- Announcing dates for 2016 Houston Clutter Coaching MeetupsThe Clutter Fairy announces dates for 2016 meetings of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup group.
- The Clutter Fairy on Houston LifeThe Clutter Fairy’s Gayle Goddard was a guest on the June 19, 2017, Houston Life show. Gayle shared common mistakes people make when they try to get organized.
- The Clutter Fairy Returns to Houston LifeThe Clutter Fairy’s Gayle Goddard was a guest on the June 18, 2018, Houston Life show. Gayle shared quick tips you can use every day to get a little more organized.
- Creative Reuse in Organizing on Keeping You OrganizedThe Clutter Fairy’s Gayle Goddard was a guest Smead’s Keeping You Organized podcast. Gayle talked about one of her favorite ways to make your clutter someone else’s treasure: donation for creative reuse.
- Clutter-conscious Gift-giving | Virtual organizing | Holiday gap organizing strategiesThe Clutter Fairy talks about clutter-conscious holiday gift-giving, working with clients virtually, and leveraging the holiday break to get ahead on 2020 organizing.
- Organizing with a planner | Story-editing & small habits recap | “One in, one out”The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for using a daily planner to keep your organizing projects moving forward, revisits the topics of “story-editing” and cultivating small habits, offers our Tip of the Week (“One in, one out”), and gives a quick preview of an upcoming topic: Clutter & Aging.
- Clutter and aging | Family photos and videos | “Where do I start?”The Clutter Fairy explores clutter-related issues that arise with aging and suggests strategies that you and your family can adopt to ease the burden of future clutter. We address viewer questions about how to get started decluttering when the project seems overwhelming and discuss ideas for storing and sharing precious family photos and videos.
- Preserving family history | The white elephant table | Maintaining organizing momentumThe Clutter Fairy takes a deeper dive into the topic of preserving family photos, videos, and stories to pass down. We also discuss using a “white elephant” exchange to share unwanted items with people who might get more use out of them than you do, and offer strategies to keep moving—or get moving again—if you’re ...
- Declutter for downsizing | White-elephant trunk | The math of downsizingThe Clutter Fairy examines the situations that lead us to downsize and offers guidance on key areas of our homes and lives where we can look for opportunities to downsize collections. She also responds to viewer questions and feedback and offers her Tip of the Week on “the math of downsizing.”
- The clutter life-cycle | Book review: Swedish death cleaning | Packrat heritageThe Clutter Fairy explores the “clutter life-cycle”—a way of framing the psychological issues around clutter in terms of the decision-making that happens throughout the life-cycle of a possession. She also responds to viewer feedback and reviews the 2018 book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning.
- Digital declutteringThe Clutter Fairy tackles digital clutter—the accumulation of data beyond what we can reasonably keep and manage. She talks about common sources of digital clutter to watch out for and offers strategies for getting them under control.
- Your questions: Reducing collections | Other people’s opinionsThe Clutter Fairy responds to viewer and listener questions about dealing with other people’s input on your organizing projects, reducing your collections, and more.
- Alternatives to buying stuff | Digital decluttering routinesThe Clutter Fairy discusses alternatives to buying more stuff, such as borrowing from or sharing items with family and friends; making use of lending libraries, rental stores, and maker spaces; and adjusting our thinking about what we need to own.
- Organizing tight spaces | Favorite tools and materialsThe Clutter Fairy offers tips for organizing tight spaces—stuffed closets, packed attics, and bulging basements. She also talks about a few of her favorite organizing tools and materials.
- Self-talk for an uncluttered lifestyleThe Clutter Fairy suggests rethinking the way we talk about ourselves and our clutter in order to shift our habits and behaviors. She also talks about more creative uses for zip-lock bags in organizing.
- Sorting paper to get ready for tax timeThe Clutter Fairy offers strategies for getting paper piles under control in preparation for filing tax returns. She shares advice for clearing your paper backlog and creating systems to manage paper on a day-to-day basis.
- Keep organizing projects on track in challenging timesThe Clutter Fairy discusses strategies for keeping your organizing projects on track in challenging times. She offers advice for minimizing stress and increasing cooperation for all of us who’ve found ourselves suddenly homebound.
- Resistance to organizing and ways to overcome itThe Clutter Fairy tackles the question, “Why, when I have so much time on my hands, am I still not motivated to organize?” She identifies sources of our resistance to organizing and ways to overcome it.
- Moving on a tight schedule | More self-talkThe Clutter Fairy offers strategies for expediting your sorting and packing project when you’re under pressure to move house in a short timeframe. She also revisits self-talk for an uncluttered lifestyle.
- Life-changing effects of declutteringThe Clutter Fairy describes potential life-changing effects of decluttering—small (and large) ways in which your life might be different after organizing. She also discusses the delicate balance between stuff from your past and the needs of your present life.
- Make lemonade: Use stay-at-home time to improve yourself and your spaceThe Clutter Fairy reflects on ways people are making the best of the COVID-19 lockdown. She also answers viewer and listener questions.
- Organizing room by room: the home officeThe Clutter Fairy offers a step-by-step strategy for organizing your home office space. She also answers viewer and listener questions.
- Organizing room by room: the garageThe Clutter Fairy offers a step-by-step strategy for reclaiming the usable space in your garage—or other storage space of last resort. She also talks about examining the rationalizations we use for keeping too much stuff, such as “I’m keeping this for my family.”
- Organizing room by room: the master bedroomThe Clutter Fairy suggests strategies for transforming your master bedroom from a stress-inducing mess into a peaceful sanctuary. Viewers introduce her to the buzzwords “floordrobe,” “floorage,” and “fledroom.”
- Organizing room by room: the bathroomThe Clutter Fairy breaks down the causes of restroom clutter and offers a step-by-step strategy for reclaiming bathroom space. She also revisits tricks for managing cast-off clothing.
- Organizing room by room: the kitchenThe Clutter Fairy discusses sources of kitchen clutter and offers ideas for planning or reclaiming your organized kitchen. She also talks cookbooks and suggests strategies for long-term food storage.
- Organizing room by room: alternative storage spacesThe Clutter Fairy unpacks the clutter issues of deep storage—backyard sheds, storage units, parents’ houses, second homes, attics, and basements. She also answers a viewer question about creativity in the kitchen.
- Organizing room by room: the guest roomThe Clutter Fairy offers a strategy for balancing the role of the guest room as a place to host visitors with all the other ways we (and our cats) use our multipurpose spaces.
- Motivation and momentum: keep your organizing project movingThe Clutter Fairy offers tips for finding motivation and creating momentum on a long-term organizing project when the progress feels slow in coming.
- Ain’t No Big Thing: Organizing Small SpacesThe Clutter Fairy offers strategies for solving the special organizing problems that come with living in very small spaces.
- Finding Boundaries Between You & Your Stuff: Clutter and Self-imageThe Clutter Fairy talks about clutter and self-image: how the lines between you and your stuff get blurred, and how to start seeing the boundaries clearly again.
- Metrics and Milestones: Measuring Your Organizing ProgressThe Clutter Fairy offers suggestions on ways to measure, track, and report your decluttering progress.
- Beanie Babies, Snow Globes, and Imperial Stormtroopers: Collection or Chaos?The Clutter Fairy talks about origins of the impulse to collect and how to get the collecting beast under control.
- The Allure of the Sale: Coupon-Clipping and Bargain-HuntingThe Clutter Fairy talks about how to shift your thinking to become a more conscious shopper and resist the allure of the sale.
