The Clutter Fairy Weekly Survey #188 Results
Decluttering Your Holiday Season
Below are the results of our survey about audience experiences related to the topic for episode #188 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly. If you haven’t already done so, please take the survey.
To Holiday or Not to Holiday?
We asked our audience, “Do you celebrate any holidays in the period from late-October to early-January?”
Note: Hover over any pie slice in the chart to see the text of the answer and the number of respondents who selected that answer. (Mobile users: Click on the slices for details.)
Ready or Not…
We asked our audience, “How ready is your home for any decorating, gift-wrapping, and/or holiday entertaining that you have planned?”
Note: Hover over any pie slice in the chart to see the text of the answer and the number of respondents who selected that answer. (Mobile users: Click on the slices for details.)
To view the detailed survey response from any respondent, click on their name in the table below. (You may also find it easier to read long responses in the detailed view.)
Name (click to view full survey response and comments) | Do you celebrate any holidays in this part of the year? | What is your FAVORITE part of the holiday season, and why? | What is your LEAST FAVORITE part of the holiday season, and why? | How ready is your home for any holiday activities that you have planned? | Describe the feeling, emotional state, or “vibe” you’d like for your home to convey…. | What gift would you most like to receive this year? |
Gigi | Yes | family get-togethers | cleaning up afterward | I could start the celebrations tomorrow! | Our family rents an Air-BNB where we all gather to celebrate so the focus in more on each other than the decorations. We decorate the table and that's enough. We enjoy the simplicity and skip the additional stress. | If my active-duty military family members could come home for Christmas that would be a truly treasured gift. |
Cookiedough | Yes | Just eating and sitting talking is my favorite part | Buying gifts every year. Try to pick up items through sales during year | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | Working on it and in process of painting walls lighter, adding light fixtures, decluttering, and moving furniture | My spouse to take over housework and cooking for a year or more! |
Anonymous user | Yes | Having my family over | Getting presents | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | Welcoming, festive, comfortable, clean | A trip to visit my son in Greece with all prep and packing done for me- a direct flight-1st class, my daughter would come too and we would stay at our friend’s Villa |
Anonymous user | Yes | Spending time with friends and family, especially on Thanksgiving. It doesn’t really matter about the food as much as it matters about the fellowship. | The years I have to travel. My families all spread out and we take turns traveling to see each other for at least Thanksgiving or Christmas. | I could start the celebrations tomorrow! | Welcoming and casual. Just want my home to be a place where people can relax and be themselves | A family vacation |
Pat | Yes | Decorating, putting up door wreaths, getting out mini lights to put in vases and around baskets is my favorite activity! It changes tge mood of the house and surroundings. | Shopping: I no longer do this to wrap gifts and mail. Instead I send e-gift cards by email and no postage either. Get get to pick out needs/wants. | Other | Vibe is happy and content with the many beautiful things we have collected in our Denver home. I get out my ‘Old West’ decor from when we lived in AZ and I purchased many ornaments. This brings back great memories of 1970s when we lived there. Thus tree is in entry hall and gets many comments due to the unique irbanebrs of this tree. | Peace and no war anywhere in world. People to be safe. |
Ellen S. | Yes | Traditions with friends, like an ugly sweater pub crawl and an ornament exchange. | Financial pressures and being overly busy | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | Warm, welcoming, relaxing, joyful | I’d like a cute house in my name without mortgage payments. |
rowan | No | |||||
rowan | No | the weather. Each year I watch A Christmas Memory with Geraldine Page and A Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim. And I love the weather. I have lived on and off with my housemate for 40 years and we both stay home for holidays. And I shop! This year so far 20 pairs of primaloft snow pants and 8 puffer jackets to a homeless shelter (calvin klein is excellent quality for the price). There are more jackets on ebay, I may not be able to resist...... | nothing I can think of. | I don’t celebrate any holidays at this time of year. | neither of us do guests so it is a non-issue | Someone to help me go round to the churchs to promote buying warm clothes for people who are homeless, last night we had frost on the large garbage bins. |
Liana | Yes | Nostalgia about Christmas as a kid and actual time off to relax. | Gift giving expectations. I wish we could just visit with family and spend money on the food, rather than gift giving. | I’ll never be ready, but I’ll celebrate anyway, whatever state my space is in. | I want to have my home ready for company and I want to have all gifts ready long before Christmas so I am relaxed/at peace with my space and my efforts this season. | A new Apple laptop and new art programs. I just reread your question. I have always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower. |
