The Clutter Fairy Weekly Survey #219 Results
Forgotten, But Not Gone: Outdated Clutter
Below are the results of our survey about audience experiences related to the topic for episode #219 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly. If you haven’t already done so, please take the survey.
To view the complete, detailed survey response from any respondent, click on their name (or “Anonymous user”) in the table below. You may also find it easier to read long responses in the detailed view.
Name (click to view full survey response and comments) | Describe something that you’re keeping even though its value, desirability, or usefulness has significantly diminished over time. | Explain your reason or rationale for keeping the thing(s) you described in your answer to the previous question. | What’s your favorite thing about summer, and what could you do to make room for more of it? |
Kathy | Husband's records | Want to sell while popular but need to travel to Hugh traffic locations where I don't drive. | Fresh cut flowers |
darcy | old computer hard drives (some broken) | I want to see what information has been saved to them | well, as I am retired, every day is summer (schedule wise) unless you are describing the weather. summer means being caught up enough in my duties that I can enjoy the day and/or evening without having to work/do chores/work on projects. also, planning time away from home whether for a day, a week, a month or longer! |
Rachel | The "to sell" items. "Maybe-one-days" | To earn extra cash. | Reading. Something about reading a good book (currently into self-help titles) in the backyard is relaxing. It shuts out the noisy world for a brief moment. |
Anonymous user | old employee files and textbooks from college | just never spending the time to purge them | swimming and vacationing clear the clutter on my dining room table |
DS | a set of china | We use the set 3-4 times a year and I put them in the dishwasher. (I know what you're thinking..... horrible, right?) I have space for them. Son lives very far away and his wife isn't interested. Hubby thinks I should keep them. | We visit family every summer or have them visit us. I budget my time (as well as my money) by doing things in bunches. I meal prep for several days at once- overnight oats, salads, cutting up and freezing onions or peppers, etc. I either clean one whole room thoroughly or do one cleaning chore throughout the house while I have the cleaning supplies out. If I'm paying bills, I do as many as I can at once. |
Julie | fabric, patterns, and a box of kids tee shirts from sports, drama, etc I was going to make a quilt out of. The kids don't want the quilt, but I haven't gone through with them to see if I can recycle as cotton. They don't live here and don't have houses yet. | The stuff is in clear boxes in the garage and it is never top of mind. I am overwhelmed by the stuff right in front of me and currently yard work. | I love sitting on my patio in the evenings. Any time I can eat outside, it is wonderful. We have lots of rain (Seattle) so the outdoor season is short. |
Aunt JuJu | Stuff related to finishing the executor duties of a few estates. I need to fo the work in order to get rid of that clutter. My deceased roommate's belongings. She passed in 2021 and I am still working at donating and dispersing her belongings. She brought 9 pallets of housewares when she came and it is all in my basement | I am overwhelmed with caregiving for a 97 year old family member. She came to live with me this year but just decided to sell her home. She also has a beach house. I take care of 3 houses and I have some medical issues that slow me down. However, I work hard from 2 or 3 in the afternoon until 10 or 11 pm. I manage the best I can if I have to be up in the early am but my brain just is not alert at that time. | I spent 6 hours going through big shopping bags of belongings from my elderly aunt's house that she just decided to sell. I am donating some of my clutter to make room for her slimmed down version of her belongings. |
Anonymous user | Kitchen equipment and gadgets Old cell phones and laptops because I can't power them up to clear the data | Kitchen gadgets and appliances, because I cycle through different cooking interests. Cell phones and laptops because they are so old I can't power them up to clear them of their data. | Extra daylight. Get dressed every day and walk my dog. I work from home and many days stay in my jammies/house clothes. |
Anonymous user | Items from my teaching career. No one cares about the certificates, evaluations, etc. I’m not sure they even . matter to me now. | They were necessary documentation in times past. . | Sitting on our screened porch watching life go by. Get up earlier to allow more time |
Kathy | > old sweaters, old T-shirts > old decorations and wall art stored in boxes > a stash of greeting cards that I pass over, preferring to buy new ones better suited to occasion | > I keep old sweaters because I or my mother made them, or the color goes with something, there's nothing really wrong with them, or I "might want to wear it someday" syndrome. > I keep old decorations/wall art because some were gifts, some are still good/nothing wrong with them, and maybe I'll be inspired to change up the decorations from time to time. (That only happens at Christmas.) > I like having a stash of greeting cards in case I'm not able to get to the store; surely, eventually, the perfect occasion and the perfect recipient will align. | I love that it stays lighter longer; if we weren't in a heat wave, I could "allow" myself to let some chores slide, quit work early, and go for a walk in the evening and enjoy watching the stars come out. |
Anonymous user | Stuffed animals, children's toys. My toys from younger days, my 29 year Olds toys, and my now 8 yr old grand I haven't seen in a couple years. | They are keep sakes for mine, I kept some of my son's to have when nephews come over, and I pray my grand will come again some day. | Get rid of huge piano left from mother in laws estate. |
