Tag Archive for: holiday season

Putting Projects on Hold | Self-care Tips for the Holiday Season
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The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for keeping focus and commitment for projects that we’ve put on hold. We also share a holiday gift of self-care tips!
Join us on January 4 for:
A Defining Moment: What “Clutter” Means in Your Life and Home

Uncluttered Home for the Holidays 2021: Tips for a Peaceful Season
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The Clutter Fairy focuses on streamlining the holiday season for you and your loved ones and offers simpler, less stressful, less-cluttered approaches to holiday gift-giving, decorating, and entertaining.
Join us next week for:
Estate of Confusion: Clear Estate Clutter (and Plan to Prevent It)

Season’s Greetings! Self-care Tips for the Holiday Season
The Clutter Fairy’s holiday wish is that you’ll set aside a moment for self-care during this season. We hope the season of light brings you good health and good spirits!

Embrace Your Reason for the Season: Decluttering Holiday Preparations
The Clutter Fairy suggests lightening your load and brightening your life by focusing holiday preparations on what the season means to you.

Enough Stuff? Embrace Your Reason for the Season (YouTube Video)
Let the things you treasure about the holidays guide your celebrations, and this year you’ll collect joyful memories instead of just more stuff.

Uncluttered Home for the Holidays: Organizing Tips for a Joyful Season (YouTube Video)
The Clutter Fairy offers less stressful, less cluttered solutions to holiday gift-giving, decorating, and entertaining.

Uncluttered Home for the Holidays: Organizing Tips for a Peaceful Season (YouTube Video)
The 2014 edition of The Clutter Fairy’s annual tips for simpler, less-cluttered solutions to holiday decorating, entertaining, and gift-giving.

Uncluttered Home for the Holidays
Could you enhance the magic of the season by reducing your workload and your seasonal clutter? What if you spent the holidays in a spirit of family and celebration, instead of overwhelmed by the stuff that doesn’t matter?