Tag Archive for: cluttering patterns

Clutter Redux: How to Shift the Habits that Lead to Re-cluttering
The Clutter Fairy examines habitual behaviors of “clutter recidivists” and suggests strategies for breaking patterns that lead back to clutter.
Join us next week for:
Ask Us Anything: Procrastination, Help Moving, Organizing Legos

Recognize and Avoid the Slippery Slope that Leads Back to Clutter
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy explores the tendency to relapse into cluttering behaviors and offers tips for maintaining good habits and routines to stay organized.
Join us on April 9 for:
How Much Lining Does an Empty Nest Need? and Other Good Questions

Survey #206 Results: The Canary and the Wrecking Ball
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #206 Results: The Canary and the Wrecking Ball.

Survey #206: The Canary and the Wrecking Ball
What are the warning signs that your decluttering habits are starting to slip? What factors tend to disrupt your good routines? Take our survey!

Clutter and Recidivism: How to Avoid Re-stuffing Unstuffed Areas
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy examines ingrained behaviors of “clutter recidivists” and suggests strategies for breaking patterns that lead back to clutter.
Join us next week for:
Clutter Dangers: Organize for Safety, Mobility, and Ease of Access

Survey #175 Results: Maintaining or Re-cluttering Previously Cleared Space
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #175: Maintaining or Re-cluttering Previously Cleared Space.

Survey #175: Maintaining or Re-cluttering Previously Cleared Space
We’ve prepared a survey to learn more our audience’s experiences with topics related to episode #175 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly.