The Clutter Fairy Weekly Survey #202 Results
Spring Cleaning and Your Burning Questions
Below are the results of our survey about audience experiences related to the topic for episode #202 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly. If you haven’t already done so, please take the survey.
To view the detailed survey response from any respondent, click on their name in the table below. (You may also find it easier to read long responses in the detailed view.)
Name (click to view full survey response and comments) | What project or task do you most closely associate with the phrase “spring cleaning” and what challenges does this activity present for you? | What positive or negative feelings or memories does spring cleaning evoke for you? | What question would you like us to ask the members of The Clutter Fairy community? | What’s your favorite sign that spring has arrived? | Link to Single Entry |
Mitzi | My husband, who pasted away recently, has boxes in the garage; power cords, cords for electronic things, extension outlet plugs, etc. I will never need all that stuff. How do I get rid of it? | overwhelmed | My husband, who pasted away recently, has boxes in the garage; power cords, cords for electronic things, extension outlet plugs, etc. I will never need all that stuff. How do I get rid of it? | I live in Florida! | View Details |
Carrie | Taxes! | Fresh air, being able to see out windows. | Things outside becoming green | View Details | |
Anonymous user | I think of spring cleaning as something I’ve never done. A deep cleaning from top to bottom | Not applicable | View Details | ||
Sandra | I work full-time and there's no way I can spring-clean the entire house like some people say they do. Needless to say, I'm the lady of the house and no one else but me is interested in spring cleaning! | Negative: having to admit to people who do that I don't spring clean. It's like being excluded from a private club. Positive: my mother worked too and did not do a full house clean in the spring, but she did wipe all the kitchen cupboards then and it smelled so nice afterwards! | Did anyone encounter some form of prejudice when decluttering? A lot of people assume that when you donate things that are still good, you are a person with too much money and/or an ungrateful human being for not liking what you have. I feel like I'm on a mission to convince people that storing kitchen gadgets you don't use, books you'll never read again, craft material you're no longer interested in, etc. is actually a sane decision. | Finally being able to open windows that were frozen shut to let the fresh air in. | View Details |
Anonymous user | "Spring cleaning" is daunting because for me to entails facing the whole house cleaning, decluttering and well as garden cleaning at the same time instead of doing a systematic cleaning of rooms all throught the year. Because it sounds like I should be able to do it all at once, it feels way too huge of a task, would take way too long and require energy that I do not have. It also implies that after a Spring clean, the house and garden should be perfect... and they would stay like this... which we all know is not the case! | When I lived in a bedsit (a 13.5 square metres room), it was sooooo easy and satisfying as I could declutter and deep clean in one week-end and feel so satisfied, happy and feeling energised, ready to take on the world. | I have been wanting to implement a more regular decluttering maintenance and a deep cleaning routine of my home for a few years now, without succeeding. I tried to get inspiration from different sites, but fail to manage ot adapt it to my home and circumstances. I found that decluttering muscles waste away when I take a break. I am better off continuing constantly, a little a day, rather than doing it in bursts. I think it would be the same for cleaning, i.e. apart from the typical weekly maintenance cleaning, I need to do extra to maintain a deep cleaning program all though the year. | Daffodils and earlier morning light / longer bright evenings | View Details |
Anonymous user | window washing - physical limitations require hiring help or pressing son into service on outside with husband on inside | exhilaration at airing out the house | How do you get husband to understand that I need finished boxes to donate taken to charity organization soon/immediately? He wants to save them until there is a big load; I want them gone so I can see the progress. | red bud tree budding | View Details |
Em | I think of spring cleaning as a deep cleaning, where windows are open for fresh air, carpets, curtains, and bedspreads are washed, and every bit of staleness from having the house closed up all winter is replaced with freshness. The difficulty of accomplishing this is lack of physical strength as well as clutter burying (i.e. protecting) dust. | Mother kept the house so clean that spring cleaning was just about the same, except that the windows were open and clean, chilly air was filling the house. We'd have to put on jackets, but afterwards, the house smelled as nice as sheets that had been dried outside on the clothesline. Traditionally, spring cleaning was to rid the house of fireplace soot and the dust generated by the straw that was put under the carpets for warmth, so I've always thought spring cleaning meant washing walls, windows, and carpeting, along with airing the house and washing every surface that was exposed to air during the winter. | When I ask how to stay organized with rowdy pets, I need answers beyond storing the food near the dishes, hanging the leash near the door, and tossing their toys into a basket before bed. My little monsters flip full jars off the counter if I am called to the phone, scoot water dishes across the kitchen, splashing water all the way; open cupboards to chew through packaged baked goods; flip books, crystal, sculpture, even lamps and antique dolls off tables and shelves; open closets to climb to the top shelf, shoving the contents to the floor, blocking the door; raid and scatter the contents of the trash can if there is anything in it with the faintest whiff of something edible on it; raid the Thanksgiving table before the guests can sit down; open twist top gallon jars; chew off plants, frequently dumping the soil in the process, which is often into the kitchen sink; and later barfing up the leaves on the cleanest, most expensive surface available (or on tax returns); scramble any freshly made bed; turn rugs as large as 6 x 8 into people trippers by burrowing under them; pee into large pots holding tropical house plants, kicking soil onto the floor; flip important papers and bills into the trash; make off with hair pins, barrettes, toothbrushes, socks, jewelry, and full rolls of toilet paper (which end up shredded, covering more than one room); rewrite documents on the computer, or turn on videos; then spend the other 90% of their time asleep or cuddling on my lap, proving that they adore me. I have solved many of these problems, at least temporarily, but cats are creative. What creative ideas do we humans have to protect ourselves? | There is a special gray of a stormy spring sky behind the tangy chartreuse and deep pinks of tree buds that is a color combination exclusive to spring, and is accompanied by the smells of snow-cleansed earth. That means spring has arrived. | View Details |
Laurie | View Details | ||||
Jane from Saskatchewan | Cleaning light fixtures, chandeliers, wadhing open kitchen cupboards and washing walls. The walls seem higher every year. Sigh...onward! | Then climate is extreme where I reside. Temperatures down to -40 Celsius in winters and up to that summers. Opening windows for fresh air on warm winter days or in spring is joyous! Truly. | More daylight, less darkness. | View Details | |
Brenda | Going through pantry to use up or toss expired items | Negative feeling OMG SUMMER IS COMING! Summer in Tucson Weather reports keep track of how many triple digit days in a row Some citizens consider a cooling trend at 102 Talk to me about a "cooling trend" when we are down to double digits again I think triple digits pretty much feel the same at that point | cactus flowers | View Details | |
Lenette | Washing windows inside and out, moving all the heavy furniture to clean behind and underneath. My piano is heavy! | Cleaner space means breathing better.... all positive | wild flowers growing in the yard | View Details | |
Kathianne | For the moment for me, it is going through my books, papers, and wardrobe. The kitchen does have too many items, but I don't think those will be as challenging to let go. I think the key for me is momentum, not necessarily motivation. I have been practicing by starting several small tasks and have finished them. Don't know why it never occurred to me until now, as I always prepare for the next day during the evening before - What is that but gaining momentum? By the way, thanks for your conversation about the morning person vs. the night person during your procrastination recording. I will lose the guilt about putting the important project last. I seem to always get it done, and because I am a night person, this explains why I need to build up momentum to accomplish it during my most productive part of the day. I just am not in sync with some of the early morning experts - lol! | My mom was very neat until dementia set in, so we just cleaned and organized constantly - didn't really have Spring cleaning. Living in California, you