The Clutter Fairy Weekly #30
The Allure of the Sale: Coupon-Clipping and Bargain-Hunting
Are you a bargain-hunter? Do you keep your eyes open for coupons, Groupons, rebates, and specials? Here’s some shocking news: a bargain is only a bargain if you need what you’re buying. In episode #30 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, talks about how to shift your thinking to become a more conscious shopper and resist the allure of the sale.
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I’m going through the archives & this one really hit home. It’s scary to think of the money
I’ve spent on all the “bargains” that have reeled me in!
I wished I would have heard this information 20 years ago!
Thank you, Gayle & Ed. I really appreciate you both.
Sincerely, Jan Bear