Margy | Yes | Thanksgiving because of our food traditions and it is the start of the season. Also, tree lighting ceremonies in early December and the arrival of the cold weather! | Least favorite is buying gifts - these days I almost always give cash along with a pretty card or a personal phone call. Now that malls are all but gone, I don’t enjoy shopping much. | I could start the celebrations tomorrow! | I’d like my home to be pretty, warm and cozy. I have worked hard for 5 years to declutter and this year I’ve switched to cleaning mode. I am proud of how much nicer it looks. In the past few months my son has told me twice how nice our home looks now. Between work and health issues, it has been a challenge, but the results over time are amazing. Thank you for your inspiration and consistent encouragement! | I would most love either food or travel with family. Does not have to be fancy, expensive or elaborate |
Mar | Yes | Every year in December we watch the old 1950's version of A Christmas Carol with Alastair Sims. | Picking out I put money into the grandchildren's 529 accounts. | Other | I still want to have a calm and relaxing home without too much "clutter." | I would most love to have all my family together. |
Elizabeth | Yes | I enjoy decorating and having the family home. | As I've gotten older, I find shopping for gifts more stressful than I used to. This despite having fewer family members to buy for. Some people easily find the perfect gifts to give, but it's not easy for me and takes quite a bit of effort. This is especially true for family members who I deem hard to shop for-they have it all! I shop both online and in person. Starting early and working with a holiday planner is a big help. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | I enjoy all the vibrant colors of season in my home. I try to have it look welcoming, cheerful, and smell good! I enjoy baking goodies to share with the young neighbor families and holiday cooking in general. | New family room design and furniture! |
Sue | No | I don't do Christmas or anything | Decorating for's depressing when you take it down.. better to not have put it up | I don’t celebrate any holidays at this time of year. | Calm | Money |
Em | Yes | Christmas Eve candlelight service was my favorite part of the holiday season. I loved the music, candlelight, and spiritual boost. I am no longer able to go to these services, so try to create a substitute for myself, mostly with music. | I have to spend the holiday season alone. People in my family do not invite me to their houses, and when I try to schedule a get-together, they are too busy, even in January. | I’ll never be ready, but I’ll celebrate anyway, whatever state my space is in. | I want my home to say, "home." My fondest memories are arriving at my parents' house for our Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings. For both holidays, the house was always warm and smelling of the feast about to come, and decorated with stuff we'd had since childhood. We'd add our food to the table and gifts to the pile, then wrap in handmade afghans and snuggle into cozy chairs with pre-dinner snacks, for conversation. | I would like to be with family and/or friends rather than be alone for the entire holiday season. Well, if physics and budget don't create limits, let's say my apartment, being scrubbed by a team of maids, would hold all of my brothers, sisters, and cousins, and I could order in a feast. That's what I would like. Instead of being forgotten during the holidays, my house would be the hub of the action for extended family and friends, a running party/open house for three days, complete with people staying overnight. There'd be an elevator for the folks who can't negotiate my stairs, an endless buffet, board games, conversation, hugs, and laughter. My unlimited budget would handle caterers and clean-up, of course, so the middle day could have a sit-down dinner, too. |
Anonymous user | Yes | We host New Year's dinner with lots of complicated dishes, champagne and great wines! | I've cut down A LOT on decorating and gift giving, and yet I still feel I should do more special things. Social/commercial pressure is strong. I know I would LOVE having Christmas-themed dishes but I also know I'll be the one storing everything away for the rest of the year, like the Christmas tree and decorations that I take down and store alone in January. | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | We've made food the focus on celebrations, and going outdoors in the snow. Both make the best pictures, and some meals are still talked about years later. Sharing is the vibe. | Take me back to my grand-parents' house for Christmas. |
Intignia | Yes | The carols, the lights, the food : ) | Sending out Christmas cards. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | Cozy, inviting, and safe. | The Lord has blessed me that I have all that I need/want except for a larger apartment and good health. |
Anja | Yes | I love cozy time with my husband and other loved ones (friends, family). Also I enjoy a little bit of decoration but quite minimal. Singing some christmasy songs is also a joy to me and cookies and other festivy vegetarian food. | I got rid of huge expectations years ago - I go about christmas just as I feel fit for me and my husband. My least favourite part is excessive shopping and gift giving. I rather have a good time with loved ones than worry about gifts and money. It's just not worth it. When I was more than 30 years younger I used to get into debt for gift giving and I am so glad I don't any more! | I could start the celebrations tomorrow! | I enjoy my home when it has a welcoming vibe all the time with laughter and kindness towards everyone. | A grand piano for my husband to play to me Actually a voucher for a gardening service so that the contaminated soil could be replaced by good soil and then I'd love to have a specialist create a permaculture with what we have and also add lots of edible stuff like herbs and raspberries and tomatos... I'd really love that! |
Anonymous user | Yes | Sharing my faith and celebrating with my family. | The extra physical and mental work above and beyond the normal routine. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | I'd like my home to feel like a giant hug to those who cross my threshold just like My Grandparents farm always felt to me. | Time with close family and memories from little simple pleasures and the planned holiday special events |
Deirdra | Yes | I like the Christmas lights the best. | I don't like missing my late husband. He made the holidays so fun. | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | I would like it to be easy to care for and ready for anyone to drop by unannounced. | I would like a trip to Europe. |
Lenette | Yes | The cooler, dryer weather here in central Florida. | The commercialization of Christmas. | Other | Relaxing | A new barn |
Anonymous user | Yes | Thanksgiving because all 19 of us are together (I'm the grandma). | Trying to figure out what gifts to get everyone. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | Welcoming, cozy, plenty of cookies available. Good Christmas music ready. | The joy of having my family all together! I don't need specific thing. |
Anonymous user | Yes | Going in to the fish market at 5am on Christmas Eve with half the city, to get our Christmas seafood, then enjoying a crazy feast with our usually far flung family on the 25th. And least favourite? Being the one to peel those prawns ! Mind you, if you do the prawns you don’t have to wash up. Local rules. | Peeling the prawns! That Christmas card that arrives Dec 24th from some traditionalist you’ve lost contact with and no time left to dig out a card without looking a bit awkward The distress that some are experiencing at that time | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | I hope for the cheerful engagement of others in the small traditions we still enjoy. Trying to avoid the eye rollers and Christmas groaners. | A one off house clean inside and a house wash for the outside. Glorious! |
Vona | Yes | I like the decorations, that makes everything so pretty. Attending churches on Christmas eve, with the beautiful stain glass windows and music. | The shopping, and the crowded stores | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | I live in a small apartment but would like to be organized and ready for anyone who wants to stop by. That is a huge challenge to accomplish. | It would be wonderful to get a kitten for a gift. Unfortunately, my building doesn't allow for pets. |
Noreen | Yes | Remembering childhood memories of preparing and eating Thanksgiving Dinner | Shopping for people who have everything | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | Cozy and good smells | House in the mountains of North Carolina |
Suzanne | Yes | Enjoying get-togethers, the fun and laughter, playing games, and eating a fab meal together, all beginning with the two-cheek kisses and hugs upon meeting. I also treasure December 31 and the days after the 26th, whereupon I am calm, reflective, and time kind of slows. | Cleaning up the kitchen, washing all kinds of dishes, handling what remains of a turkey if there is one. | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | All time is dedicated to warmth, fun, laughter, and playing. It’s not the time for decluttering, cleaning, or worrying. It’s also not the time for pain of any kind - pain is not invited. | Haha, the first thought that sprang to mind was a new kitchen. Upon a 30-second reflection it would be the greatest gift - a fully decluttered home. |
Hila | No | Every year in December I light HAanukkah candles | I don’t celebrate any holidays at this time of year. | I don't like to be at home at holiday. I prefer to travel in park or museum | I want to grow greenhouse of plants, vegtables and flowers | |
Evelin | No | staying at home and watching Disney movies | there´s a lot of work at my job in December and it´s dark at 4pm (at least here where I live), so I go to work in the dark and I go home from work in the dark. | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | clean ! I don´t want to have people come over when it´s not clean, I don´t want them to be grossed out by my kitchen sink or bathroom | an organizing session with a professional organizer |
Anonymous user | It’s complicated… | Mulled wine. | Everyone talking about being with family. | I don’t do any holiday celebrating at home because of the condition of my space. | Organised, de-cluttered and peaceful. | Good health and a human being to assist with de-cluttering... |
Celina | Yes | I love shopping, but I have to stop myself from doing that in excess, so I love shopping for gifts for other people - no mess in my home, but still some shopping done. Also, I don't buy them crap. I always try to make sure it's useful (e.g. mum's favourite calendar), OR edible (they'll once get rid of the volume). Also, I love crafting, so it's an opportunity to make gift bags, cards by myself. Also, I love cooking for Christmas with my mum. We're from Poland, so there's lots of typical Slavic cooking going on here, and it's fun! | I hate the awareness that everyone drives back home to visit their families and it may beunsafe on the road. The driving part makes me stressful. Although I'm a good and careful driver, there are always some who're afraid they'll be 5 minutes late somewhere, so they drive like crazy. It's more so during the Christmas or All Saint's season. It's ironic when we celebrate the "Dead's Day" in Poland (we visit funerals and Catholics pray for their dead relatives, we don't really have Halloween) and the death rates on the roads are also rising... People rush to visit the dead so much that they themselves become ones. | Other | warm, family-oriented, cozy. | One of those miniature DIY summerhouse sets OR just fruit |
Debra | Yes | I love everything about Christmas—the advent markets all over the city, live music everywhere, meeting friends for Punsch outside at the many Punsch stands, stamping our feet to stay warm, picking out a tree, (rarely available before December 15, since they’re kept up until epiphany,) having friends over, baking, lots of twinkle lights and candles, decorating the tree, everything. | I don’t like shopping at the best of times, for anything, so Christmas gifts are a complete stress, PITA, expensive to purchase and expensive to send. Also— I have almost missed the cut-off date for getting packages to Canada in time for Christmas. I have had gifts arrive in time for Easter. I need to get them off this week. I also don’t like receiving gifts that aren’t highly specific. There ought to be a universal rule that all gifts should be firmly restricted to books, homemade jams and jellies made by bustling women at church ladies’ bazaars, anything knitted by a grandma, and anything hand crafted by someone under 14. There. I just fixed Christmas for everyone. | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | I like my guests to feel welcome, that they can feel warm, cosy, relaxed, well fed, and cocooned without being smothered. Lighting is important for this, and I have layered warm lighting, and dimmers. At Christmas my tiny home has to really readjust even to be able to have a tree, so it’s vital that I keep things very decluttered so there’s visual “room to breathe” for me, and my guests. If every surface has stuff on it, including things in use at the moment, like the kitchen counter, it can feel cramped and tight. I do everything possible before hosting that the food is in serving dishes barring the very last inevitable things, and while guests are arranging themselves to sit at the table I load the dishwasher and run it (it’s silent) while we eat. In the point between the meal and dessert/coffee I unload the dishwasher and load it up again with the plates and cutlery and run it during dessert. I have a bucket of hot soapy water ready to go in the bathroom where my washing machine lives so that the napkins can get tossed straight in as I am clearing up, to pre soak before I wash them the next day. I have a fully developed system because I often host up to 8 people at a time. For years it was weekly. At friends-giving or Christmas there’s more pressure because there’s more emphasis on the traditional food itself, which means a lot more time in shopping and preparation. | A balcony, |
Anonymous user | Yes | I like to look at the Christmas decorations when I am running errands in the evening. | Trying to figure out what people want for Christmas. I usually give gift cards so that my friends and family have something they can use. | I don’t do any holiday celebrating at home because of the condition of my space. | I'd like the home to be warm, inviting and nicely decorated. I want the space to feel comfortable and uncluttered. | A nice wheelchair accessible van so that I can take my mother on trips. For me, money to add to my retirement savings. |
Brenda | Yes | I enjoy Christmas movies and MUSIC I enjoy unusual Christmas music (Hawaiian, Caribbean, novelty) My father had a recording of Hawaiian Christmas music that has become a tradition for me (Took me 20 years to find that same recording it is now on youtube) | Pulling out decorations from the least used (i.e hardest to get to storage So glad when decorations are finished setup phase | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | Warm and inviting Come as you are | A new table I am looking into having one built that will save space and be able to take the place of three different tables It will convert from coffee table to dining table and stay in middle of living room Less to store away and my living room will be less cluttered with three different tables folded away or stashed until they are needed |
Ginger | Yes | My favorite part is gathering with my large extended family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. We 6 sibs take turns hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas each year. Everyone contributes a dish to the menu. We play a gift exchange game. And, my husband and I love the glow from our Christmas tree. That’s an instant holiday spirit boost for us. | Gift shopping used to be my least favorite. I always felt stressed. But, when Covid hit we switched to cash for our daughter, son-in-law and 2 young adult grands. | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | I want to feel our home is warm and inviting. Clean and cozy. Soft holiday music. Scents of apple and cinnamon. A few touches of seasonal decor. | I can’t decide… either an elevator installed in our home or a personal coach. |
Lala | Yes | I love turkey, so turkey day is my favorite! No expectations, no family reunions, just me and my turkey dinner with all the fixin's. | Xmas & Valentine's day (alone, as usual). | Other | Holidays don't matter to me. | A different house and a way to sell all the stuff I have. |