can pretty much do any of the declutter projects at any time of the year, which is great, but also leads to procrastination, as there is no deadline except one that a person sets for themselves. (Not like Houston - my parents lived there for about three years in the 1970s - Besides an occasional early morning, the only time they spent significant time outdoors, especially as summer approached, was pretty much after dark - and a large neighborhood dog "adopted" them for walks. They never did find out whose dog he was!) | I would love to hear about all of the tricks people use to get started decluttering. Also, for me, you could use any of the other tips you routinely give. Repetition is the first law of learning! The average person has to hear something four times to learn it, but some of us take more than that on some subjects! | I love the various flowering trees. Some a just beginning to bloom, reminding me of how beautiful it is with all in bloom. | View Details |
Kathy | Washing windows inside and put. Garage sweep and wipe down Replant grass pick up branches and sticks | Fresh window views Green grass Fresh grass smell | Argument to dust or vacumnn first ? | Fresh spring air sitting on deck enjoying outdoors and no bugs yet. | View Details |
Jacque | Cleaning the blinds, curtains, windows. Things not done on a weekly basis. | Warm and fuzzy | Robins | View Details | |
Lela | Getting our vegetable garden going, or cleaning the outside of the house (pressure wash siding & clean out gutters). | Gardening is usually exciting. Cleaning the gutters strikes fear into my soul because the older I get, the more I despise getting on the roof. | Wildflowers, daffodils, & no more nighttime temperatures below freezing | View Details | |
Celina | I think it's mostly about "real adults" e.g. homeworners or people with balconies, etc., who have accumulated e.g. cardboard boxes and other things over winter when it was too cold to spend too much time on tidying it all up. I lie as a flatmate, so I don't have this problem | as any cleaning, I guess, you just get rid of unnecessary stuff. You have more time to see the outside e.g. flower pots, etc. and admire it, so I guess spring cleaning pertains to the outside generally. | How do people - who have had paid consultations - view the appointments with the clutter organizer vs a psychotherapist? | birds singing. I no longer leave the house and get back from work when it's dark outside | View Details |
Jetta | ceiling fans and windows It takes too long! | I do not enjoy winter so anything to "get ready for spring" is a positive for me. | Being able to sit outside without a coat. | View Details | |
Linda H | I think of going into parts of the house I don't really do much with for most of the year such as my basement, closets, etc. as I usually concentrate a bit more on the visible parts of my home. The house is inherited from past ancestors. I'm the fourth generation to live here. My great grandfather bought this home in 1902. I've thinned it out twice over the past two years, and it's probably less that one third of what it was 20 years ago, but it's still formidable. | My great grandfather, grandfather, and father all used the tools & supplies quite often so I know much in the basement was useful to them as able bodied men in their prime. I have many memories of Dad working on this or that project in the house such as laying floors, installing plugs (he was an electrician) or doing plumbing (his best friend was a plumber). I'm a 70 year old woman with no such skills other than painting walls & even then I don't do ladders so hire my tenant to reach the top portions of the wall that require a step ladder (I'm 5' 2"). Over time I've reduced the tools & supplies for work I hire out as I expect workman to supply their own tools. It's still hard to do as I see my Dad, who passed in 2001 in everything down there. Cleaning it out in stages is always hard as I see Dad holding each tool and remembering "helping" him as a young child. So cleaning out is both a warm & fuzzy feeling and a sad feeling as I recall him & still miss him terrible. I know you talk about representative samples but I really don't want his speciality tools, a few screwdrivers, a hammer & some paint supplies are really all I have to be honest but there are a few things of Pops that are still there. Like many others report I irrationally feel I'm throwing him out with each removal which, logically, I know to be untrue. The feeling persists though and I deal with it as best I can, hence several cleanups over time as opposed to one major removal. | How to stay motivated to not just tackle a project but to continue until it is completely finished has always been my concern. I'll go like gangbusters for a week or so than nothing other than daily maintenance for a month. My home isn't my only issue. I've been trying to lose the same 30 pounds since October. I do all the "right" things for a few days and then succumb to an Uber Eats delivery of grilled cheese sandwiches or chocolates! I seem to lack the discipline required in both areas of my life. I've read that clutter in homes is often tied to clutter in weight although my house is company ready while I feel I am not! LOL | Crocuses coming out in the front yard make me smile. | View Details |
Peggy | I don't really do spring cleaning... just push myself throughout the year to do various upkeep tasks (vacuum permanent furnace filter, clean window sills, wipe out cupboards, etc). As long as I get something done each week, I am happy. | I wouldn't want to leave all that cleaning for spring or any other time... best to spread it out and do a little at a time | What are the best ways to remain patient when trying to help someone declutter? | melting ice and warmer weather | View Details |
Anonymous user | Deeper cleaning than usual. The challenge is I don't want to do it! | Positive: relief and more enjoyment of my home when it's finished Negative: the work | What motivates you to declutter and clean? | Green! Green grass, green blooming trees, green stems of flowers soon to bloom | View Details |
Pat - Michiana | Washing windows. Overwhelming as a large project, perfection/procrastination (impossible/because it IS always going to rain again). However, learning that 'one window at a time is possible (even if it's just one side or one window pane). Start with the 'worst first (over the kitchen sink... hard to reach). Clutter Fairy motto: any progress is good! | Did not grow up with spring cleaning (or any cleaning/decluttering habits) | Episodes on perfection/procrastination, motivation... are always helpful. It's great to be able to go back and listen to previous podcasts. | More consistent sunshine (Michigan = cloudy winter days) S.A.D. | View Details |
Evelin | deep cleaning windows (in Europe they are built differently and there´s a lot to clean, it´s gross and both living and dead spiders and bugs might be involved) deep cleaning inside all the nooks and crannies that are usually not adressed, wiping out all dressers and wardrobes, throwing out expired food, packing away winter clothes, washing winter coats,... it´s a lot | it´s both daunting and refreshing | what are your best decluttering questions? | birds singing | View Details |
Janice | Spring cleaning is fun and awful at the same time. It involves delving into corners ignored most of the year. It is fun when you find $10 in a jacket pocket, not fun when you find an old Kleenex... The challenges are, if I want to keep something, yet I forgot about it, how do I counsel myself: is it a reclaimed useful treasure or is it something to pass along. | The positive memories are that my mother would do hardcore spring cleaning every year, I mean washing walls and ceilings, beating rugs, polishing floors. Scrubbing the basement walls and floors with bleach and hooking up the garden hose to rinse them . She would wear a scarf over her hair. She was tiny but dirt had no chance! The windows were open and the house was ventilated with cold but fresh springtime air. She washed the vinyl window shades with Rosenthal. She would manually scrub the carpet with a carpet cleaner that you push and pull. The house would smell so clean and fresh. She and my Dad were heavy smokers and the bright walls and ceilings would again cloud over with brown stains , but for that short time, we lived in a spring meadow! Today (2.17) is her birthday! She is in Heaven. Happy Birthday Momma. | We (hubby and I) own a Canon brand very nice camera. It uses film. It is never used. It has a beautiful leather case and an embroidered strap. The shutter is stuck, which per YouTube is a very easy fix. However, no one uses cameras anymore, including us. We just keep moving it from one closet to another, because we just dont know what to do with it. It does not deserve the garbage can. Any suggestions for stuff like this? | crocus | View Details |
Brigitte | Putting all things together for the yearly income taxes is my challenge. Also actualizing our budgeting (because everything rises in costs), can be frustrating. I do not do literally spring cleaning anymore, as I keep our home tidy throughout the year… | I love to throw some windows open in the early mornings to listen to birds singing their love songs. And I find it much easier to clean when the sun is shining! Looking so much forward for that to happen. | What is the reason your home filled with clutter? How would your home feel if it would be decluttererd? | Birds singing their early morning love songs | View Details |