Tami | Not a single thing: got rid of all collections except for a special few. | Get rid of it. It’s all going to be landfill. Nobody will want your collections. | Getting outside with my pups. Take pups to walk and sniff everyday! |
Charlene | When it gets cooler in the evenings and sitting outside with tiki torches and watching the lightening bugs. Finish tasks in the home so I can justify sitting still. | ||
Katharine | Older books from late 1800’s, from my mom who passed years ago. | They were from my mom & difficult to find & I keep telling myself I’ll get around to reading even though I never do. | I don’t do anything special for summer since it’s too hot here in Florida. I rather wait till fall & then I still don’t do anything since that’s my husband’s busiest time of year for work. Medicare Insurance plans |
Ria | I have some blue and white chinoiserie but still using it as decorative items. Debating getting rid of some. The only other collection is wool sweaters. Always cold so never met a sweater I didn’t like. | They are still versatile in decorating and the sweaters are still useful to me. | Clean off kitchen counters and look through cabinets so the counters don’t continue to fill up. My kitchen is small so easy storage in cabinets is limited. |
Jean | Albums Cameras Jewelry Photos Mixer Christmas clutter Office supplies Stapler! | Seems wrong to toss them | Long summer days, evenings on a porch, breezes sucking the shade out of the window. And lightning bugs And beer. |
A.G. | Clothing that doesn't fit as well as it used to, a sagging couches that are too expensive to replace right now, books I keep meaning to read, baby stuff I keep holding onto in the hope that it might still happen for me | Clothing - I've been avoiding pulling the things out of my closet and trying them on again because I don't think I want to know that I've gained more weight - enough not to fit them anymore, Couches - we need SOMETHING to sit on for now until we can get something better, books... well I'm going to read them eventually right? ....Right?, Baby stuff... it's hope right now and if I give it away I'm saying I'm completely giving up on the possibility of ever having kids and I think that would just gut me. | I like my air conditioning hahaha. I'm medically more heat sensitive so summer is not my favourite. It does mean some of my social groups are meeting up more though, and in person more, which is nice. I'm trying to participate in activities with them more. |
Summer | Books nobody wants to purge just yet. | My daughter cannot part with them, but she wants me to hold on to them. | The long days are my favorite part of summer! |
Lala | I was keeping lots of things for summer flea market sales, but I have discovered that they are not of interest to buyers, so I will be donating a lot of stuff this week! | I need money to pay for my internet, utilities, gas for my car, car insurance and plates, food, etc. My check doesn't even cover my house mortgage. | I love scuba diving, but have no time or energy after trying to sell stuff. But not this year, I'm going to make time. I love summer!! This week a lot of stuff is going to donations so I don't have to worry about it. |
rowan | n/a as I am clearing some stuff this week. | Thinking that I will come back to it "someday" | Am happy with my new rollator - totally helps with getting out and about (it gives me a place to rest when I am tired, transport for gear and groceries. |
Cynthia | Puzzles (bought during pandemic) old board games that I no longer play, china given to me by my Mom. | I might use the puzzles again one day, might play the games again one day, guilt clutter with the china- my Mom would be upset if I got rid of it. | The longer days/lighter later. Get the backyard cleaned up! |
Sue from uk | My Barry manilow programmes and memorabilia | I have been to over 100 concerts over the years..I am 63. I first saw him when I was 18!!! | Diy!! Am seriously procrastinating |
Pearl | I have a big message chair. There are other things that I am moving out but that chair is still setting there. | It is big, heavy and I think ugly. I have not released it because it is big and heavy, so not easy to get out of the house. It was my late husbands so sentimental and it was very expensive so I don"t feel we got much bang for the bucks. | I love seeing the grandchildren. I need to organize things (baby proof) so I don't worry about them getting/breaking things. |
Anonymous user | Studio 56 Christmas Building | Collectors item. I occasionally drag them out and use them. | Ordering and planting flowers |
Anonymous user | Phone books and personal phone number and address books. | The city phone book is historic now. lol I'm keeping the old address books for the addresses and phone numbers in them. I refer to them for an address when I send a Birthday or Christmas card out. | Gardening! Toss out all the excess junk and paperwork on my kitchen table, donation boxes on my couch and homeless clutter items in my crowded tiny living room! |
Ginger | Craft supplies. I’ve enjoyed a variety of crafts over the years. They were put on the back burner for a few years. I need to declutter and get back to enjoying them. | Summer is my least favorite season. It’s HOT! I’m not an outdoorsy person. But, I have enjoyed swimming this year at my niece’s home and spending lots of time with family. To do so - means I’m giving family my priority. I’m keeping up the basics - but the other housework & decluttering can wait. I’m getting up & out. | |
M S | Two oil lanterns that belonged to my mother-in-law. | Hubby figures we might need them someday. If we haven’t used or needed them for at least 35 years , “someday “ probably isn’t going to come. | We visit family every summer and do Christmas and birthdays in July. Movies, museums, and experiences are the gift choices . The memories last a long time and don’t need storage space. |
JM | Craft supplies, floral supplies, camping gear, clothing items, family heirlooms & antiques, lots & lots of sheet music. | The supplies were hard to come by and i'm newly retired so not sure which of my set-aside hobbies i will return to. The antiques, heirlooms, and music were entrusted to me. | Enjoying summer activities with friends. Find some new summer outdoor cooking recipes, dig out & cull through my outdoor serving dishes, refresh my outdoor chairs for entertaining. |
Suz | I’m unsure where to go with this - would this refer to categories of items that are not available to use because of clutter impeding access, space to use and enjoy, and easier to ignore getting to? | If I’m thinking sewing machine and sewing supplies or art making and supplies, or other such categories, I’m keeping them because I’m hopeful I will get to the point in my decluttering journey where I’m out of excuses and only ACTION to use these items is left over. | Hmm. Favourite thing about summer would be sitting in a breeze and just enjoying the view (flowers, scenic, wherever I am), relaxing by water. I guess it’s just being (without biting bugs). I could get off my butt(on) and tidy, declutter, and do light cleaning in the common areas and my bedroom. This would require doing more than the minimum. After your recent podcasts I am beginning to think I might be a morning person so I could schedule heavier tasks in the morning and bounce forward. |
Anonymous user | Cassettes and player VHS tapes and player Wrist watch and clocks | Hard to replace especially professional ones (seminars, individual classes etc) | Swimming and beach activities Could use easy to make dishes/ microwaveable and use disposable plate/utensils and cups to take along for a picnic |
Sandra | Cheap furniture we bought when the children were little and... quality furniture our children will never want. | Even donating the cheap furniture is difficult (and it might be damaged when moved). The more expensive pieces would be difficult to sell in the current market, and we'd have to buy replacements in some cases. We're stuck with our past decisions. | My favorite thing is the abundance of fresh produce. For fun: doing more yoga outdoors. |
Brenda | I still have 2 dvd players and vcr combos when my video collection is mostly ( over 500 movies) digital | I have a few (rare) vhs tapes i have yet to be able to digitize | I live in Tucson It feels like the surface of the sun outside My electric bill is astronomical from A/C My favorite thing about summer is when it is OVER |
Melanie | Sentimental items. | Experiencing lost at this time and not sure if I will later regret my current desire to get rid of this stuff. | Having my granddaughter home with me. Focus on limiting tasks and leaving more time to do things with her. Like laying on the bed and reading books doing craft projects etc. |
Bree | Stuff from college- term papers, acceptance letters, textbooks; etc. I keep them out of guilt because I messed up my whole financial life by taking out so many loans (which I am still repaying) | Feeling like I "have" to keep them and try to remember everything I learned because of the time and expense I put into it (even though it gives me anxiety to look at the stuff, never mind trying to reread everything and realize that I've completely forgotten everything) | The long hours of sunlight- I have seasonal affective disorder during the winter, and can't drive at night I can get junk out of the way of my windows so I can more easily access my curtains and blinds to open them in the morning to let in sunlight |
Elizabeth | 1. Old phones of all types, cords to goodness knows what, and odd electronics such as security equipment. 2. My own childhood memorabilia. 3. Items from other peoples estates that I thought I would display, use, or start a new collection with. | As for the electronics, my spouse tends to squirrel away the old when new ones are purchased. He retires soon and my hope is that we can begin to shed some of the old, out of date items. For my spouse, I think it's easier to stick the old items away rather than deal with how to discard them. I have held on to my own memorabilia with the idea of someday renovating (in the case of my doll house) or passing to children. Items from others estates were kept with the idea of future display, beginning a collection with, or using on special occasions. So far, none of it has happened! | The longer days and working in the garden. Beryl clean up this week will have be in the garden for sure! Limiting time online will definitely help me to create room in my life for fun as well as projects that I want to complete. |
Anonymous | Custom jewelry- I hardly use it since the pandemic closure but can’t get rid of pieces I’m not sure if I still like them. | I don’t know if I will still use it in the future | Resting Declutter my room so it can be the oasis/spa I want to have |
Joy | Plants, extra furniture, cleaners, decorative items, specialty cooking items | Feel bad for letting them go, would LIKE to use the kitchen items, but are rarely home | No coats! Ah! I should be working on my garage. Ug |
Ruthie | A marble clock doesn’t work. Pd $50 to see if fixable. From my late husband grandma. | My husband loved his Scottish grandmother but his step mother & Dad wouldn’t let him see her much. His mom had passed & was this grandmas only child | Put a bomb to everything except my bed & crafts. |
Kathy | Friends of mine and I had planned a trip to Italy which was canceled due to covid. I have two boxes containing items relating to the trip which I have saved these four years. We haven’t even talked about rescheduling the trip. | It’s my hope we will go on the trip eventually so I want to save the items to help plan. | I like the flexibility and spontaneity of summer. I can keep up with the dishes and can keep the house straight (not perfect, just straight) so I don’t feel overwhelmed when I return home from doing fun things. I won’t feel the silent burden of the house nagging at me while I am out. |
Melanie | Sentimental items. | Experiencing lost at this time and not sure if I will later regret my current desire to get rid of this stuff. | Having my granddaughter home with me. Focus on limiting tasks and leaving more time to do things with her. Like laying on the bed and reading books doing craft projects etc. |
