Tag Archive for: motivation

Efficiency versus Effectiveness | How to Avoid Decluttering Burnout
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The Clutter Fairy explores the distinction between efficiency and effectiveness and addresses the problem of decluttering burnout.
Join us next week:
Everything Must Go! Decluttering Strategies for Your Next Move

Creative Destruction: Craft a Strategy to Organize Almost Any Room
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The Clutter Fairy outlines a process for analyzing the contents, purposes, and layout of a room to create a decluttering and organizing strategy.
Join us next week for:
Ask Us Anything: Clearing Big Stuff | Art & Craft Spaces | Getting Out the Door

Celebrate “Get Organized Month” by (re)Starting Organizing Projects
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for planning and implementing a rock-solid organizing project.
Join us next week for:
Creative Destruction: Craft a Strategy to Organize Almost Any Room

Ask Us Anything: Motivation; Organize Papers for Tax Season; Stuff for Company
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The Clutter Fairy discusses cultivating and renewing motivation, organizing papers for tax preparation, stuff we keep to be ready for company, and more.
Join us next week for:
Landmarks and Losses: Organizing Around Life’s Memorable Moments

Make Room for the Life You Love: Setting Organizing Goals for 2022
Watch the YouTube video:
The Clutter Fairy explains how to turn obstacles into the starting points and motivation for setting concrete goals and planning new organizing projects.
Join us next week for:
Clarify Boundaries to Keep Focus in Your Organizing Efforts

No Loss of Enthusiasm: Build Motivation for Your Organizing Projects