Anita | Really having a proper clear out of old stuff. Finding places to take the stuff as some areas of the UK now are unavailable. Council cuts have meant our local tip is only open 3 days a week at inconvenient times and you have to book. I've had bottles of glasses in the back of my car now rattling around since Christmas! | I love Spring so it really makes me feel positive. You can get fresh air in the house again , opening windows etc. On the downside less jumpers getting worn and more shirts and t-shirts so more ironing to do. | I'm still finding it difficult to bin old books that have age marks on them, as charity shops won't take. Also similarly the stuffed toys that are pre C.E mark in UK. These are still my struggles.((toys before the 80s didn't have safety could be fire hazard or choking hazard) | Less snow and ice, laundry out on the line, lighter morning and evening. | View Details |
Debra | Cleaning the chandeliers, washing the curtains, polishing everything The challenge is the ceiling height and having to be on a ladder, and moving furniture | Fresh, bright, and cheerful, a reset of my home. | I am curious to know if others grew up with spring cleaning too. I would also like to know if others also do a fall cleaning | Sunny days and being able to sit outside at cafés | View Details |
rowan | decluttering the porch / storage room. not too much problem | none | temp hits 45 degrees F. | View Details | |
Anonymous user | Changing winter clothes, shoes,etc.out for spring/summer is so time consuming. The weather doesn’t want to cooperate. You get some warm days and then cool ones again. | The temperature feels great but the pollen is not so great. Whatever cleaning you are doing gets affected by it. | No coats | View Details | |
Craig | Cleaning cabinets and closets. I have WAY too much stuff everywhere else! Spring cleaning this year is shoveling out my living room and creating an office space to work in. | I used to be annoyed by my mom’s insistence about spring cleaning, but now I would welcome it! I would gladly exchange cleaning up the dust from a coal furnace compared with the mess I have allowed to accumulate in our house! | How do you get started … and … keep going to get a HUGE mess back in control … so you can welcome people back into your home? | No more snow! | View Details |
Intignia | Washing windows, blinds and curtains. I can't get to the outside of my windows as I live in an upstairs apartment. | I have a lot of negative feelings because I have had a bad back since age 23, and any prolonged task equals so much pain resulting in pain meds, ice packs or heating pads and bed rest. But once I get through it all there is a lot of satisfaction (positive feelings) seeing a clean, sparkling home and feeling that freshness that comes from clean and tidy. | Crocuses and DAFFODILS, my all-time favorite flower. | View Details | |
Noreen | Washing windows, Dusting and vacuuming cushions and under furniture | Remember growing up being mad at having to help my mother and grandmother and miss out on time wirh friends. | Daffodils, tulips, bradford pear trees blooming | View Details | |
Anonymous user | Closets and bedding | Warm and fuzzy | How do I avoid the rabbit hole? If I clean A then B needs cleaning…then C needs cleaning etc. | Bare skin | View Details |
Anonymous user | Dusting furniture and mini blinds, vacuuming floors and upholstery, flipping the mattress… Needs to get close to the mini blinds snd not be blocked by furniture or boxes, need a clear floor to vacuum… | Want to do it but never enough time to get it all done before life whisks me away to other projects, family events, everyday upkeep. | None | Warm weather | View Details |
Sandlyn | Removing items out of the home | Freshen up for outdoor weather. Less work inside. | Crocuses | View Details | |
Vera Lee | Cleaning windows. There are 26 of them. They are double hung. I try at clean 1 room’s windows every month, but I forget sometimes. | Not really any. It wasn’t a thing when I was growing up. We were military and cleaned as needed. | Not having to wear a jacket on my morning walk. | View Details | |