- The Rose-Colored Mirror: Clutter in the Quest for StyleThe Clutter Fairy talks about how to get control of your wardrobe without giving up your personal style. She introduces strategies to find the right fit for your space, budget, and lifestyle.
- Crafts, Hobbies, and Sports: Get Out of What You’re No Longer IntoThe Clutter Fairy talks about how to think about changes in our interests, evaluate the debris thereof, and let go of the old to make room for new passions.
- Escaping the Stacks: A Saner Approach to Books and MagazinesThe Clutter Fairy talks about bringing the book-buying impulse into line with how much you actually read and explores what to do after you’ve read all those literary gems.
- Yes, You Really Can Go Paperless—MostlyThe Clutter Fairy offers tactics for reducing your paper load and working your way toward a paperless lifestyle.
- Guiding Principles for Your Philosophy of DeclutteringThe Clutter Fairy talks about how to identify the guiding principles for your own personal philosophy of decluttering.
- Unpacking Our Baggage: Clutter and EmotionsThe Clutter Fairy talks about emotions—the positive ones that can support the organizing process and the negative ones that interfere with our ability to declutter.
- One Bite at a Time: Clutter and HabitsThe Clutter Fairy discusses habits—the routines or patterns of behavior that lead to bringing in or holding on to too much stuff, and how to cultivate better habits for preventing and reducing clutter.
- Complex Choices: Ethical and Environmental Questions About ClutterThe Clutter Fairy asks ethical and environmental questions that can guide and influence our relationships with stuff.
- A Decluttering Philosophy: Putting it All TogetherThe Clutter Fairy looks for practical approaches to reduce the clutter coming in and to deal effectively with the stuff we already have.
- Just What IS Clutter, Anyway?The Clutter Fairy explores the many criteria by which we may identify and categorize clutter for ourselves and the people with whom we share our spaces.
- Clear Your Clutter, Love Your Life: Organize for Positive ChangeThe Clutter Fairy suggests how the decluttering process can serve as a release from bad feelings and a trigger for brightening your emotional landscape.
- Looking Through Rose-colored Glasses: Sentimentality and ClutterThe Clutter Fairy examines the rationalizations we use to hold on to things and suggests an approach to decision-making that balances sentimental value with our real-world conditions of time, space, and resources.
- Money, Money, Money: The Problem with Monetary ValueThe Clutter Fairy discusses definitions of value and factors that complicate our thinking about monetary value as it relates to the decluttering process.
- Holding On and Letting Go: Ownership, Gift-Giving, and ValueThe Clutter Fairy talks about ownership, gift-giving, and how our judgments of value impact our decision-making about what we keep and what we’re willing to let go.
- Embrace Your Reason for the Season: Decluttering Holiday PreparationsThe Clutter Fairy suggests lightening your load and brightening your life by focusing holiday preparations on what the season means to you.
- Stop the Fire Hose! Prevent Clutter at the SourceThe Clutter Fairy suggests simple and subtle habit changes that will make a big difference in your clutter landscape.
- A Kind, Forgiving, Charitable, Pleasant Time: Declutter Via DonationThe Clutter Fairy suggests ways to lighten the clutter load during the giving season through donations to friends, family, neighbors, and charitable causes.
- Guilt-free Task Management: Make Your To-do List Work for YouThe Clutter Fairy explores sources of task-management resistance and talks about redesigning your to-do list as a tool for success instead of a catalog of failures.
- Make Space for the Life You Love: Setting Organizing Goals for 2021The Clutter Fairy explains how to leverage clutter challenges as the inspiration and starting point for setting goals and planning organizing projects.
- Season’s Greetings! Self-care Tips for the Holiday SeasonThe Clutter Fairy’s holiday wish is that you’ll set aside a moment for self-care during this season. We hope the season of light brings you good health and good spirits!
- Countdown to 2021: 10 Tips to Wrap Up Your Decluttering YearThe Clutter Fairy offers 10 quick ideas—in the form of a countdown, of course!—for making the most of the last fleeting moments of 2020.
- Child’s Play and Adult Joy: Organizing Your Recipes and CookbooksThe Clutter Fairy offers strategies for filtering and organizing your saved recipes and introduces a new “homework assignment” segment—and a contest!
- Nests, Empty or Otherwise: Reclaiming and Surrendering SpaceThe Clutter Fairy discusses the challenges of finding ourselves with an “empty nest”—and of children or elderly parents moving back into our spaces.
- A Matter of Style: Organizing from a Variety of PerspectivesThe Clutter Fairy discusses a variety of organizing styles and offers suggestions for identifying a decluttering workflow that fits your strengths and needs.
- Clutter to Catastrophe: More Organizing for Safety and Ease of AccessThe Clutter Fairy asks questions that uncover where clutter danger lurks in our homes and offers strategies to improve access and regain peace of mind.
- No Loss of Enthusiasm: Build Motivation for Your Organizing ProjectsThe Clutter Fairy offers strategies for finding—or recovering—the motivation to keep your organizing projects and resolutions going strong.
- Stop Juggling and Start Organizing: Setting Project PrioritiesThe Clutter Fairy discusses setting priorities, one of the key skills for an aspiring “organizing acrobat.”
- Texas Winter Storm Report | Viewer Comments and QuestionsThe Clutter Fairy reports on the winter storm that paralyzed Texas last week and responds to comments and questions from our audience.
- Clutter Hacks: Five-minute Tasks that Pack a Big Decluttering PunchThe Clutter Fairy offers a dozen five-minute tasks to jump-start your clutter-prevention strategy, plus a pet-centered Weekly Tittle.
- Spring Forward: Timely Household Projects for Big Decluttering WinsThe Clutter Fairy looks at often-neglected areas of our homes and lives and offers pointers to help us spring forward in the coming weeks.
- Problem Shopping: The Clutter Fairy Primer on Retail TherapyThe Clutter Fairy examines the phenomenon of “retail therapy” and offers strategies for keeping balance and perspective in our shopping habits.
- All Tied Up in Knots: Creative Clutter Problem-SolvingThe Clutter Fairy offers strategies for cutting through our emotional tangles to arrive at creative, practical solutions to clutter problems.
- Bigger Buckets Revisited: Rethink Your Paper-Filing CategoriesThe Clutter Fairy explores ways to rethink paper sorting and storage by defining “bigger buckets.”
- Moving Stories: Plans and Preparations for the Peak Season of MovesThe Clutter Fairy offers strategies for planning and preparing for a successful move or a major home renovation project.
- Context and Cues: The Science of Habits and the Struggle with ClutterThe Clutter Fairy explores interesting findings from the field of habit research and suggests ways to apply these ideas to our clutter challenges.
- From Aerobics to Zumba: Organizing for Fitness and FunThe Clutter Fairy offers strategies for organizing clothing, gear, and accessories for relaxation and fitness to maximize your fun and benefits.
- Sharing Space: Strategies for Reducing Household Conflict and ClutterThe Clutter Fairy examines how relationships complicate organizing challenges and suggests ways to improve communication, negotiation, and cooperation to reduce household clutter conflict.
- Bags, Baskets, and Bins: Favorite Organizing Tools and MaterialsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explains how a few carefully selected organizing products can make a world of difference in your space and shares a few current favorites.
- The Way We’ve Always Done It: Assumptions, Expectations, and ClutterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines the assumptions and expectations we inherit from our family or culture—or entrench in our own habits—and offers fresh perspectives on our must-have stuff.