Anonymous user | Ceramics and art pottery of the 1930s and 1940s | I still enjoy the look of them and currently am not pressured for space but I have more than enough | Not summer here but… still a good time of year to get things done. Might have a crack at sorting and discarding some of the photos while the humidity is low. They are the only things that really scowl at me from the storage boxes. Favourite thing about summer is that it will be over soon and we will be in to lovely stable autumn and winter |
Anita | Hammocks (2) that were supposed to be used in a gazebo now sitting on a shelf in the basement (too many bugs down by the river and the gazebo we were supposed to use them in is now collapsing. ! | Mostly out of sight out of mind. Plus, my brother will probably tell me that he wants to use them somewhere but I can’t see keeping them. I think I’m just going to give them to the church rummage sale in August. | Going canoeing on the river in my backyard. For my birthday this Wednesday I asked for my brother to get the canoe, cleaned out ready and down by the river so I could take a ride. I would like to keep it down by the river with a tarp over it. (I wanted to leave it in the water, tied up to a neighbors dock, but he is convinced someone will steal it.) I am determined to figure out how I can handle this canoe myself and get it into the water so I can use it more often. |
Judy | My dad's tools (he's been dead 27 years!) | I may need them if someone comes to help fix something. | |
Tammy | Stacks of movies and music cds —-I don’t think we have used any in at least 10 years. I don’t think I see them as there(I’ve become blind to them) | At some point I was sure I’d be riding around in my car and need 20 cds to play. The movies I thought we would rewatch, like date night or something. But there’s always something new to watch. | I love to have iced tea on the back porch and leave my phone inside. |
Sandra | A cassette player boombox! I still have a few old old tapes and I haven't listened to them in years but I have not been able to get rid of the Boombox and the tapes. | Some of the tapes were of musicians I knew in the past. Children who have now grown up and I lost track of, and another friend who has since passed away. So I think I might want to listen to them again sometime. | Gardening on my balcony which would be more fun if I got rid of some of the stuff I no longer use. |
CJ Jade | Books. I’ve donated a lot, but a lot more remain. Keep thinking the French and Arabic language learning books will be useful, but no relatives are interested- and I’m a bit over trying to learn these languages. The birs of what I have learnt so far should suffice (though I forget over time). Donated most of these, but some remain. | Some feeling that they are useful but will be difficult to obtain later on, and some fear that the internet will be gone or ebooks or e-learning will no longer be available in the country I am at. It’s an irrational fear, and with globalization, surely there will be A Person to learn the language from- should I even need to.., which it seems I haven’t, really. Thinkibv relatives would be interested when they grow up, but skme are in their teens and I think that’s old enough to know general interests. | I’m inviting people over more!! I feel like the house has gotten to a place where I feel much more comfortable doing this. The doom room turned into a guest room that turns back into an art studio when the spare bed is folded up. An “art studio” allows me to work on projects, and use up my art supplies. Phew! With so much paper and junk ourt- I feel I can finally see some progress. Also, an art studio doesn’t need to be completely perfect- and this makes it actually easier to plow through remaining clutter and supplies. Phew! Thank you for being on my journey and being the distant strength and company aiding this!! |
Val | Jewelry and other accessories, personal and home fragrances, | Some items are consumable, so I just need to use them and not be wasteful. Jewelry and accessory trends come and go, but I also go in and out of my own seasons of change, so why get rid of them if I might just get them again? | Don’t enjoy summer at all, but there’s more daylight so I could use that to get more done. |
Anja | I have an artsy collection of paper to draw or paint on, lots of colours and pencils and stuff and also books on how to draw (in general, cartoons, animals...) and I haven't used those in a long time. Nevertheless I am very attached to all the supplies because I actually like drawing an watercolouring. I think I feel I am not good enough when using these papers and colours so I don't do it at all. So mindset problems getting in the way. Very tricky because I don't think it's clutter at all but underused stuff I actually would enjoy. | I do keep the stuff because I like it a lot. Also I worry what I would do with the stuff I create. That might be or become clutter. I want to create but I fear it might be clutter in the end. Weird worries. 'Actually a relative of mine stuffed her appartment with huge canvases of her own art and I hate how much of a cluttered space that makes her appartment. Horrible to me. | I would like to sit in my little garden if it wasn't that hot and humid. I'd also like to do little bits of gardening. Or care for my plants inside. |
Gabriella | - old computers - old cell phones - a shoe box full of cassettes - two old cameras - beautiful lace tablerunner that doesn't fit my style - a small collection of fine italian leather gloves, which I find absolutely gorgeous, but which I don't wear because they don't fit my more down to earth style | - cell phones: intend to get rid of (my own) - computers: can't get rid of as they are my boyfriend's who insists on keeping them - I really like these gloves and find wearing elegant gloves something almost sensuous - some of the cassettes contain some personal things; I want to find out what's on them, before destroying them - intend to take the table runner to our second home in Morocco, where it fits the style of our formal living room | long days and short nights, not being bundled up in layers of clothes My home doesn't present a problem. I'm advancing beautifully toward my 2024 decluttering goals. Have already decluttered over 1000 items before June 30th. I'm now advancing to ldecluttring level 3.0 in convincing my boyfriend that his life becomes so much easier if he takes a few small steps in getting rid of Items he doesn't need (with me helping him). I could enjoy this summer so much more though, if I stopped procrastinating on my work that has nothing to do with decluttering! |