Lisa Beth | Spring cleaning to me means cleaning every inch of the house including things like behind the frig and large pieces of furniture. I used to do it each spring before any"fun" could occur. Life had challenges and I discovered the Flylady and came up with the idea that it didn't have to be a punishment. Then I came across you the Clutter Fairy and the idea that my house didn't have to be a punishment. I've divided this high ceiling, 17 room plus basement and attic task with tons of outdoor space into zones for each month and it's doable. I'm back to loving gardening and my little project including crafts with my Granddaughter. | Opening up all the windows, letting all the allergens in, oiling all the antiques and sore chapped hands, watering eyes, sneezes and runny nose that wouldn't spot til first frost. My mother collected colletcions so it was pure hell just trying to breathe thru it. At Grandma's it was more fun with the team of 10 cousins, aunts, uncles and a few spares. It included the annual painting of the white dairy barn. We attached things like an army and progress was swift as we joked, played and ate on the hay rack and ourdoor tables. | watching new perennials pop up with my granddaughter on our weekly garden tours. | View Details | |
CHRISTINE | cleaning windows inside and out. my house is old, so difficult to open the windows... they stick | my mother did a massive deep house to bottom..I hated scrubbing the walls | Gayle, this is personal to you. but what supplies or food do you bring with you, on a job? | flowers and birds | View Details |
Margy | Doing heavy cleaning chores such as mopping floors, washing walls and windows (inside and out) and airing the whole house out. | Warm feelings of the house looking and smelling fresh; also sprucing up the garden and deciding what to plant. | Now that I’m retired, time is not an issue but motivation is! My house is looking presentable, so that’s good, and I clean up the kitchen every morning and evening, and do laundry every Saturday, but I’m finding it difficult getting other cleaning done. There are so many fun things to do! How do you stay motivated? Does a schedule help? | 1) Robins | View Details |
C | Window cleaning. It's a bit more complicated than it should be because I have a lot of plants on the sills and taller ones in front of the windows and several decorations hanging in front of the windows, so I need to remove these all before hand, then put things back again. | Positive: more light! Negative: Pollen and accumulated dust on shelves etc, etc. ( ah-chooo!) | What kind of things do you keep just for best? In my case it is silver silverware, but also certain tablecloths, certain guest towels. | pussy willow branches and easter decorations | View Details |
Anonymous user | Dusting under furniture, on top of door jams, behind refrigerator. It takes a lot of strength and energy. | Fresh air, sun, clean clothes, light lunch and tea party | I move into a condo almost two years ago but still can't organize. Furniture is just haphazardly put in the living room. Books are on a shelf but near a window so will fade if I keep them there. Don't know what to use the built ins under cabinets for because I don't put a large screen TV over the mantle. They are deep and shallow and flank the fireplace. I've gotten rid of tons of belongings from family estate but still have boxes in my garage. Emptied storage though yay! Really making headway but now I'm stuck. | Wild flowers and rainbows | View Details |
Dianna | Yard work! Big job that I have to tackle in small chunks of time. Back/neck injuries have limited what I can realistically accomplish. | In New England the mere mention of Spring brings joy! I can't help but think of my Grandmother's tales of spring cleaning; rugs were taken outside to be beaten clean, winter blankets and heavy clothing were washed by hand and dried in the sun etc... It always reminds me to be grateful for modern appliances that allow indoor cleaning to take place year round. | Longer days and warmer sun | View Details | |
Mel | Nooks and crannies.. | Freshly painted kitchen each Spring. Cold winter behind and Spri g blooming all around. A happy time. | Will I ever get to a point qhere I can stop d3clutteti f amg enjoy my home and ti.e. it seems the more I work the more I see that need to de done. | The new plants start popping up. Little green plants appear. And the singing birds is a close close second fave. | View Details |
Deirdra | Window washing. Getting the screens off | I am just learning about Spring Cleaning on You Tube. | How do you check the dishwasher filter? | Melting ice | View Details |
Anonymous user | top to bottom house cleaning, including under and behind furniture I'm getting older and much less able to do this. I did sping AND fall cleaning for many years. | I love the clean fresh smell when everything is refreshed. I am grateful that I didn't have to clean the way my grandmothers did when oil lamps were in use. | What do you do with your wedding gowns? | mayflowers blooming | View Details |