- Curveballs and Crossroads: Rethinking Our Stuff in Changing TimesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the transitions that disrupt our lives and suggests ways to adjust our thinking and behavior around stuff to help us move forward.
- Clutter and Quicksand: When Stuckness Stalls Your Organizing ProgressWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines the many flavors of decluttering stuckness and suggests strategies for extracting yourself from the mire.
- Back to the Basics: A Clutter Fairy Recap of Organizing FundamentalsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy revisits the basic steps in the decluttering process and how to apply them to your cluttered space.
- No Accounting for Taste: Decluttering Decor for Your Evolving StyleWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy identifies the behaviors that lead to decor clutter and suggests strategies for cleaning up your “look.”
- The Bee Box: Declutter Your Craft Room for Inspiration and CreativityWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explains key principles for organizing an art or craft workspace and offers tips to keep your creativity flowing.
- For What It’s Worth: Assessing Value in the Struggle Against ClutterWatch the YouTube video: Next week:The ABCs of Clutter: An Alphabet of Organizing Ideas The Clutter Fairy examines value-based emotional responses and habits of thought that sabotage our ability to get or stay organized.
- The ABCs of Clutter: An Alphabet of Organizing IdeasWatch the YouTube video: Join us July 13 for:Choreography for Clutter: More Tools for Setting Project Priorities The Clutter Fairy sets a challenge: to identify and explain an organizing concept, issue, or tip for every letter of the alphabet.
- Talking Back to the Cloud: Comments and Questions from Our AudienceWatch the YouTube video: Join us next week for:Choreography for Clutter: More Tools for Setting Project Priorities The Clutter Fairy responds to audience comments about clutter negotiations, e-mail bankruptcy, catch-and-release shopping trips, and why Gayle doesn’t need to spy on you.
- Choreography for Clutter: More Tools for Setting Project PrioritiesWatch the YouTube video: Join us next week for:Leader of the Unpack: Empty Your Boxes & Start Strong in a New Space The Clutter Fairy offers principles for setting organizing priorities to help you “choreograph” your work on a variety of spaces and projects.
- Leader of the Unpack: Empty Your Boxes & Start Strong in a New SpaceWatch the YouTube video: Join us next week for:Bulky Bags and Itty-bitty Bottles: Organizing for Vacation Travel The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for unpacking a recent move (or the remnants of an old one) to optimize the use and enjoyment of your new space.
- Bulky Bags and Itty-bitty Bottles: Organizing for Vacation TravelWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers pointers for right-sizing your packing to prepare for stress-free vacation travel. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us August 10 for:Trap Doors and Rabbit Holes: Special Issues of Clutter-Prone Spaces
- Off to Work We Go! Assembling Your Organizing ToolkitWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers tips for assembling an organizing toolkit so you’ll be equipped to face almost any clutter challenge. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Trap Doors and Rabbit Holes: Special Issues of Clutter-Prone Spaces
- Trap Doors and Rabbit Holes: Special Issues of Clutter-Prone SpacesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explains why problematic spaces collect so much clutter and suggests strategies for trouble-shooting these special organizing issues. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Winds of Change: Organizing as a Tool for Self-reflection and Growth
- Winds of Change: Organizing as a Tool for Self-reflection and GrowthWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines how change impacts our relationship to stuff and explores how to leverage the organizing process as a means to accept and adapt to change. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:The Kid Zone: Organizing Playrooms and Children’s Bedrooms
- The Kid Zone: Organizing Playrooms and Children’s BedroomsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for organizing children’s bedrooms and playrooms, plus tips for managing man-caves and she-sheds. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Independence, Safety, Security, Comfort: Organizing to Age in Place
- Independence, Safety, Security, Comfort: Organizing to Age in PlaceWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy considers the pros and cons of “aging in place” from an organizing perspective and offers strategies for preparing your home for the future you. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Overcoming Barriers: Simple Ways to Get Unstuck and Start Organizing
- Overcoming Barriers: Simple Ways to Get Unstuck and Start OrganizingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy shares simple techniques to short-circuit negative thinking, get unstuck, and start reclaiming your space and your life. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Unintentional Collections: The Stashes We Gather Without Even Trying
- Unintentional Collections: The Stashes We Gather Without Even TryingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy identifies sources of unintentional collections and offers solutions for getting them under control. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:The Great Outdoors: Organize Your Garage, Balcony, Patio, or Shed
- The Great Outdoors: Organize Your Garage, Balcony, Patio, or ShedWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy talks about the kinds of clutter that spill out of our homes and into our garages, patios, balconies, and sheds and shares ideas for making those spaces useful again. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:The Value Equation: Mental Models for Making Sense of Our Clutter
- The Value Equation: Mental Models for Making Sense of Our ClutterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines mental models that contribute to the complexity of keep–toss decisions and offers strategies for making choices that work for your life. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Uncluttered Home for the Holidays 2021: Tips for a Peaceful Season
- Uncluttered Home for the Holidays 2021: Tips for a Peaceful SeasonWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy focuses on streamlining the holiday season for you and your loved ones and offers simpler, less stressful, less-cluttered approaches to holiday gift-giving, decorating, and entertaining. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Estate of Confusion: Clear Estate Clutter (and Plan to Prevent It)
- Estate of Confusion: Clear Estate Clutter (and Plan to Prevent It)Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy shares stories from the estate-clutter trenches and suggests ways to make the clearing process easier for yourself, your spouse, your parents, and your own children or heirs. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Resistance is Not Futile: Avoid or Escape the Consumerism Mindset
- Resistance is Not Futile: Avoid or Escape the Consumerism MindsetWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy talks about the effects of consumerism on clutter and offers strategies for resisting the onslaught of advertising messages to “right-size” your shopping habits. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:One Day at a Time: Establishing Daily Decluttering Routines
- One Day at a Time: Establishing Daily Decluttering RoutinesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy talks about how to stem the flow of clutter at the source by incorporating key decluttering habits into every day. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Armor for Everyday Life: Trends in Decluttering Your Wardrobe
- Armor for Everyday Life: Trends in Decluttering Your WardrobeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses fresh ways to think about your personal style and offers alternative strategies to make your wardrobe manageable and fabulous. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Form, Function, and Feeling: Creating a Vision for Your Tidy Home
- Form, Function, and Feeling: Creating a Vision for Your Tidy Home (Part 1 of 2)Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy suggests designing a vision for your home to guide your decluttering efforts and to reflect a truer picture of who you are and what you love. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Values, Dreams, and Aspirations: Shaping a Vision for Your Home
- Values, Dreams, and Aspirations: Shaping a Vision for Your Home (Part 2 of 2)Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy integrates your values, dreams, and aspirations into the process of shaping a vision to clarify and guide your decluttering efforts. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Make Room for the Life You Love: Setting Organizing Goals for 2022
- Make Room for the Life You Love: Setting Organizing Goals for 2022Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explains how to turn obstacles into the starting points and motivation for setting concrete goals and planning new organizing projects. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Clarify Boundaries to Keep Focus in Your Organizing Efforts
- Clarify Boundaries to Keep Focus in Your Organizing EffortsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy clarifies the distinctions between clearing clutter, organizing, and tangential household tasks and offers strategies for keeping focus as you pursue organizing goals. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Putting Projects on Hold | Self-care Tips for the Holiday Season
- Putting Projects on Hold | Self-care Tips for the Holiday SeasonWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for keeping focus and commitment for projects that we’ve put on hold. We also share a holiday gift of self-care tips! Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on January 4 for:A Defining Moment: What “Clutter” Means in Your Life and Home
- Season’s Greetings from Our Family to Yours—Happy 100th Episode!Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy thanks our clients, patrons, friends, family, viewers, and listeners for your generous support and wishes you a joyous and peaceful holiday season filled with love and light! Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on January 4 for:A Defining Moment: What “Clutter” Means in Your Life and Home
- Make Changes You Can Love: Reframing Your New Year’s ResolutionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explains reasons why New Year’s resolutions fail more often than they succeed and suggests more effective ways to frame changes you want to make in your life. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on January 4 for:A Defining Moment: What “Clutter” Means in Your Life and Home
- A Defining Moment: What “Clutter” Means in Your Life and HomeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines several definitions we can use to identify and categorize clutter and looks at how our understanding of the word impacts our approach to organizing. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Clearing Decluttering Clutter: Find an Approach that Works for You
- Clearing Decluttering Clutter: Find an Approach that Works for YouWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores popular approaches to organizing and explains how to choose a strategy that matches your levels of motivation, ability, and available time. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Decluttering on a Budget: Tips and Tricks to Organize for Less
- Decluttering on a Budget: Tips and Tricks to Organize for LessWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy shares a collection of lower-cost organizing strategies for the do-it-yourself organizer on a budget. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Get Off to a Strong Start (or Restart) in GO Month 2022
- AARP Family Caregivers Discussion Group: Decluttering Tips for CaregiversGayle Goddard took part in a chat with the AARP Family Caregivers Discussion Group. Enjoy decluttering advice from Gayle, Sharon Lowenheim, and Amy Tokos.
- Get Off to a Strong Start (or Restart) in GO Month 2022Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers pointers to set yourself up for decluttering success or breathe new life into stalled organizing plans. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:I’ve Got a Feeling: When Emotions Complicate the Organizing Process
- I’ve Got a Feeling: When Emotions Complicate the Organizing ProcessWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines negative feelings that complicate decluttering and offers encouragement to put positive emotions to work in the process. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Spread Too Thin, Piled Too High: Clutter in the Sandwich Generation
- Spread Too Thin, Piled Too High: Clutter in the Sandwich GenerationWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the unique clutter challenges facing the Sandwich Generation and suggests strategies for balancing these competing priorities. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Function Conjunction: Clutter Issues in Multiple‑Use Spaces
- Function Conjunction: Clutter Issues in Multiple-Use SpacesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines the organizing issues of multi-function spaces and offers strategies for optimizing your use of these versatile rooms. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Many Hands: How to Ask for Decluttering Assistance (or Offer Yours)
- Many Hands: How to Ask for Decluttering Assistance (or Offer Yours)Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers guidance on asking for help with your decluttering projects or offering your assistance to others who need it. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:In Search of Balance: Managing Your Time, Energy, and Priorities
- In Search of Balance: Managing Your Time, Energy, and PrioritiesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy suggests strategies to balance the competing priorities of clearing clutter and enjoying your best life. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Because You’re Worth It: Decluttering as Self‑care
- Because You’re Worth It: Decluttering as Self‑careWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy reframes decluttering as a form of self-care and offers tips for supporting your most important organizing helper: you. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Decluttering Your Home’s Hiding Places
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Decluttering Your Home’s Hiding PlacesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy unpacks the mysteries of hidden spaces and offers strategies for keeping them in our awareness and under control. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Spring into Decluttering: 20 Tiny Projects to Start Moving Forward
- Spring into Decluttering: 20 Tiny Projects to Start Moving ForwardWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy looks at often-neglected corners of our lives and shares a list of simple tasks where you can score big decluttering wins. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Organize for the Unplanned: Prepare for Crises Before They Arrive
- Organize for the Unplanned: Prepare for Crises Before They ArriveWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses how to plan and prepare to minimize the impact of clutter emergencies caused by an unexpected move, illness, death, or disaster. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:The Power of Words: Understand and Reframe Your Clutter Language
- The Power of Words: Understand and Reframe Your Clutter LanguageWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines words that we use to talk about our cluttered lives and shares insights into how to reframe language to clarify our relationship with stuff. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Decluttering with Bigfoot: Organizing Myths versus Reality
- Decluttering with Bigfoot: Organizing Myths versus RealityWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy uncovers the realities hiding behind popular myths and misconceptions about decluttering your stuff. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on May 5 for:Tight Spots, Tiny Budgets: Outfitting Dorm Rooms and Apartments
- Tight Spots, Tiny Budgets: Outfitting Dorm Rooms and ApartmentsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers low-cost, space-saving suggestions for organizing starter apartments, dorm rooms, and other compact spaces. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Routine Maintenance: Keep Your Organizing Machine Running Smoothly
- Routine Maintenance: Keep Your Organizing Machine Running SmoothlyWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the hows and whys of powerful maintenance habits to stem clutter before it starts. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Race Against the Clock: Time Issues and Organizing
- Race Against the Clock: Time Issues and OrganizingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses procrastination, estimating time for big projects, budgeting time for maintenance, and other areas where organizing intersects our perception and management of time. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:A Space of One’s Own: Organizing for Peace of Mind
- A Space of One’s Own: Organizing for Peace of MindWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers suggestions for clearing the worst trouble spots, opening constructive conversations with the people who share your space, and moving toward a more peaceful environment. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Head Over Heart 3: Algorithms to Filter Our Stuff to Fit Our Space
- Head Over Heart 3: Algorithms to Filter Our Stuff to Fit Our SpaceWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy revisits decluttering algorithms—simple, practical rules that can help us set aside some of the emotions and gain more clarity in our decision-making. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on June 14 for:Throwing Off Sparks: The Konmari Method in Philosophy and Practice
- Throwing Off Sparks: The KonMari Method in Philosophy and Practice 1Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines the Marie Kondo approach to organizing and talks with people who’ve used the KonMari Method about how it worked for them (or didn’t). Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Life-changing Magic: The KonMari Method in Philosophy and Practice 2
- Life-changing Magic: The KonMari Method in Philosophy and Practice 2Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy continues to explore the Marie Kondo approach to organizing and talks with people who’ve used the KonMari Method about their experiences. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:The Work of Tidying: The KonMari Method in Philosophy and Practice 3
- The Work of Tidying: The KonMari Method in Philosophy and Practice 3Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy wraps up our examination of the work of Marie Kondo in conversation with audience members who’ve tried the KonMari Method. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Hot Fun in the Summertime: Organize Your Hobby, Art, or Craft Space
- Hot Fun in the Summertime: Organize Your Hobby, Art, or Craft SpaceWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy shares strategies for organizing creative and play spaces to get the most fun and relaxation from your hobby, art, or craft. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Recipe for Success: Organize Your Kitchen for Food, Family, and Fun
- Recipe for Success: Organize Your Kitchen for Food, Family, and FunWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines the problem of kitchen clutter and suggests strategies for streamlining the heart ofyour home. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Clean as a Whistle: Decluttering Solutions for the Bathroom
- Clean as a Whistle: Decluttering Solutions for the BathroomWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy delves into the sources of restroom clutter and offers solutions for keeping your bathroom efficient, organized, and relaxing. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Time for a Change: Declutter and Streamline Your Clothes Closets
- Time for a Change: Declutter and Streamline Your Clothes ClosetsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy excavates clutter issues in clothes closets and offers tips for organizing your wardrobe to support your style—and lifestyle. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Balancing Work, Life, and So Much More: Clutter in the Home Office
- Balancing Work, Life, and So Much More: Clutter in the Home OfficeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores clutter issues in home offices and workspaces and offers strategies for seeking “workspace/lifespace” balance. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Common Clutter: Living Rooms, Sitting Rooms, Family Rooms, and Dens
- Common Clutter: Living Rooms, Sitting Rooms, Family Rooms, and DensWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines the challenges in common areas of the home and offers advice for optimizing shared spaces for family comfort and enjoyment. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:From Rat’s Nest to Restful Retreat: Mastering the Bedroom
- From Rat’s Nest to Restful Retreat: Mastering the BedroomWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers tips for transforming your main bedroom from a stress-inducing mess into a tranquil refuge. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda: The Nagging Problem of Incompletions
- Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda: The Nagging Problem of IncompletionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines the nature of incomplete projects and suggests strategies for moving them off your to-do list and out of your head. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Clutter in Cyberspace: Declutter and Organize Your Digital Stuff
- Clutter in Cyberspace: Declutter and Organize Your Digital StuffWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores sources of digital clutter and offers strategies for getting email under control. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:You and Your Stuff: Crafting a Philosophy of Decluttering
- You and Your Stuff: Crafting a Philosophy of DeclutteringWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy identifies key concepts to incorporate as you craft a personal philosophy of decluttering. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Holding on Tightly or Letting Go Lightly: Clutter and Emotions
- Holding on Tightly or Letting Go Lightly: Clutter and EmotionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy unpacks positive and negative emotions that influence our choices and suggests ways to leverage emotions in managing our clutter. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Eating an Elephant: The Power of Habits in a Decluttered Life
- Eating an Elephant: The Power of Habits in a Decluttered LifeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses the role of habits in keeping us stuck in our clutter or giving us the power to make meaningful change in our homes and our lives. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:A World of Complex Choices: Ethical Considerations About Clutter
- A World of Complex Choices: Ethical Considerations About ClutterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy asks ethical, social, and environmental questions that can guide and influence our relationship with stuff. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Everything Depends on Execution: Decluttering Philosophy at Work
- Everything Depends on Execution: Decluttering Philosophy at WorkWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy reviews the elements of the “personal philosophy of decluttering” and offers practical tools to clarify decision-making. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Less Work, More Peace: Uncluttered Home for the Holidays 2022
- Less Work, More Peace: Uncluttered Home for the Holidays 2022Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy suggests strategies to streamline the holiday season for yourself and your loved ones with simpler, less stressful, less-cluttered approaches to gift-giving, decorating, and entertaining. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: A Cornucopia of Short Topics and Your Questions
- AUA: Walk-in Closets, A Place for Everything, Downsizing as We AgeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses walk-in closets, “a place for everything,” downsizing as we age, and hiring professional cleaners for extreme-clutter situations. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:A Detour Down Memory Lane: Declutter Stuff with Sentimental Value
- A Detour Down Memory Lane: Declutter Stuff with Sentimental ValueWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores sentimental clutter and offers tips for balancing sentimental value with our real-world conditions of time, energy, space, and resources. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Unfinished Projects, Micro-/Macro-organizers, Common Mistakes
- Ask Us Anything: Unfinished Projects, Micro-/Macro-organizers, Common MistakesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses micro- versus macro-organizing styles, common organizing mistakes, and how many unfinished projects is too many. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Significant Others: Organizing with (or in spite of) Other People
- Significant Others: Organizing with (or in Spite of) Other PeopleWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses how to work with—or around—spouses, children, parents, roommates, or any other people who contribute to clutter to our homes. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:A Season for Edits: Make Space for the 2023 Version of Your Life
- A Season for Edits: Make Space for the 2023 Version of Your LifeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy suggests taking a personal inventory focused on clearing space for wonderful new things in your life in 2023. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Motivation; Organize Papers for Tax Season; Stuff for Company
- Ask Us Anything: Motivation; Organize Papers for Tax Season; Stuff for CompanyWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses cultivating and renewing motivation, organizing papers for tax preparation, stuff we keep to be ready for company, and more. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Landmarks and Losses: Organizing Around Life’s Memorable Moments
- Landmarks and Losses: Organizing Around Life’s Memorable MomentsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses how to face the special clutter issues that arise around life’s traumatic events, disruptions, and major milestones. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Favorite Things, Shared Workspaces, Listen to Your Clutter
- Ask Us Anything: Favorite Things, Shared Workspaces, Listen to Your ClutterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses a focus on favorites, organizing shared workspaces, and answers the question, “What is your clutter trying to tell you?” Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Hit Pause on Organizing Projects | Self-care for Holiday Stress
- Hit Pause on Organizing Projects | Self-care for Holiday StressWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy suggests strategies for maintaining commitment to projects that we’ve placed on hold—plus self-care tips for the chaotic holiday season! Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on January 10 for:Our first webcast of the new year! Topic(s) to be announced
- Gayle Presents Her “Nice” List for 2022 | Happy Holidays!Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy thanks our clients, patrons, subscribers, viewers, and listeners for your support this year and wishes you a peaceful holiday season! Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on January 10 for:Celebrate “Get Organized Month” by (re)Starting Organizing Projects
- Drink a Cup o’ Kindness: Happy New Year from The Clutter Fairy!Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy pledges to support and encourage our community in making 2023 your best decluttering and organizing year yet! Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Celebrate “Get Organized Month” by (re)Starting Organizing Projects
- Celebrate “Get Organized Month” by (re)Starting Organizing ProjectsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for planning and implementing a rock-solid organizing project. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Creative Destruction: Craft a Strategy to Organize Almost Any Room
- Creative Destruction: Craft a Strategy to Organize Almost Any RoomWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy outlines a process for analyzing the contents, purposes, and layout of a room to create a decluttering and organizing strategy. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Clearing Big Stuff | Art & Craft Spaces | Getting Out the Door
- Ask Us Anything: Clearing Big Stuff | Art & Craft Spaces | Getting Out the DoorWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses how to declutter large, cumbersome items, recaps art or craft space organizing, and offers tip to help you get out the door. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Shifting Ground: How Life Changes Complicate Your Clutter Landscape
- Shifting Ground: How Life Changes Complicate Your Clutter LandscapeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy talks about keeping your organizing mojo and momentum even when life changes make you feel as if the ground is moving beneath your feet. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Food, Form, and Function: Organizing Your Kitchen and Pantry
- Food, Form, and Function: Organizing Your Kitchen and PantryWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the sources of kitchen clutter and offers strategies to optimize your kitchen to fit your food habits, tastes, and lifestyle. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Breaking Up is Hard | Tiny Bathrooms | Why We Procrastinate
- Ask Us Anything: Breaking Up Is Hard | Tiny Bathrooms | Why We ProcrastinateWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores why it’s hard to break up with your stuff, organizing a tiny bathroom, and why we procrastinate—and how to break the cycle. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Organizing for Lawn and Garden Season | Challenges of Downsizing
- Organizing for Lawn and Garden Season | Challenges of DownsizingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses decluttering and organizing for lawn and garden season, the emotional and logistical challenges of downsizing, and more. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Shoestring Organizing: Declutter and Organize on a Tight Budget
- Shoestring Organizing: Declutter and Organize on a Tight BudgetWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers suggestions for lower-cost (or free!) strategies and solutions for the do-it-yourself organizer on a modest budget. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Breaking Down a Big Project | Paper Primer | Part of the Landscape
- On the Spot: Ed Flies Solo to Answer Audience QuestionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy Weekly co-host Ed Gumnick answers audience questions about his decluttering journey, sentimental items, minimalism, and more. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Breaking Down a Big Project | Paper Primer | Part of the Landscape
- Breaking Down a Big Project | Paper Primer | Part of the LandscapeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses keeping control of big projects, a short primer on paper management, and stuff that’s become part of your landscape. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:The Clutter Fairy Weekly #160—Topics to be announced soon!
