Product Review: The 5th Dimension Password Keeper
If you’re like me, you have trouble remembering all your computer and website passwords. Every trick I try to make it easier to remember them compromises the security of the password—if it’s easier for me to remember, then it’s easier for someone else to hack it.
What’s the next option? I write them down in a little notebook somewhere and put it near the computer. Paper is hack-proof via the internet, but if someone is near the computer, then they’re near the little notebook with all the passwords in it. It’s a dilemma for all of us, but I’ve discovered another option—The 5th Dimension Password Keeper, by Michael Pipkins.
Michael Pipkins has written an easy-to-read booklet that offers a hack-proof and theft-proof way to store your passwords. He’s designed a method in which you memorize an area on a grid, or a “key,” instead of the passwords themselves. The grids are pages in the booklet, and you can keep the booklet right by the computer, but no one else can tell what your password is even if they look in the booklet. All you have to do is assign each website or computer password to a grid page in the booklet, and use the area on the grid that you’ve memorized to find your password for that page.
Bottom line—you remember one thing, and it covers you for all your passwords. It’s really a clever idea! If you have trouble remembering your passwords, or you just want to feel like they’re more secure, this book is a good option. Check it out at*. There are even how-to videos to explain the concept if that works better for you. Let me know if you decide to try it!
*Note: As of 8/31/19, the 5th Dimension Password Keeper web site is not in service. But the booklet is for sale on
The 5th Dimension Password Keeper offers a hack-proof and theft-proof way to store your passwords.