Tag Archive for: mementoes

A Clutter Carol: How Ghosts of Past and Future Haunt Our Present
The Clutter Fairy examines how nostalgia and plans for every possible future contribute to clutter and suggests ways to clear space for a rich present life.
Join us next week for:
How Many Is Too Many? Setting Limits on Your Stuff | Short Takes

Survey #235 Results: Decluttering Your Past and Future
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #235: Decluttering Your Past and Future.

Survey #235: Decluttering Your Past and Future
What is your home the museum of? What are you stockpiling for the future? What ghosts of past and future are haunting your present? Take our survey!

Identity Clutter: Stuff That Affects Who We Are or Want to Be
The Clutter Fairy discusses sources of identity clutter and offers strategies for letting go of stuff without damaging our sense of self.
Join us next week for:
All the Right Moves: Fresh Perspectives on Packing and Moving

Survey #221 Results: Exploring the Boundary Between Self and Stuff
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #221: Exploring the Boundary Between Self and Stuff.

Survey #221: Exploring the Boundary Between Self and Stuff
How does your stuff represent you or your life? How would a perfect stranger interpret your space? Take our survey!

Feeling, Meaning, Value: Untangling Emotional Attachment to Stuff
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy scrutinizes sentimental clutter and offers tips for balancing emotional attachment with real limitations of time, space, and resources.
Join us next week for:
Yours, Mine, Ours: Sharing or Delegating Responsibility for Clutter

Survey #184 Results: It’s Complicated (Our Relationship with Stuff)
The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #184 Results: It’s Complicated (Our Relationship with Stuff).

Survey #184: It’s Complicated (Our Relationship with Stuff)
We’ve prepared a survey to learn more our audience’s experiences with topics related to episode #184 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly.