Tag Archive for: habits

Survey #175 Results: Maintaining or Re-cluttering Previously Cleared Space

Survey #175: Maintaining or Re-cluttering Previously Cleared Space

Reimagine Your Space to Break Free from the Clutter Status Quo
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The Clutter Fairy suggests shaking up your clutter status quo and offers strategies to reimagine your space for progress on decluttering and organizing.
Join us on July 11:
Peace Process: Reducing Household Conflict, Confusion, and Clutter

Significant Others: Organizing with (or in Spite of) Other People
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The Clutter Fairy discusses how to work with—or around—spouses, children, parents, roommates, or any other people who contribute to clutter to our homes.
Join us next week for:
A Season for Edits: Make Space for the 2023 Version of Your Life

Eating an Elephant: The Power of Habits in a Decluttered Life
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The Clutter Fairy discusses the role of habits in keeping us stuck in our clutter or giving us the power to make meaningful change in our homes and our lives.
Join us next week for:
A World of Complex Choices: Ethical Considerations About Clutter

Routine Maintenance: Keep Your Organizing Machine Running Smoothly
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The Clutter Fairy explores the hows and whys of powerful maintenance habits to stem clutter before it starts.
Join us next week for:
Race Against the Clock: Time Issues and Organizing

Clearing Decluttering Clutter: Find an Approach that Works for You
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy explores popular approaches to organizing and explains how to choose a strategy that matches your levels of motivation, ability, and available time.
Join us next week for:
Decluttering on a Budget: Tips and Tricks to Organize for Less

One Day at a Time: Establishing Daily Decluttering Routines
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy talks about how to stem the flow of clutter at the source by incorporating key decluttering habits into every day.
Join us next week for:
Armor for Everyday Life: Trends in Decluttering Your Wardrobe