- Organizing Now for Future Stuff | Decluttering Your Command CenterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers a simple plan for decluttering your “command center” and discusses how to organize now with future acquisitions in mind. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:NAPO 2023 Summit Report | A Case Study in “Tetris Organizing”
- NAPO 2023 Summit Report | A Case Study in “Tetris Organizing”Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses the pitfalls of Tetris organizing and suggests alternatives that are easier to use and maintain. Plus a NAPO 2023 Summit report! Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:Spring Into Action: Small Cleaning Projects to Refresh Your Home
- Spring Into Action: Small Cleaning Projects to Refresh Your HomeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy shines daylight into neglected corners of our homes and offers a list of simple tasks to kick off your spring cleaning regimen. Visit our web site for all the details.
- Efficiency versus Effectiveness | How to Avoid Decluttering BurnoutWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the distinction between efficiency and effectiveness and addresses the problem of decluttering burnout. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:Everything Must Go! Decluttering Strategies for Your Next Move
- Everything Must Go! Decluttering Strategies for Your Next MoveWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explains how to optimize planning, packing, and moving your household; also: leverage moving strategies even when you’re staying put. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:May Is for Motivation: How to Energize Your Organizing Projects
- May Is for Motivation: How to Energize Your Organizing ProjectsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for finding—or creating—the motivation to keep your organizing projects and commitments going strong. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:Cradle to Cane: Advantages of Organized Space in All Life’s Stages
- Cradle to Cane: Advantages of Organized Space in All Life’s StagesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy talks about how people of almost any age can benefit from a clear, clutter-free home. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:Irreplaceable: Managing Family Photos, Heirlooms, and Memorabilia
- Irreplaceable: Managing Family Photos, Heirlooms, and MemorabiliaWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for managing family photos, heirlooms, and other “priceless” memorabilia. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:Life Is a Journey: Prepare and Pack for Smooth Vacation Travel
- Life Is a Journey: Prepare and Pack for Smooth Vacation TravelWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers tips for planning, packing, and preparing for lower-stress vacation travel. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:Make Space for Your Best Life: Declutter for Health and Well-being
- Make Space for Your Best Life: Declutter for Health and Well-beingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses impacts of clutter on our physical, emotional, and psychological health and the health benefits of taking control of our spaces. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:Clutter Klatsch Virtual Coworking Session
- What Are Your Clutter Set Points, and How Can You Change Them?Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy talks about how we arrive at clutter set points—the “right” volume of stuff for our needs—and how we can change them. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:Rethink and Reframe Your Clutter Language: The Power of Words 2
- Rethink and Reframe Your Clutter Language: The Power of Words 2Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines words we use to describe our clutter and suggests reframing language for a clearer insight into our stuff and our lives. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week:Tick, Tock: Set Realistic Time Expectations for Organizing Projects
- Tick, Tock: Set Realistic Time Expectations for Organizing ProjectsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the complexities of estimating and allocating time for organizing work and suggests ways to set realistic time expectations. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on July 11:The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Topic to Be Announced Soon!
- Reimagine Your Space to Break Free from the Clutter Status QuoWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy suggests shaking up your clutter status quo and offers strategies to reimagine your space for progress on decluttering and organizing. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on July 11:Peace Process: Reducing Household Conflict, Confusion, and Clutter
- Peace Process: Reducing Household Conflict, Confusion, and ClutterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores how other people complicate our organizing and offers tips to improve communication, negotiation, and cooperation about clutter. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Clutter and Recidivism: How to Avoid Re-stuffing Unstuffed Areas
- Clutter and Recidivism: How to Avoid Re-stuffing Unstuffed AreasWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines ingrained behaviors of “clutter recidivists” and suggests strategies for breaking patterns that lead back to clutter. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Clutter Dangers: Organize for Safety, Mobility, and Ease of Access
- Clutter Dangers: Organize for Safety, Mobility, and Ease of AccessWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy uncovers the dangers lurking in our clutter and offers tips for optimizing space for safety, mobility, health, and ease of access. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Low-hanging Fruit: Easy Wins to Start or Restart Your Decluttering
- Low-hanging Fruit: Easy Wins to Start or Restart Your DeclutteringWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers a few simple criteria for assessing your stuff and suggests easy starting places to “thin the herd.” Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Stem the Tide: Tips to Prevent or Reduce Clutter at its Sources
- Stem the Tide: Tips to Prevent or Reduce Clutter at its SourcesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines clutter “origin stories” and suggests simple and subtle behavioral changes that can make a big difference in your clutter landscape. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Viewer and Listener Questions and Orphan Topics
- Ask Us Anything: Viewer and Listener Questions and Orphan TopicsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers viewer and listener questions and discusses short topics suggested by our audience in response to past surveys. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:A Rock and a Hard Place: Facing Difficult Organizing Challenges
- A Rock and a Hard Place: Facing Difficult Organizing ChallengesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores factors that make the hardest organizing projects and tasks so difficult and offers strategies to help you face those challenges. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:A Hard Bargain: More of Your Most Difficult Organizing Challenges
- A Hard Bargain: More of Your Most Difficult Organizing ChallengesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores more factors that make organizing projects and tasks difficult and suggests strategies to help you face those challenges. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Sharpen Your Tools: How to Organize for Arts, Crafts, and Hobbies
- Sharpen Your Tools: How to Organize for Arts, Crafts, and HobbiesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines stuff that accumulates from hobbies, arts, and crafts and offers strategies for keeping “crafty clutter” from spoiling our fun. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. We’re taking next week off, but we’ll be back for our next episode on September 26. Watch you email ...
- Are We Ever Finished Decluttering? Organizing With No End in SightWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy ponders the question of whether we’re ever finished decluttering and offers tips for setting goals that keep you engaged and motivated. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Feeling, Meaning, Value: Untangling Emotional Attachment to Stuff
- Feeling, Meaning, Value: Untangling Emotional Attachment to StuffWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy scrutinizes sentimental clutter and offers tips for balancing emotional attachment with real limitations of time, space, and resources. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Yours, Mine, Ours: Sharing or Delegating Responsibility for Clutter
- Yours, Mine, Ours: Sharing or Delegating Responsibility for ClutterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses how to manage and share responsibility for clutter among interested parties with clear communication and gentle negotiation. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Keep the Clutter, or Give it Away? Value, Gifting, and Donation
- Keep the Clutter, or Give it Away? Value, Gifting, and DonationWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses gifting, donation, and how our notions of value impact our decision-making about what we keep and what we’re willing to let go. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Get Your Motor Running: Is Decluttering a Journey—or a Destination?
