Tag Archive for: clutter and health

Clutter Dangers: Organize for Safety, Mobility, and Ease of Access
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The Clutter Fairy uncovers the dangers lurking in our clutter and offers tips for optimizing space for safety, mobility, health, and ease of access.
Join us next week for:
Low-hanging Fruit: Easy Wins to Start or Restart Your Decluttering

Survey #176 Results: Clutter Health and Safety Hazards
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #176 Results: Clutter Health and Safety Hazards.

Survey #176: Clutter Health and Safety Hazards
We’ve prepared a survey to learn more our audience’s experiences with topics related to episode #176 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly.

Clutter to Catastrophe: More Organizing for Safety and Ease of Access
The Clutter Fairy asks questions that uncover where clutter danger lurks in our homes and offers strategies to improve access and regain peace of mind.