struggle with clutter? In what ways are you already organized? Take our survey!
Purple 2025 planner on desk

Survey #237: Taking Credit, Making Plans, Crowd-sourcing Inspiration

What was your proudest organizing accomplishment of 2024? What needs your focus in 2025? How do you inspire yourself? Take our survey!
Large collection of colorful watches

Survey #236: How Many Is Too Many, and Why?

What category or collection of stuff in your space has become excessive? How can you tell? What’s a reasonable limit? Take our survey!
Lavender candle in brass holder, pink quill pen, and parchment with writing on vintage background

Survey #235: Decluttering Your Past and Future

What is your home the museum of? What are you stockpiling for the future? What ghosts of past and future are haunting your present? Take our survey!
Heart-shaped pot of forget-me-not flowers on rustic wood

Survey #234: Take Inventory of Your Gratitude

What are you grateful for keeping? For letting go? Who or what has helped you on your journey? Take our survey!