Narelle | Fabric that I have bought over the years with different family members in mind. I started as a Mum of 3 young kids, a husband and a job. I have a granddaughter now, sing and on disability. My life has considerably changed in those 30 plus years. Yet, I start well on decluttering it but 5 minutes in and I’m done. | I don’t understand why I can’t at least halve the fabric I keep. For some I just purely love the fabric which means the fabric, its colour, the feel of it and the garment I was to make from it. Most fabrics are washed ready for use. Over time they have been bagged, labeled and dated knowing that at some point it would help me in the “time to go” category. Mostly, I’m just overwhelmed by the space I don’t have. | My favourite thing about winter is that there is relief from the never ending heat and humidity which will return soon enough. It’s a high of 21C here which is quite warm for most places south of Brisbane. I like to cover up. I’ll keep plodding along getting rid of stuff. If I could see better I could donate bags of stuff waiting to go. Nothing is ever easy. |
Becky | Late husband's collection of wooden animals. They really don't have sentimental value for me and are basically dust collectors. Not sure why they are so hard to get rid of. | They meant so much to my late husband, and I feel guilty for not wanting to keep them - sigh!! | Not having as much responsibility in the summer as I do during the school year. Just got home from the beach! It was great, but now that I am home, I need to focus on some home projects - lol |
Intignia (inn tig (as in pig) knee ah) | None! Having moved seven times in a four-year period each time to a smaller cheaper place to live we got rid of anything not usable now. | Everything we kept had to be something we needed on a day-to-day or seasonal basis. Very little sentimental clutter tagged along. | Playing outside with the water sprinkler or hose. Am too old now living in a senior apartment complex where such a thing is unavailable. |
Kathy | Boxes of collectibles 10 20 even 30 years. | To put on box if sold Statement worth more with box | Fireworks Fire flies Enjoyed both this past week. |
Jean | My husband’s deceased uncle’s 300 classical record albums. My grandmother’s noritake serving platters. Yearbooks. Floppy discs! | In some cases, spouse can’t let go. In others, unsure what to do with it/them. | Best are the long summer evenings and summer breezes. Full moon is nice, too! Probably best to stop any action or thinking after sunset, and just ‘be’. |
Diane | I guess I have to own up to it that we’re keeping some “inherited antiques” from the family that I haven’t taken the time to really go through yet. Life is busy - as soon as we finish fixing the garage roof I’m looking forward to going through our backlog. | Time - so many things have a higher priority. It is a quiet nagging thing on my to do list though. We’ve had so many things to catch up on since we finished renovating the condo my mom moved out of and my father in law’s place. And I want to take a break and have some fun. I do see a dumpster in my future | I love having people over for bbq’s and staying over - so putting it on the calendar, inviting people over and making it happen. Everyone helps with bringing a little something that is easy for them and it’s nice way to get everyone together |
Anonymous user | Obsolete computer hardware, software, cables, etc. | Spouse keeps them despite facts CC that no hardware exists for cable X, software pkg Y has not run since Windows XP, etc. | Clean out my closet. |
Clarice | I haven't been able to let go of my large turkey roasting pan. I live by myself now and am unlikely to ever use it again. Chickens can be roasted in 9x13 pans so there's really no need for the turkey roaster to stay. Still, it remains. | No idea really. It's emblematic of a past life and I have no delusions that life will return. For whatever reasons I can't let it go. Yet. | Fresh fruit, especially watermelon. |
C | My parents' set of silverware. We should be using it, but somehow the stainless steel flatware is more practical. Lots of Disney movies VCRs. We could watch them,but never seem to have time. Oodles of CDS, same as above. | The hope that we just might want to use them/ enjoy them. | Summer means eating outdoors, either on our balcony or at local restaurants. This week: we're expecting scorching hot weather, so I'll probably just doze around. |
Saskatchewan Jane | Tupperware collection / items. | Just in case I need to store, carry or transport items in a unbreakable container. | Warm weather, long days. No icey roads and snow to shovel. Not bundling up to go outside. Spending time in the forests and at lakes. Summer is simply grand!! |
Teresa | General category: Things I've decided to part with, but haven't found a disposal path I'm comfortable with. I've moved many things on as Goodwill type donations, sold things at several consignment shops, given things to friends. But there are a few collections that are still around. Ex. I collected many sets of novelty salt and pepper shakers over the years. I've selected a subset that I'll keep and have them nicely displayed. I've sold some of the older more collectible ones, but still have many left. I also have two sets of dishware - both pretty collectible and might be of interest to younger folks. I have other handmade pottery dishes I use every day and don't see replacing those with one of the two other sets. I also have a collection of jewelry, costume, beads, etc that are maybe not nice enough to list individually online but are still pretty nice. I took photos of some and offered them to friend and family and some went that way. I'm taking some to consignment shops, but it's slow going. And I'm making some money off them, but likely not minimum wage dollars for the time I'm investing. | I've moved so many things on, but these collections seem harder to do. I have the space to store them right now (they are boxed and in the attic), so I'm focusing on all the easier things. My rationale for call categories is the same - I don't see them as being really appropriate for Goodwill type places. If I pay a consignment percentage of 50-60%, it's hardly worth it. So there doesn't seem to be a good path to move them on, so I do nothing about them and focus on other things. My thought process is sort of circular: The salt and peppers and costume jewelry/beads are individually not of much value, so not really ideal for online selling. I've brought some to a consignment shop and some did sell, but there are a lot of them. I've considered trying to go to a local flea market for one or two weeks and see how it goes. But the flea market costs $40 for a table and I'm not sure I really want to do a flea market. I have other things I could bring to sell, but then ask myself if they should just be donated and be done with it. So round and round it goes! For the dishware, I'd like to find out if any friends or family are interested in them. It would need to be someone local, shipping would be difficult, If no one wants them, I think then I could pull a small number of pieces out to keep and then give away or sell the rest. Note: Thinking this through while completing this survey, it points to just biting the bullet and trying the flea market while it's still in season. But even as I say that, I'm a bit resistant, not sure why. (Maybe 5 AM start time?) | I like taking road trips (mostly day trips). Craft shows, fairs, other local events. Thing to do: Keep my house clean and work consistently to keep clutter from building up again. I had house guests the last few days, so my house is unusually clean (for me, others might find fault!). I feel like I could tell folks they can stop by if I want to, which isn't always the case. And it feels good to be in the house and not see a lot of undone stuff. I feel I can take time to play or work on hobbies and not have that nagging "but I really should clean/declutter/etc)" Another thing: my car has gotten kind of cluttered as well. I'd like to clean out the car and have it feel good when I get in it to go somewhere. |
Anonymous user | Figurines that I no longer want, but don’t know what to do with them | Don’t know what to do with them. Also, takes too much energy to box them up | Not having to wear coats and boots and bundle up to take the dog out. Since we had to somewhat ’prepare’ the basement to hide from fireworks. But we need to make room for furniture to sit or lay on when we’re down there. So, I will try going though things to prepare for next year. |
Amanda | DVDs - I don't even have a DVD player hooked up at the moment. | When I look at the stack I think of all the money I initially spent on them. I also don't want to get stuck paying for them again if I want to watch them and they're not available for free on a streaming service I have. | Pool time! I could clear more space where the pool floats are stored so it's easier to take them out and put them away. |
Evelin | I still own some movies on DVDs and music CDs. | some of them are not available on the Internet, like my prom video, etc... some are just good memories and I tell myself that I could listen to the CDs in the car | the best thing is not having to heat the house and not needing winter coats, scarfs, etc. |
Brigitte | A white apron. | The reason why I keep it: it really looks lovely. Why i don’t use it? Because it has to be ironed when I washed it | I lóve summer! Become 70 next week Only if days become too hot |
Nicole | Stamp collection, cookbooks, clothes, tools, garden tools, bad (half) working tools/machines, shampoo bottles, shoes. | Husband gets angry when I talk about ditching my (!) stamp collection (3 books). He thinks it has value and/or wants to sort them with his collection. So now I keep it so my not yet existing grand children can play with it or glue them somewhere. He doesn't that yet... Regarding the other items: It could be used some time in the future.... especially clothes. I've saved clothes in smaller sizes that I really, really like and would love to use, but it is so hard to lose the weight | Hanging washed clothes outside in the sun to dry Bribe the weather man? Weather forecast is 17 degrees, cloudy and rain for the coming week in Sweden where I live. |
Anonymous user | Knick knacks in my entertainment center. Clothes that are too small. | The knick knacks represent my earlier life. Places I went with someone and picked up something, or presents from friends or family. Unfortunately most of those people are not in my life now. My Mom has passed away, have separated from friends I used to be close to, boyfriends no longer dating. Most of it just causes sadness now. Eventually I will get rid of most of it except a couple of items, prob the ones that remind me of my Mom. As far as the clothes, I have decided to put a date on the tote they are in. If they don't fit by then, they will be donated. Clothes are expensive and i have a limited budget.I know I should donate them anyway but growing up poor really does effect your thinking bout this. | Swimming. Unfortunately it has to wait. I don't have transportation right now. Trying new restaurants but I have become a loner. |
Krystal | I have party items and cake decorating items that have hardly been used or not used at all | I have this dream that I am going to hold parties and decorate cakes. | My favorite thing about the summer is looking out my window and seeing the forest of trees in my backyard. Due to the fact that I just switched to another bedroom with my nieces, I have had the need to downsize the items that I have. My room is smaller. |
Caren | Crystal vases/glasses that were wedding presents | "Valuable" and I don't know where to sell them | Sunshine... |
Anonymous user | Paper work and old craft supplies | Sunk cost for the craft supplies, paperwork needs to be sorted through so I can scan what I really need for tax purposes, and shred the rest. Either way it’s exhausting to go through | Heat and sunlight (I’m in Australia) |
Lori | Old emails- when one sees the #848 on my Gmail app, it’s time to delete 100 per day. My mind has been on my Grandmother’s prosferon or stamp for holy bread that is made out of wood. I believe it is time to donate it to a Greek Museum of sorts. I have a mother of Pearl necklace she gave me when I was 10 and the great memories of our heartfelt times together that come up and fill me with joy. I was the fortunate one who was partially raised by her as a child. | Tradition Expectations | Becoming more relaxed yet still disciplined with good habits. Getting rid of any plastic and giving away sets of dishes, furniture, clothes, Crystal, etc to unknown neighbors in my complex as I prepare to move in 90 days by car- no uhaul to another state. It is a green room or trash where cardboard, recycles go. It’s fun to see the items disappear fast! |
Anonymous user | I still have three ponytails I haven't addressed yet. I remember Gail being surprised about people having them in an earlier episode. | There's so much of life that needs to be attended to. Hopefully the next time I come across them I can pull out a few strands from each (scrapbook of history) and TOSS the rest. | The warmer weather and being free to do more activities, knowing that there's no snow that's going to fall! Look at my balcony to make sure it's ready for me to sit out there to enjoy. |
Celina | Keeping even though its value, desirability and usefulness significantly diminished over time? Definitely it used to be my ex. And when it comes to other types of clutter, I could say that some of the things I'd say it could be some of my collectible dolls, even though often their monetary value is the same. I merely subjectively perceive them as 'needing to go'. So then I usually sell them. | I sometimes think that e.g. changing the doll's make up or accessories will help me decide to keep it. But then, sooner or later, I usually decide to resell it anyway. | Idon't feel guilty when I start my car engine when going a short distance. I love the sun and getting a bit tanned. I love hair highlights. I love seasonal fruit. I love walking and meeting with my family to go for walks. I love not worrying too much about getting sick when going out when my hair's still not dry. |
Mary | Christmas dishes. Kids are all grown up with families of their own. My daughter hosts now. She is becoming more minimalist and doesn’t really want them. They are beautiful. I had lovely memories with everyone at my table but my parents are gone and siblings have their own families. It’s beautiful and useful but haven’t been used in at least 4 years. I might try for one more holiday and then let them go. That time had passed and I’m 71. Time for the next phase of life. | Keeping for their beauty and memories. Just hard to part with them. | Just enjoying the lovely summer nights on the patio listening to nature. |
Cee | Old sewing machine with stand attached, Couple wooden sleds | Think they could be worth something and they were from clearing my parents home | Vacation, family gatherings (cook outs) Clear out (declutter ) the indoor area meant for entertaining at those times |
Jetta | digital camera | If I were to actually use it, it would be the exact camera I would want. Good quality, lightweight, etc. I bought it 8 years ago and used it once or twice shortly afterwards and never since then. | Not having to wear a lot of outerwear to be comfortable outside. Also, Cardinals baseball! I'd like to pay attention to early evening and get outside and enjoy the time before the sun goes down instead of being distracted by doing things inside and letting it slip away. |
Katharine | Sewing machines- down to only 13 now. | These are truly vintage from early 1900’s-1960’s. They’re not easy to find or they’re made way better than most modern machines. It’s difficult which ones to pass on at this point. They’re all my favorites. | More light at night. It’s Florida & hot. Not much to do except in early morning or late evening. Wintertime is playtime outside or work in garage on projects. |
Lela | Dvds | My husband acts like someday the Internet will vanish and he will retire and he will want to watch these movies and TV series on our DVDs and won’t be able to access them any other way. Lol. | Sunshine! I need to stroll around outside more often and enjoy my flowers and my German Shepherd |
Kara | I would say it’s my road bike and the articles that go with it (bike tire tibes, tools, shoes, etc). I have another bike that’s more appropriate for me now. | It was such a big investment! What if I change my mind and want to ride it again?! (It’s been three years, and never after my shoulder surgery!). It’s a bit of identity clutter! | Oh, this is a nice relief to think about this after the last two questions! ◡̈ I love being outside in the summer, especially being by a lake. I’m doing this quite a bit already. Perhaps a small road trip would be fun to visit a state park. |
Danetta | Paper in filing cabinet. I’m a 70 year old book lover who will never have to buy a book for the rest of my life because I own 1000 books I haven’t read yet. I have an old file of book reviews of books to read, but I’ve read a bunch of them and it doesn’t make sense to buy more books when I have lovely ones to read already. Ditto for movies to see ( some now 30 years old), music to listen to, dishes to buy, trips to take with intense physical activity, furniture pieces to acquire…. I have a lot of living to do with what I already own! | Out of sight, out of mind! But I am going through my old files and discarding most of the papers bit by bit. | Travel. Anticipating my husband’s retirement, we did not replace our pets and we don’t buy houseplants so we can walk out the door whenever we have the opportunity. Simplicity! |