Anonymous user | Yes | Thanksgiving Dinner - preparing and eating with family and friends foods that I only have during the holiday season. It is a chance to gather several family members we see relatively infrequently and share our home. | Cleaning the house in reparation for guests. Because it is boring and a huge undertaking. (Christmas shopping is also high on the "least favorite" list - never know what to get. On the plus side, some years ago we cut off the "kid" generation and now only buy for the "grandkid" generation. [These are actually grand nieces and grandnephews as we have no actual kids/grandkids of our own.]) | I’ll never be ready, but I’ll celebrate anyway, whatever state my space is in. | Want a feeling of peace and relaxation for guests. | A clean house with newly painted walls and all repairs completed. |
Denise | Yes | The food. The movies. Family & Friends. | Driving. I used to drive 4-12 hours each way on both Thanksgiving and Christmas. My parents and in-laws have passed away. I will never drive on a Thanksgiving or Xmas again. | I could start the celebrations tomorrow! | Warm. | I would like a year of only positive news on TV |
Susan Marie | Yes | I enjoy hosting an early Dec Holiday Open House for my friends and close neighbors. I prepare or buy some of the snacks, food, and beverages, and usually most of the people coordinate w me & bring something. We do a Chinese PollyAnna that’s a lot of laughs. Last year the top gift was scratch off lottery tickets, and the booby gift was an at home pregnancy test (understand, we live in a Senior Community!). I also pair guests to work on a trivia game sheet, w prizes for the winning pair. It’s very relaxed, everyone’s in a good mood, & most folks can walk home. | I miss that all my family no longer come together for Thanksgiving or any holidays anymore. People live on both coasts, nieces and nephews are adults & some are married w kids themselves. It’s a different passage of life for us older family members. | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | Warm, inviting, and stress free is the vibe I’d like for myself and others. | The simple gold cross that my mother had worn when she was younger, & gave to me, and which was stolen from my apartment years ago by a neighbor “friend” who I didn’t know was a heroin addict. |
Lela | Yes | My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because it is a holiday where you can slow down and be thankful for what you have, rather than shopping and searching for gifts, candy, etc. I love spending time with family and eating home-cooked food. Simple pleasures. | I hate the focus on gifts with holidays like Christmas because I don’t want more stuff in my home. I also don’t like putting up and storing all the decorations when it is over. | I could start the celebrations tomorrow! | Love, joy, safety, & comfort. | Time with my loved ones… and perhaps a small home with tons of windows on a quiet piece of land in the countryside. Lol |
Lisa | Yes | Watching my kids open their stockings is my favorite part of Christmas day. We load their stockings up with all their small gifts (individually wrapped of course) and they love opening them. | I always go over budget during the holidays. And trying to keep the kids amounts equal/even is stressful. | I don’t do any holiday celebrating at home because of the condition of my space. | I'd love my home to be Warm, Loving, welcoming. During the holidays and always. | A housecleaner for life! Lol! Actually I'm hoping for a smartwatch. I'm trying to take better care of myself and want a pedometer so I figured a smartwatch is the way to go! |
Jeanne | Yes | Natural decor with a bit of red ribbon. No money, nothing store and compostable. Certain carols or classic music Some vintage tree ornaments we have had since new!( we are vintage). old movies of the black and white kind. | The consumerisam and garishness of much of it. | Other | Our home has always been cozy and joyful. We were very licky to have each other and were like minded about our celebrations we shared. | I do not have any material wishes. |
Kathy | Yes | The handmade ornaments my children made in school. We don't exchange gifts anymore our presence is our gift. Going out and looking at Christmas lights. We do breakfast so my grandson can attend other holiday gatherings waffles can be very creative. | Watching younger generation tiring trying to keep up with all directional. Pulls. | I could start the celebrations tomorrow! | Peace.... Time for each of my family and quests. They feel valued and loved. | None of the christmas strings stop working and need to be replaced in the cold. A surprise of someone wanting to create a moment with me coffee, christmas light viewing.... |
Peggy | Yes | I informed my entire family several years ago that I no longer wanted to exchange gifts, that I don’t want or need anything. This goes for all holidays, even birthday and Valentine’s Day. The family embraced it with regard to me (the extended family give gifts to each other) and I am much happier | Christmas, but only because of the hubbub going on around me (sales and seemingly constant advertising, the push for more more more!!!) | Other | Cozy vibe with Christmas tree or soft lighting for other holidays. | Massage! |
