Event Series The Clutter Fairy Weekly (webcast series)

Breaking Down a Big Project | Paper Primer | Part of the Landscape


Big organizing projects can disrupt your routines and leave you feeling swamped and overwhelmed. We’ll suggest tips to help you break down and keep control of big projects.

Almost everyone who struggles with clutter can point to paper as one of their challenges. We’ll offer a short primer on managing the paper you decide to keep.

How do you deal with things that have been in your life for as long as you care to remember? We’ll talk about dealing with stuff that’s become part of the landscape.

In episode #159 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, discusses these topics and answers questions from our viewers and listeners.

We prepared a survey to learn more our audience’s experiences related to this episode’s topics. To answer the survey, please see Survey #159: Big Projects | Paper Clutter | Part of the Landscape.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Breaking Down a Big Project | Paper Primer | Part of the Landscape—canceled


We’ve had to cancel this event because Gayle is under the weather. We’ll present the topic originally scheduled for March 7 when we meet next on March 14.

Big organizing projects can disrupt your routines and leave you feeling swamped and overwhelmed. We’ll suggest tips to help you break down and keep control of big projects.

Almost everyone who struggles with clutter can point to paper as one of their challenges. We’ll offer a short primer on managing the paper you decide to keep.

How do you deal with things that have been in your life for as long as you care to remember? We’ll talk about dealing with stuff that’s become part of the landscape.

In episode #159 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, discusses these topics and answers questions from our viewers and listeners.

We’ve prepared a survey to learn more our audience’s experiences related to this episode’s topics. To answer the survey, please see Survey #159: Big Projects | Paper Clutter | Part of the Landscape.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Event Series The Clutter Fairy Weekly (webcast series)

Organizing for Lawn and Garden Season | Challenges of Downsizing


Crocuses and daffodils tell us that spring in the Northern Hemisphere is only weeks away. Now is a great time to start decluttering and organizing for lawn and garden season.

Moving to a smaller living space is a complex process that requires careful planning and tough decisions. We’ll help you get a solid start by discussing the emotional and logistical challenges of downsizing.

In episode #157 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, discusses these topics and answers questions from our viewers and listeners.

We’ve prepared a survey to learn more our audience’s experiences with these topics. To answer the survey, please see Survey #157: Lawn and Garden Season | Downsizing.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Event Series The Clutter Fairy Weekly (webcast series)

Creative Destruction: Craft a Strategy to Organize Almost Any Room


Every home is different, and every room of the house has its own special clutter problems. But with a thoughtful approach, you can look beneath the mess to see a plan and design in the chaos. In our next meeting/our next webcast/today’s webcast, we’ll outline a process for analyzing the contents, purposes, and layout of a room to create a decluttering and organizing strategy.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.

Event Series The Clutter Fairy Weekly (webcast series)

Celebrate “Get Organized Month” by (re)Starting Organizing Projects


January is “Get Organized Month”! But after the year-end shakeup, it can be hard to figure out how to start new projects, restart past efforts, make a solid plan, find motivation, and keep momentum. In episode #148 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, offers strategies for planning and implementing a rock-solid organizing project.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Head Over Heart 3: Algorithms to Filter Our Stuff to Fit Our Space


Sometimes we recognize the negative impacts of clutter on our lives, but still feel powerless to manage the conflicting feelings that keep us stuck. So we give in to the panicked impulse to defer decisions for another day. In episode #121 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, returns to the topic of decluttering algorithms—simple, practical rules that can help us set aside some of the emotions and gain more clarity in our decision-making.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Race Against the Clock: Time Issues and Organizing


To those of us who struggle with clutter, it can feel as if Time itself is our one insurmountable obstacle. As we work to declutter our lives and spaces, we have difficulty balancing and allocating our time—and there’s never quite enough. In episode #119 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, discusses procrastination, estimating time for big projects, budgeting time for maintenance, and other areas where organizing intersects our perception and management of time.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


In Search of Balance: Managing Your Time, Energy, and Priorities


Creating a home that supports the life you love is what organizing is all about! But if you’re working to clear a backlog and cultivate habits to reduce future clutter, it can be hard to find the time and energy for much else. In episode #110 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, suggests strategies to balance the competing priorities of clearing clutter and enjoying your best life.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Get Off to a Strong Start (or Restart) in GO Month 2022


January was Get Organized month—a time when many people embark on new decluttering goals or try to revive projects where they’ve gotten stuck. If you’re not sure where to start—or restart—we’ve got you covered. In episode #105 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, offers pointers to set yourself up for decluttering success or breathe new life into stalled organizing plans.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.