Patty | Aspirational clutter. Games I think my grandchildren will like to play when they visit, dishes I think I need to entertain in the way I used to, clothing I think I may wear again if I need to dress up. | I am trying to come to grips with the reality that these things will never again be used by me and need to move on, but that is hard to relinquish the ideas that some happy times will never be. | Walking barefoot on the sand. Getting down to the beach to do this! |
CHRISTINE | Clutter was also "things" I was doing, not just objects I was keeping. . So I stopped making my own greeting cards for my family. Too much time, money, and card crafting clutter...and guilt on their end if they just threw the homemade card out..after all my hard work. Now I am giving them what they really want....which is a small amount gift card, (like to their favorite coffee cafe) tucked inside a very inexpensive. bought greeting card. And I stopped giving cards to children entirely. And instead I gift them a toy or a book. | The warm fresh air. looking at the lush foliage and flowers. Opening all windows to let the fresh air in feels luxurious. I live in New England, so the house is shut up most of the year. | |
Cathie | Older sewing machine. | It has different stitches that I might need someday. | Sorry. Hate summer. Heat. Bugs. Sweat. High electricity bills MOSQUITOES! I read to escape. |
Julia | Jewelry i have made | Sentimental value. It reminds me of how far i have progressed in my beading journey | I love sunshine. My bead room is a disaster area. If i could make more open space, that would really help me out. |
Peggy | calendar type notes dating back over 20 years | I live a tame life but somewhere in my head I worry I might have to prove where I was on a given date... makes no sense | I like that there is less "suiting up" to go out because it's warm or hot rather than icy cold / snowy. My hubby is home all summer which is a plus and a minus ha ha... I always tell him not to forget I'm still working my regular schedule |
Anonymous user | Silver items given to us by a relative. Ethan Allen solid wood dining room table and hutch. | Silver old and ornate and is worth something and if we sell it will be melted down. Ethan Allen furniture purchases for $20,000++, estimated to sell for "$1,100 if lucky". | Let go of some of the inherited items. |
Anonymous user | We have a playhouse that belonged to my daughter. It is approximately 8 ft by 6 ft. It is outside beside our garage. I do not have grandchildren. The playhouse is not in great shape as it is old. My daughter is 38. It is filled with junk. | It is not my choice to keep it but my husbands He will not clean it out or get rid of it. Someone offered to buy it and move it several years ago. But he would not sell it. It just sits there, useless. | Fresh fruits and vegetables from our local Farmers Market. Clean out my refrigerator and freezers. |
Millie | A fax machine. It's 30 years old and was purchased for a home-based business that ended 28 years ago. It still works, although I'm on my last roll of paper. I have used it on many occasions, but less and less in recent years. I don't think I've used it in three years. | The age old problem: what if I need it? But I do believe I'm ready to say goodbye. It's not an item I would replace as it's barely used anyway. | The heat. I live in the PNW and most of the year it's damp and rainy. |
Sara | Books. I could order many of them of I ever wanted to have them again (to read or give to a loved one), but I keep worrying that people will shred all the books and therefore, that I should do my little part to save the library of the world by keeping my three bookshelves of books! | Aside from keeping books for the next generations, I also really like some of my books and am comforted by them. (But with 550 sq. ft. apartment, they are kind of locking in one corner of my biggest room ~ the living room.) | I like going out without needing coats and boots. It is nice to just grab a water bottle or bottle of iced tea and my purse and go! |
Lynn | Cookbooks! I have thinned the herd of my mother's cookbooks from an entire wall full of cookbooks down to one shelf full of chosen ones I held onto for various reasons. It has been five years since I did that and have not once gone to the shelf to look at a recipe. It is easier to find a recipe with my phone. It is way past time to get rid of all the remaining cookbooks. | Some are old, no longer published, some are collections by famous chefs who have passed or will be passing soon and might have some value some day. Others used to be my one go-to source for inspiration but time proves otherwise. | The long days of sunlight, but it is so hot here in New Mexico, I have light blocking curtains closed to help cool down the house. I've forced myself to be up before sunrise so I can go outside to do gardening. Placed 40 perrenial plants in the backyard last week to cover the bare spots in the yard with ground covers and drip irrigation. This will eventually greatly reduce the time and money pulling weeds every few weeks and the irrigation gives them a better chance of surviving. Investing the time, money, and sleep now will pay off in garden enjoyment in the future. |
Hila | I am keeping old files of courses that I had studied. Whatapp group that I don't visit there anymore photos that I don't need anymore | Maybe I will want to read again. Sometimes I don't get decision what to do. | |
Victoria | Serverware | Haven't found anyone to give it to. I'm the past, I haven't wanted to give it away. | The carefree nature of it. |
Noreen | Scrapbooking materials - I have not done this in years. Also too many tools that I don't use but they were my Dad;s and Grandfathers. I am starting to pass on to cousins and sell on Ebay | Sentimental for the tools and I was keeping the scrapbooking materials because I spent money on them. | Enjoying the outdoors |
Name (click to view full survey response and comments) | Describe something that you’re keeping even though its value, desirability, or usefulness has significantly diminished over time. | Explain your reason or rationale for keeping the thing(s) you described in your answer to the previous question. | What’s your favorite thing about summer, and what could you do to make room for more of it? |
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