Event Series The Clutter Fairy Weekly (webcast series)

Breaking Down a Big Project | Paper Primer | Part of the Landscape


Big organizing projects can disrupt your routines and leave you feeling swamped and overwhelmed. We’ll suggest tips to help you break down and keep control of big projects.

Almost everyone who struggles with clutter can point to paper as one of their challenges. We’ll offer a short primer on managing the paper you decide to keep.

How do you deal with things that have been in your life for as long as you care to remember? We’ll talk about dealing with stuff that’s become part of the landscape.

In episode #159 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, discusses these topics and answers questions from our viewers and listeners.

We prepared a survey to learn more our audience’s experiences related to this episode’s topics. To answer the survey, please see Survey #159: Big Projects | Paper Clutter | Part of the Landscape.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Breaking Down a Big Project | Paper Primer | Part of the Landscape—canceled


We’ve had to cancel this event because Gayle is under the weather. We’ll present the topic originally scheduled for March 7 when we meet next on March 14.

Big organizing projects can disrupt your routines and leave you feeling swamped and overwhelmed. We’ll suggest tips to help you break down and keep control of big projects.

Almost everyone who struggles with clutter can point to paper as one of their challenges. We’ll offer a short primer on managing the paper you decide to keep.

How do you deal with things that have been in your life for as long as you care to remember? We’ll talk about dealing with stuff that’s become part of the landscape.

In episode #159 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, discusses these topics and answers questions from our viewers and listeners.

We’ve prepared a survey to learn more our audience’s experiences related to this episode’s topics. To answer the survey, please see Survey #159: Big Projects | Paper Clutter | Part of the Landscape.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Looking Good on Paper: Take Control with a Few Smart Paper Practices (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

Like any other category of stuff, paper can stand in the way of your best life. It's a leading source of visual clutter, and failure to wrangle your paper can also waste time and effort, and even lead to financial and legal headaches.


Piles and Heaps and Mounds: Dos and Don’ts of Organizing Paper (Meetup)

Nature Discovery Center 7112 Newcastle St., Bellaire, TX, United States

Whenever The Clutter Fairy speaks to a group, she answers anxious questions about managing paper. Paper clutter is a universal First World problem—we all accumulate too much of it and face the challenge of figuring out what we really need to keep.