- Get Your Motor Running: Is Decluttering a Journey—or a Destination?Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy talks traveling light, planning your route (or relying on serendipity), and enjoying the decluttering journey as well as the destination. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Smiling Faces and Warm Wishes: Decluttering the Holiday Season
- Smiling Faces and Warm Wishes: Decluttering the Holiday SeasonWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers ideas to streamline the holidays for your family with simpler, less stressful, less-cluttered approaches to holiday preparations. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Deep-Storage “Solutions”—Why Forgotten Is Not the Same as Gone
- Deep-Storage “Solutions”: Why Forgotten Is Not the Same as GoneWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses the problems with out-of-sight, out-of-mind caches and unpacks ways to get the deep-storage monkey off your back. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Thin the Herd: A Clutter Fairy Guide to Talking About Organizing
- Thin the Herd: A Clutter Fairy Guide to Talking About OrganizingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy presents a primer of beloved Gayle-isms and lots of other useful phrases that help us keep focus in our organizing and decluttering work. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Plan Ahead: Hit the Reset Button for You and Your Space in ...
- Plan Ahead: Hit the Reset Button for You and Your Space in 2024Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses hitting reset on organizing projects, pros and cons of resolutions, and tips for planning a successful “Get Organized Month.” Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:We’re Listening: The Clutter Fairy Answers Your Survey Questions
- We’re Listening: The Clutter Fairy Answers Your Survey QuestionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers viewer and listener questions and discusses short topics suggested by our audience on our surveys and through our other channels. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us today for:Ask Us Anything: More Viewer/Listener Questions and Short Topics
- Ask Us Anything: More Viewer/Listener Questions and Short TopicsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy is back with more viewer and listener questions and short topics suggested by our audience in our surveys and through our other channels. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us today for:Balancing Functionality and Aesthetics in the Organizing Process
- Happy Holidays from The Clutter Fairy Family to You and Yours!Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy thanks our clients, patrons, viewers, and listeners for your generous support and wishes you a joyous and peaceful holiday season! Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us January 9, 2024:The Clutter Fairy Weekly: First 2024 topic to be announced soon!
- Three Strategies to Kick Off Your Best Organizing Year Yet in 2024Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy pledges to support and encourage our community in making 2024 your best decluttering and organizing year yet! Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us January 9, 2024:A Game You Can Win: Using Gamification in Your Organizing Process
- A Game You Can Win: Using Gamification in Your Organizing ProcessWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the pros and cons of gamifying your organizing process and suggests ways to set yourself up to win big. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us January 23, 2024:Good Questions: What to Ask Yourself as You Evaluate Your Stuff
- Good Questions: What to Ask Yourself as You Evaluate Your StuffWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the power of questions to unpack clutter issues and suggests queries that can get to the heart of our toughest challenges. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Just Right: Keeping Decor from Exacerbating Your Clutter Problem
- Just Right: Keeping Decor from Exacerbating Your Clutter ProblemWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines ways that decor can lead to clutter and suggests strategies for right-sizing your decorative choices. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Why We Procrastinate and What We’re Planning to Do About It…Later
- Why We Procrastinate and What We’re Planning to Do About It…LaterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores procrastination and avoidance behavior and suggests tips and techniques for breaking an unproductive cycle. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Love Me, Love My Clutter: Organizing Styles and Relationships
- Love Me, Love My Clutter: Organizing Styles and RelationshipsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines ways in which attachment to stuff complicates relationships and offers strategies to defuse conflict and hold space for love. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Spring Is in the Air: Leap into Cleaning with a Plan for Success
- Spring Is in the Air: Leap into Cleaning with a Plan for SuccessWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy peeks into often-neglected corners of our lives and shares a list of simple cleaning chores where you can rack up big spring wins. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Convenience vs. Clarity | Avoiding Consumerism | Cluttered Siblings
- Convenience vs. Clarity | Avoiding Consumerism | Cluttered SiblingsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses balancing convenience and clarity, how to avoid consumerist messages, and organizing and cluttering styles among siblings. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Look Good on Paper: Control the Influx and Manage What You Keep
- Look Good on Paper: Control the Influx and Manage What You KeepWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines habits, behaviors, and attitudes that lead us to keep more paper than we need and offers pointers for purging your paper piles. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:It’s the Little Things: The Organizing Challenges of Small Items
- It’s the Little Things: The Organizing Challenges of Small ItemsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for corralling the collections of small items that present big organizing challenges. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Recognize and Avoid the Slippery Slope that Leads Back to Clutter
- Recognize and Avoid the Slippery Slope that Leads Back to ClutterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the tendency to relapse into cluttering behaviors and offers tips for maintaining good habits and routines to stay organized. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us on April 9 for:How Much Lining Does an Empty Nest Need? and Other Good Questions
- How Much Lining Does an Empty Nest Need? and Other Good QuestionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses not-quite-empty nests, Earth Day organizing, and other questions and short topics suggested by our viewers and listeners. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Vicious Cycle: Clutter as a Symptom and Cause of Negative Emotions
- Vicious Cycle: Clutter as a Symptom and Cause of Negative EmotionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for working around or through negative emotions to move your projects forward no matter where you’re starting from. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Your Best and Your Worst: Household Sweet Spots and Problem Areas
- Your Best and Your Worst: Household Sweet Spots and Problem AreasWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores household problem areas and clear zones and offers strategies for working toward a whole house that’s a clutter-free sweet spot. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Answers to Your Questions, Plus Ultra-short Topics
- Ask Us Anything: Answers to Your Questions, Plus Ultra-short TopicsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers your questions about culinary plants, journal collections, and old clothes and covers other topics suggested by our audience. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Down, But Not Out: The Clutter Fairy Guide to Downsizing
- Down, But Not Out: The Clutter Fairy Guide to DownsizingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the challenges of shifting to a smaller space and applies downsizing lessons to “right-sizing” the stuff in our cluttered homes. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Mindful Shopping: Don’t Let Retail Therapy Add to Your Clutter
- Mindful Shopping: Don’t Let Retail Therapy Add to Your ClutterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the perils of “retail therapy” and offers strategies for bringing mindfulness, balance, and care to our shopping habits. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Tangled Up in Knots: Creative Problem-Solving for Stubborn Projects
- Tangled Up in Knots: Creative Problem-Solving for Stubborn ProjectsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers bold approaches for cutting through emotional tangles to arrive at creative, practical solutions to intractable clutter problems. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Declutter to Go: Strategies for Move Planning, Packing, and Moving
- Declutter to Go: Strategies for Move Planning, Packing, and MovingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers tips to optimize planning, packing, and moving your household or leverage moving strategies to declutter even while staying put. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. We’re taking a week off, but we’ll be back for our next episode on June 11. Watch you email ...