PJ | Spring cleaning for me represents opening the house back up after hibernating all winter. Washing and opening the windows to hear the birdsong, cleaning up the dust, letting in the fresh air and the light, washing all the linens and sofa covers. It's a lot of work, so it can feel a bit overwhelming. I like to tackle it one room at a time, so I have somewhere I can relax straightaway, and if the cold weather comes back for a spell I can go back to hibernating somewhere else | Spring cleaning for me is a fresh start so it's all positive but it is hard work to achieve. It's all about clean clear spaces with lots of fresh green and new flowers. Clean windows letting in the sunshine. Washing all the bedding after it's been piled in the cupboard all winter. Drying all the washed clothes and bedding on the line outside so it smells really good. Once you open up all the windows to let the warmth in you really notice all the dust. I usually need quite a bit of time to get it all done, and it can continue into summer. I also like Autumn Cleaning, so some of the jobs can wait until then! | Does anyone have a top three spring cleaning tasks? Mine are (1) wash all the windows; (2) wash all the bedding & clothes; (3) do all the vacuuming. I'd be interested to know other people's priorities for their spring clean | That wonderful fresh green all around | View Details |
Anonymous user | Cleaning all the hidden places... baseboard, drawer and cabinet surfaces, window sills, under furniture, etc... | Renewed vitality | Flowers | View Details | |
Jane | Spring cleaning means a thorough house cleaning for me. This year, I'm hiring someone to come in to help with this. Having someone else help will hopefully get to areas I normally don't do well (like windows). | It's actually pretty motivating. My mom used to clean our windows in the spring. I still remember the newspaper being used for this and the smell of vinegar. | What's the most motivating and/or helpful aspect of listening to The Clutter Fairy for you? | Buds on the trees are the first sign of Spring for me. | View Details |
Kathy | The concept of spring cleaning to me is just too much work. I don't feel that the benefits of all of that work merit the effort. My mother never did but my mother-in-law still does spring clean at the age of 87! I try to keep all aspects of my house clean throughout the year (although my house is never spotless or perfect - not a clean freak). It's the most beautiful time of year and I don't want to waste it by being inside. I do "spring clean" the garden but that's never a chore to me. | I have the bulk of my photographs in the form of actual pictures. The most recent pictures are digital. Is there any value in spending the time it will take to scan the hard copies to create digital files? Is the time really worth it? | crocuses and forsythia | View Details | |
Jess | Everything | Allergies to dust and mold. | Outside dog agility classes | View Details | |
Olivia | Spring cleaning means cleaning windows and airing out the house. The only challenge is that I hate cleaning windows. | No feelings or memories either way. It's just something that needs to be done like emptying the dishwasher or tying shoelaces. | We're all at different stages so I'm curious as to how many people have their house under control, or it's a little bit messy versus a house that looks like it was hit by a hurricane. Or any state in between. | Tulips | View Details |
Eve | Removing everything from around my windows and baseboard and pulling furniture away form walls to get behind it. The volume of dust bunnies is amazing. This also means window cleaning and mopping all hardwoods, not only what is visible. | Love the results, hate the effort when it's happening | Health issues and new disabilities making it harder to function at home. Having so many delivery options means that being immobile hasn't really cut down on the inflow of items, it's just harder to deal with them. But in general we are buying less, so hooray for that! | The amazing light green color of new oak tree leaves, esp Willow oaks. | View Details |
Millie | Deep cleaning of my house (moving stuff away from walls and cleaning behind the stove, refrigerator, bookshelves, etc, My challenges are age and strength to move things. Also I keep the house fairly tidy so I don't care so much as to what is behind or underneath my furniture. | It signifies a fresh start. It's a positive feeling. | Crocuses | View Details | |
Name (click to view full survey response and comments) | What project or task do you most closely associate with the phrase “spring cleaning” and what challenges does this activity present for you? | What positive or negative feelings or memories does spring cleaning evoke for you? | What question would you like us to ask the members of The Clutter Fairy community? | What’s your favorite sign that spring has arrived? | Link to Single Entry |
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