Wall of books

Escaping the Stacks: A Saner Approach to Books and Magazines (Meetup)

Wall of books

What happens if you keep buying books faster than you can read them?

Houston Clutter Coaching March 2012 Meetup

Thursday, March 29, 2012
7:00–8:30 p.m.

Gayle Goddard facilitates the monthly meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group.

Henshaw House (Nature Discovery Center)
Russ Pitman Park
7112 Newcastle St.
Bellaire, TX 77401

Serious readers often collect books much faster than they can read them. Books are enchanting, and they never seem to lose their value. But buying more books than you can ever read is no different from accumulating any other kind of clutter.

For those who are drowning in books and magazines, our March meeting will talk about bringing the buying impulse into line with how much you actually read, and we’ll explore what to do after you’ve read those literary gems!

[See the Program Notes for this meetup.]

As usual, we’ll also open the floor to your questions, success stories, and tales of trouble spots.

We’ll have refreshments, and don’t forget the drawing for a door prize or two! (You must be present to win.)

FREE and open to the public.

RSVP by visiting the Meetup page or by sending us e‑mail.

Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup GroupThe Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group is a community of people who want to conquer their clutter and make more room in their lives for the things they love. Come learn tools and tips from an expert, and share your success stories and “ah‑hah!” moments…[READ MORE]
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