- A Brighter Emotional Landscape: Declutter for Positive ChangeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explains how the decluttering process can help us release bad feelings and work toward a more positive emotional environment. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us on June 18 for:Time to Hit the Road: Plan, Prepare, and Pack for Low-Stress Travel
- Time to Hit the Road: Plan, Prepare, and Pack for Low-Stress TravelWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers advice for planning, packing, and preparing for minimum-stress, maximum-fun vacation travel. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Well Begun is Half Done: Organize to Optimize Your Daily Routine
- Well Begun is Half Done: Organize to Optimize Your Daily RoutineWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores ways to streamline our homes and habits to support healthy and productive daily routines. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Clutter vs. Productivity: Organize to Optimize Your Daily Routine 2
- Clutter vs. Productivity: Organize to Optimize Your Daily Routine 2Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy continues our discussion about ways to streamline our homes and lives with healthy, effective habits and routines. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Forgotten, But Not Gone: Identify and Clear “Outdated Clutter”
- Forgotten, But Not Gone: Identify and Clear “Outdated Clutter”Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the sources and causes of “outdated clutter”—stuff that’s overstayed its welcome but still takes up valuable space in our homes. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us on July 30 for:Ask Us Anything: Viewer and Listener Questions and Brief Topics
- Ask Us Anything: Viewer and Listener Questions and Brief TopicsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers questions about unsolicited opinions, green decluttering, and “just in case” stuff, plus short topics suggested by our audience. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Identity Clutter: Stuff That Affects Who We Are or Want to Be
- Identity Clutter: Stuff That Affects Who We Are or Want to BeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses sources of identity clutter and offers strategies for letting go of stuff without damaging our sense of self. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:All the Right Moves: Fresh Perspectives on Packing and Moving
- All the Right Moves: Fresh Perspectives on Packing and MovingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses best practices of move planning, packing, moving, and unpacking from the fresh perspective of having moved to her new house. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us on September 3 for:Clutter Redux: How to Shift the Habits that Lead to Re-cluttering
- Clutter Redux: How to Shift the Habits that Lead to Re-clutteringWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines habitual behaviors of “clutter recidivists” and suggests strategies for breaking patterns that lead back to clutter. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Procrastination, Help Moving, Organizing Legos
- Ask Us Anything: Procrastination, Help Moving, Organizing LegosWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers your questions about Legos, organizing moving help, and procrastination, plus more short topics suggested by our audience. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Planes, Trains, Automobiles…and Your House: Organizing Small Spaces
- Planes, Trains, Automobiles…and Your House: Organizing Small SpacesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy offers tips and techniques for getting the most and best use out of your small spaces. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Helping Hands, Capsule Wardrobes, Digital Photos
- Ask Us Anything: Helping Hands, Capsule Wardrobes, Digital PhotosWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers questions about capsule wardrobes, digital photos, and offering organizing help, plus more short topics suggested by our audience. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Simplify, Relax, and Enjoy: Decluttering Your 2024 Holiday Season
- Simplify, Relax, and Enjoy: Decluttering Your 2024 Holiday SeasonWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy helps streamline the season for you and your loved ones with simpler, more relaxing, less-cluttered approaches to holiday preparations. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:A Roadmap for Downsizing: Planning for Your Smaller, Simpler Life
- A Roadmap for Downsizing: Planning for Your Smaller, Simpler LifeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explains how to plan for a smaller living space and applies downsizing lessons to “right-sizing” the stuff in our cluttered homes. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Stories We Tell About Our Stuff: Organizing Myths versus Reality
- Stories We Tell About Our Stuff: Organizing Myths versus RealityWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy uncovers the realities hiding behind popular myths, misconceptions, and limiting beliefs about decluttering and organizing our stuff. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:You Minus Your Stuff: Visualize and Create a Clutter-less Life
- You Minus Your Stuff: Visualize and Create a Clutter-less LifeWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores how clutter interferes with our “best lives” and suggests strategies for gaining more clarity about and control over our stuff. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Ask Us Anything: Short Topics and Viewer and Listener Questions
- Ask Us Anything: Short Topics and Viewer and Listener QuestionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers viewer and listener questions and discusses short topics suggested by our audience on our surveys and through other channels. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week:The Clutter Fairy Weekly—topic still to be determined
- Ask Us Anything: Short Topics and Viewer and Listener QuestionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers viewer and listener questions and discusses short topics suggested by our audience on our surveys and through other channels. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us tomorrow for:Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day: Consumerism, Clutter, and Choice
- Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day: Consumerism, Clutter, and ChoiceWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses the effects of consumerism on clutter and offers strategies to resist consumerist influences to right-size shopping practices. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Be Thankful for What You Do (and Don’t) Have: Gratitude and Clutter
- Be Thankful for What You Do (and Don’t) Have: Gratitude and ClutterWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores the role of gratitude in our decision-making and the work of decluttering and organizing. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:A Clutter Carol: How Ghosts of Past and Future Haunt Our Present
- A Clutter Carol: How Ghosts of Past and Future Haunt Our PresentWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines how nostalgia and plans for every possible future contribute to clutter and suggests ways to clear space for a rich present life. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:How Many Is Too Many? Setting Limits on Your Stuff | Short ...
- How Many Is Too Many? Setting Limits on Your Stuff | Short TakesWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy contemplates the question “How many is too many?” and discusses other short topics suggested by our viewers and listeners. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Strategy for Success: Make a Plan for a More Organized 2025
- Strategy for Success: Make a Plan for a More Organized 2025Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explores how to choose, plan, and strategize your next big—or small—organizing project. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us on January 7 for:Back to Basics: The Clutter Fairy Reviews Organizing Fundamentals
- Happy Holidays! Self-care Tips for the Festive SeasonWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy’s holiday wish is that you’ll set aside time for self-care. May this season of light bring you good health and spirits! Visit our web site for all the details. Join us on January 7 for:Back to Basics: The Clutter Fairy Reviews Organizing Fundamentals
- Happy New Year! Crowd-sourced Inspiration to Energize Your 2025Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy shares our audience’s favorite inspirational sayings and affirmations—and where we find our motivation. Visit our web site for all the details. Join us next week for:Back to Basics: The Clutter Fairy Reviews Organizing Fundamentals
- Back to Basics: The Clutter Fairy Reviews Organizing FundamentalsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy reviews the basic process you can follow to succeed with any decluttering and organizing project. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us on January 7 for:Heart of the Home: Declutter and Organize Your Kitchen and Pantry
- Heart of the Home: Declutter and Organize Your Kitchen and PantryWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy slices and dices the problem of kitchen clutter and suggests recipes for streamlining the heart of your family’s life. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Modify Your Mindset for More Productive Decluttering and Organizing
- Modify Your Mindset for More Productive Decluttering and OrganizingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy examines the impact of mindset on decluttering and suggests strategies to shift our thinking to be more growth-oriented and productive. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Re-cluttering Anxiety | Thrifting | Lasting Effects of Decluttering
- Re-cluttering Anxiety | Thrifting | Lasting Effects of DeclutteringWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers viewer and listener questions and discusses short topics suggested by our audience in our surveys and through other channels. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Bumps in the Road: How Major Life Events Complicate Our Organizing
- Bumps in the Road: How Major Life Events Complicate Our OrganizingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy explains how major events confound our efforts to organize and suggests strategies for keeping momentum in spite of life’s interruptions. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Significant Others: Decluttering with (or in Spite of) Other People
- Significant Others: Decluttering with (or in Spite of) Other PeopleWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses how to work with—or around—the other people who contribute to clutter in our homes. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Excavate the Welcome Mat: Declutter and Organize for Entertaining
- Excavate the Welcome Mat: Declutter and Organize for EntertainingWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy talks about what guests need from us and suggests ways to start entertaining even if your space is still a work in progress. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Paper Problems: Pile-purging Practices for Productivity and Peace
- Gayle Unscripted: What Do We Really Need? and Other QuestionsWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy answers audience questions about the nature of need, shopping, keepsakes, estate/auction sales, breaking down large projects, and more. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Paper Problems: Pile-purging Practices for Productivity and Peace
- Paper Problems: Pile-purging Practices for Productivity and PeaceWatch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy discusses the reasons we keep more paper than we need and offers pointers for purging your personal paper piles. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Book Club: Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism (Sasaki)
- Book Club: Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism (Sasaki)Watch the YouTube video: The Clutter Fairy reviews Goodbye, Things and discusses the lessons we can take from this popular book about a minimalist approach to decluttering. Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle. Join us next week for:Give Stuff Away Through Creative Donation, plus More Short Topics