Sarah | It’s complicated… | Every year, about now, i find myself squirreling away "gifties" and putting post~it notes | The holiday season is a mental storm for me. I think that's the reason they exist: to distract the children from the coldest, darkest time of year in the greatly populated Northern Hemisphere. So, they're a good distraction for little children and parents and grandparents! I enjoy them, too, but my least favorite part is when i lose my grip on reality because of the constant .... frenzy?! | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | Just two days ago, i finally saw the light... the light you have been mentioning for years in video after friendly, understanding video::: i gave away the clothes in my closet that no longer physically fit on my body. Now I'm shedding stuff like melting snow off a sun warmed roof in the Spring! So, it is a lot tidier! Out go the hoarded rubber~stamp collection, save my very favorites, to my cousin the school teacher. Out go my 6" x 8" stack of unopened art frames i bought on sale in the early 1990s to my retired mother... I'll help her to frame her favorite 4" x 6" flower photographs, of which she has thousands?/hundreds! ... Et cetera... Et cetera.... Et cetera!!! I don't need what I'm not using!!!! Gayle, ... Ed, .... I know now why i was stockpiling objects::: i saw each as a 5 dollar bill in case i was alone and hungry. Honest::: i have been running a store Feeling desperate to give to my parents is what opened the mental lock Due to Depression era values (parents born in 1930s) .... you know the story! Save, save, save! I have not only the holiday season, but my landladies' annual inspection soon, and thanks to A.) putting like with like for 3 years or so B.) my stepmother encouraging me to throw away warehoused food packages (cute and surely useful!), glass jars, paper and plastic bag collections, plus office supplies i was not using (including packages of gorgeous, designed copy paper with only 3 sheets left in plastic wrapper), lots of saved mailing containers!, 20 odf brand new bubble mailing envelopes, dozens of return address labels (separated by 5 digit versus 9 digit zip codes!) Etc etc etc!!! Good stuff went to charity... Other stuff went to the dumpster! And some stuff i could not let go, and yet had no present use for, went to my stepmother's barn! (Having this "out" made the whole thing possible. Otherwise, I would not have agreed to it! Also, she didn't require me to go through my clothes closet or my books. And she let me keep my crafts supplies after almost giving them all to charity, because i had deep second thoughts....) That was all in March, April, and May of 2023. Now, 6 months later, I've magically become able ... willing and able ANd EXCited to give away MORe! to people who can actually put this store house of good stuff to USe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bless you both! Patient. Kind. I'm forever indebted | |
Anonymous user | Yes | My favourite part is the get-togethers, either family or friends or whoever. For Christmas dinner , we often invite people that would normally be alone. Maybe it’s someone who’s working that day and is away from home, or their partner is working and they would be alone, or maybe they live alone and wouldn’t necessarily have a big meal. It’s always a mixture of people and everybody thinks it’s marvellous fun. | I hate not being able to spend Christmas with my children and their families. We’re just too far apart. | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | I’d like people to feel welcome and relaxed. | I’d like to have our children home. It’s been nearly 9 years since they were home at the same time. |
Anonymous user | Yes | Seeing family in the cool weather if we are lucky. The rest of it can go in the trash haha but truthfully I really despise all of the commercial stuff and busyness of the season | Decorating can go in the trash. Holiday baking can go in the trash. Shopping can go in the trash. Crowds and Christmas music can go in the trash. Wrapping gifts should be banned | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | Peaceful, calm, the smell of oranges and spices boiling on the stove, maybe some instrumental soft music playing. Clean living spaces, good food and a pristine bathroom that I don't have to share with a grandson and a daughter to keep clean | A vacation away from my family. I love them I just need a break |
Diane | Yes | Getting together with family and friends | Figuring out where and how to celebrate since we all have have moved away and downsized. | I’ll never be ready, but I’ll celebrate anyway, whatever state my space is in. | Peaceful cozy fun | If money was no object I would like to receive the help of a fantastic talented crew to declutter and finish a bunch of projects around the house (insulate the garage and make it a hang out place, new windows installed; new gutter’s, re-side the house; fix the cellar so it doesn’t leak; get a dumpster to take away a bunch of stuff, then deep clean the house and windows and fix any odd thing that comes up in the process and do some landscaping so my husband and I can take a vacation instead of doing all the work ourselves as we usual do - If I can’t get that I’d like a gift certificate to go out to dinner |
Lauren | Yes | Watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas - perfection in 22 animated minutes - as well as Home Alone and Miracle on 34th Street (original, not the dreadful 90s remake.) | Gave up buying presents years ago but send off 20ish boxes of baked goodies. I don't mind the time involved but the cost of ingredients and shipping adds up substantially. | I could start the celebrations tomorrow! | I want a peaceful home year round. Holiday decor is minimal - fall or Christmas tablecloth, Christmas tree, and outdoor lights. | A new car. Odds of getting most wanted present are exactly zero. |
