Tag Archive for: clarity

You Minus Your Stuff: Visualize and Create a Clutter-less Life
The Clutter Fairy explores how clutter interferes with our “best lives” and suggests strategies for gaining more clarity about and control over our stuff.
Join us next week for:
Ask Us Anything: Short Topics and Viewer and Listener Questions

Survey #230 Results: Clutter versus Your Best Life
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #230: Clutter Versus Your Best Life.

Survey #230: Clutter Versus Your Best Life
What is clutter keeping you from having, being, or doing? What can’t you live without? What is your “treasure”? Take our survey!

Convenience vs. Clarity | Avoiding Consumerism | Cluttered Siblings
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy discusses balancing convenience and clarity, how to avoid consumerist messages, and organizing and cluttering styles among siblings.
Join us next week for:
Look Good on Paper: Control the Influx and Manage What You Keep

Make Space for Your Best Life: Declutter for Health and Well-being
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy discusses impacts of clutter on our physical, emotional, and psychological health and the health benefits of taking control of our spaces.
Join us next week:
Clutter Klatsch Virtual Coworking Session

Life-changing effects of decluttering
The Clutter Fairy describes potential life-changing effects of decluttering—small (and large) ways in which your life might be different after organizing. She also discusses the delicate balance between stuff from your past and the needs of your present life.