Ellen in W Michigan | Yes | Seeing all of my family: Siblings, nieces & nephews, great nieces & nephews, as well as my own kids and grandkids. We low key celebrate several family birthdays in December along with Christmas the weekend before Christmas weekend. | I no longer Christmas shop and usually don't do a lot of elaborate cooking or baking, so the worst part for me is worrying about whether I should attend or not when the weather/roads are bad. | Other | I prefer a peaceful, restful, holy feeling in my home. I do very minimal decorating and indulge in candles many evenings. If I have guests, I want a feeling of restful welcoming and enjoyment of being together. | The news that my apartment remodeling is going forward and will be completed by summer? Within reason: an electric blanket or an outing with my daughter to shop for clothes and have dinner together. |
Anonymous user | Yes | My favorite part is when it’s over. | Having to go to the obligatory work party. I also don’t like all of the scurrying around from Labor Day to the end of the year. It’s too hectic and I am always glad when it’s over and I can relax and enjoy the winter season. | Other | Quiet, serene. | I have a few books that I would like and I also would like a computer. There is a game I love but can’t play it on the system I currently have but to buy a new computer at their current ridiculous prices for mainly one game doesn’t make fiscal sense at this time. I’m retired, hubby still works and we both want him to be able to retire in a few years. So if Elon would like to send me a new gaming system, I would graciously accept. |
Judy | Yes | Our special church service--reminds me of the reason we celebrate Christmas. | getting things out of the attic--getting harder and harder to do as I age | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | bright, pretty, and cheerful, with not to much to dread in putting stuff away afterwards--and safe for my kitties! | several days with an organizer |
Jean | It’s complicated… | I like having Christmas treats and watching Christmas Vacation! | Everyone gets stressed and shopping is too expensive now. Seems obligatory rather than fun. | I don’t do any holiday celebrating at home because of the condition of my space. | Calm. | Funding for 2024! |
Summer | Yes | Thanksgiving To me, it is easier than Christmas because only foods--no gifts, church, etc. | Awkward family situations. Overspending. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | PEACEFUL | Gift card to the SPA!! |
Lynn | Yes | Thanksgiving is my favorite. No expectations of gift giving or receiving, not as much commercialism, opportunity for preparing and sharing good food and traditions. | I dislike the commercialization of Christmas and the expectation of money spent on gifts equating love. Am not religious so don't enjoy that aspect of it. I do enjoy the decorating and caroling. These later years it is an emotional reminder of family and friends who are no longer alive and are greatly missed. I feel lonely during this holiday even if have people around me. | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | Lots of warmth, good scents and comfortable. | Freedom from the responsibilities of inherited pet ownership so I have less cleaning requirements and more opportunities for longer roadtrips and travel. My mom's dogs are 15 years old now so perhaps this will be the year. I love them but look forward to the freedom. |
Cathie | Yes | Xmas tree | Not seeing anybody, anymore. Husband's health keeps us at home. Everybody is too busy to visit | Other | Calm & pretty. I have sold or given away 90% of my holiday decor this year. So. I have only the nicest ites left to use or put out. | A main floor bathroom, so I can stay here with my husband's mobility issues. |
Anonymous user | Yes | Every Thanksgiving (we live in Wisconsin) we drive down to have Thanksgiving dinner with some very special friends in Illinois: a couple who had five children who are all now married and have children in addition to others. This year we'll be able to bring a special friend from Kenya. The time spent together is wonderful and Martha Stewart would be impressed as well. I look forward to it all year long. | 1. I hate the cultural pressure to buy "the perfect gift" for everyone and their brother...even your house! 2. I love my DH, but this year I'm going to press to get a Christmas tree (long story). Simple is okay, but after four years without one, I can't handle it anymore. I found a friend who has one who is willing to give it to me--then she won't need to drive it to Minnesota to give to a daughter. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | Warmth and peace | My DH to tell me I can decorate the walls any way I want to. I have some very creative ideas, but I don't know if he'll "go" for them. All I need is paint and corralling the items I want to hang, in addition to making a stencil. |
Janice | No | I jut like being home and enjoy decluttering, now that I am good at thinning the herd. | Rude shoppers | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | I want my home to be an oasis of all things cozy, welcoming and cuddly. Like, being able ( and I am) to find all of the ingredients for made-from-scratch hot cocoa with marshmallows and candy cane sprinkles at a moments notice. I cook a lot so kitchen organization is most important to me. I actually use a lot of gadgets and have a place for them. I would like a guest to be able to cook along with me. | A greenhouse for my backyard to overwinter my lemon trees in Michigan. |
Yvonne | Yes | I look forward to snuggling in on the couch in front of the Christmas tree with a nice cup of tea and watching a Christmas movie. | I hate being the one stuck making the holiday dinner. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | Warm, cozy, inviting and relaxing. | RETIREMENT!! Haha |
Anonymous user | Yes | Christmas Eve used to be the day the whole family would gather together. Recent years, it’s been difficult, so we’ve created new traditions. Last year, I “traded” help with a friend. I cleaned her bathroom & she decorated my Christmas tree. It was such a blessing for both of us! | When the family calls, stating they can’t make it. To not have the energy to accomplish the preparations. Telling myself to take it easy; it doesn’t have to be homemade or perfect. (I can stress myself out.) | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | Calming, fun, relaxing. | Don’t know of anything that’s fun. Mine are too serious. I’m content overall. I’m looking forward to seeing my sister this Christmas and my son returning for a few days. That was fun years ago. |
Evelina | Yes | My favorite part of the holiday season is gift hunting, gift giving and catching up with friends that I rarely get to see during the year. | Hosting holiday meals with family (and participating to holiday meals with family) is what I dread the most. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | I'd like my home to feel inviting, open, warm, cozy, festive and welcoming. | A new home. |
Jetta | Yes | Meals shared with extended family so that we can reconnect. | The busyness! I want to enjoy the season, but sometimes I'm just trying to get from one thing to another. I used to be stressed due to shopping for Christmas gifts, but we've drastically cut down on who is on the list and it has helped tremendously. | It’ll take me a few hours to get ready. | I want to be reminded that the season is for remembering Jesus' birth and for showing kindness to others. | A retreat where I could have access to a spa, relax, and enjoy good food. |
Hanalah | Yes | Dinners with the family | Last year, contrary to previous years, I did not receive framable photos of my niece's children | I don’t do any holiday celebrating at home because of the condition of my space. | I wish I could host Thansgiving dinner the way I always used to, but every time I clear off the dining room table, new ipill bottles and other items pile up on it | New large framed photos of my niece's children |
Millie | Yes | I like to watch Christmas movies because they make me happy even if the plots are incredibly dumb. I also enjoy eating special holiday foods that I only partake of during this time of year. | Having to come up with gifts for people. I really don't know what anyone needs or wants and hate to assume. I usually give everyone money. My kids like it but my husband doesn't. So I have to come up with something for him which turns out to be a lot of food treats because he buys whatever he wants/needs whenever he wants or needs it. | I could start the celebrations tomorrow! | Peaceful, warm (because the temperature is cold outside), and cozy. | An all-expenses-paid vacation to a sunny place for a few weeks. |
Diana | Yes | I love having Thanksgiving dinner with family. I like Christmas music. I like schmaltzy holiday movies. | I don’t like gift giving for Christmas, especially since trying to declutter. We have an agreement in immediate family not to do gifts. We have a nice meal together and that’s enough. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | I always want my home to feel peaceful and welcoming. | An automaton that does all the garden tasks I ask it to. |
Becky | Yes | I love the Christmas decorations and the music. | Packing up the ornaments. Cleaning the house before decorating. | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | Comfortable, pretty, delicious. | Furniture to finish this house. |
Saskatchewan Jane | Yes | Every year we have a multigenerational day of lefse making to ensure we all have lefse for Christmas celebrations. | Expectations.... so many expectations. Not enough time to enjoy. Pressure! | It’ll take me a few days to get ready. | Calm. Relaxing Joyous as we celebrate advent. | A cosy whisky coloured real sheepskin coat. |
Marcia | Yes | seeing as many loved ones as possible cooking stovetop custard Graham Cracker Pudding that my Grandmother Crownover always made us | anxiety of getting ready for company both with cooking and house cleaning/decorating | It’ll take me a few weeks to get ready. | a welcoming feeling of peace and joy and fun | To visit my son who lives in San Diego; either here in Indiana or there in California. |
Anne | It’s complicated… | I enjoy bringing out my treasured Christmas decorations. And I love a house full of people at Thanksgiving. | I don't like the guilt of the season, I "should" do this. And expecting every moment to be filled with joy and happy feelings. Expectations are sometimes too high. | Other | Welcoming. Warm. Spontaneous. | I would like a piano. |
Pat | Yes | I love Fall but no longer celebrate Halloween. I don’t give out candy. Getting out my pumpkin decor makes me happy to change seasons! I bake banana nut bread and pumpkin bread to freeze and give as Thanksgiving presents. Kitchen smells wonderful! Decorating changes the mood if the house. | I don’t like kids coming to my house to get candy. Now in Denver, turn off porch light and this says, ‘don’t come to this house!’ I don’t buy candy. I do give to children if friends baked sugar cookies with orange icing cut as pumpkins. | Other | Vibe is winter is here and enjoy relstionships and not ‘things’. | No war. |
Name (click to view full survey response and comments) | Do you celebrate any holidays in this part of the year? | What is your FAVORITE part of the holiday season, and why? | What is your LEAST FAVORITE part of the holiday season, and why? | How ready is your home for any holiday activities that you have planned? | Describe the feeling, emotional state, or “vibe” you’d like for your home to convey…. | What gift would you most like to receive this year? |
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