“How Much Is Enough?” and Other Hard Questions about Stuff (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

“After a certain point, material objects have a tendency to crowd out the emotional needs they are meant to support.”

—Graham Hill

Somehow we get it into our heads that the more we have, the more prepared we are, the more fun we can have, and the happier we’ll be. But suddenly, everywhere we turn there’s stuff standing in the way of free and satisfying lives. For the October meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll get back to basics by exploring our personal answers to the question, “How much do we really need?”


Clean Slate: Starting Fresh in a New (Organized) Space [Meetup]

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

Moving to a new home or office can compound your clutter problems, or it can be a chance to make a clean break with your cluttered past. The difference is in your hands! For the July meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll discuss what to keep in mind as you prepare for a move—or plan for one that's somewhere down the road—to avoid recreating your present clutter issues in a new space. We’ll talk about how to plan for new systems and habits in your future space, and we'll suggest strategies for deciding what to leave behind.


Organizing for the Unforeseen II: Reducing the Impact of Clutter Crises (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that require us to deal with a lot of stuff in a short time—a serious illness, a death, a natural disaster. You can’t keep these crises from striking, but there are steps you can take now that will help you (or your caregivers or heirs) manage better when trouble arises. At our January 24, 2019, meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll talk about how to plan and prepare so you can minimize the impact of clutter emergencies on yourself or your loved ones.


Getting Past Overwhelmed: Cultivating Decluttering Habits (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

People with clutter issues often report feeling overwhelmed—they know where they’d like to end up, but they can’t see a way to get there. At our October 25, 2018, meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll examine the thoughts and behaviors that underlie overwhelm. We’ll suggest some better ways to think about clutter problems, and we’ll send you home with a few practical pointers to get unstuck and stay in motion on your organizing goals.


Head over Heart 2: More Practical Tools for Taking Emotion Out of Decluttering (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

In January, we introduced the idea of algorithms—sets of simple rules—for filtering our stuff to fit our spaces. That presentation generated great feedback and a lot of requests for more examples. For the next meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll suggest criteria you can apply to more types of clutter, including kids’ stuff, office supplies, reading material, and more. We’ll talk about periodically revisiting and adjusting your rules to reduce your collections even more as your organizing project gains momentum.


Somebody Else’s Problem: Clutter in Relationships (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

In many marriages, roommate situations, or other living arrangements, we find ourselves with a partner who is significantly more or less organized than we are. At best, this kind of imbalance creates tension; at worst, it leads to arguments, hurt feelings, and a heightened sense of overwhelm.

For the February meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll talk about how to navigate the troubled waters of clutter-unbalanced relationships. We’ll suggest strategies for communicating perceptions, needs, standards, and priorities, whether you’re the more- or less-organized partner. We’ll offer tips for negotiating agreements in pursuit of results that you can both live with.


Head over Heart: Practical Alternatives to Staying Stuck in Your Clutter (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

Many of us recognize the negative impact of clutter on our comfort, convenience, and relationships, but feel powerless to begin the overwhelming effort that decluttering entails. Decluttering happens piece by piece, but we can’t get it done when our stuff provokes conflicting emotions. Sometimes the reasonable voice gets drowned out by the panicked impulse to keep everything or defer every decision for another day.

For our January 2018 meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll suggest ways to set aside the emotional responses that stand in the way of the work of decluttering in favor of practical techniques that allow us to move forward. We’ll talk about cultivating detachment and objectivity by creating algorithms—rules to filter our stuff to fit our spaces and our present lives. We’ll offer examples of criteria you can apply to your own collections, or that will guide you as you define your own practical rules.


Breathing Room: Organize for Peace of Mind (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

We’ll wrap up 2017 by looking at our spaces through the lens of peace of mind. What things in your home get in the way of feeling peaceful, rested, and rejuvenated? What’s creating negative emotions, standing in the way of positive experiences, or blocking your enjoyment of time at home? For the December meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll offer suggestions for clearing the worst trouble spots, having constructive conversations with people who share your space, and moving toward a more serene environment.


Enough Stuff: Embrace Your Reason for the Season (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

The holiday season can mean many things: family and fun, carols and candles, good food and gratitude, shining lights and festive spirits. But it can also mean stress and burden as we overcommit our time, overspend our budgets, and overwhelm our homes with fresh clutter. At the November meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll suggest a way to lighten your load—and brighten your life—by focusing your holiday preparations on what the season means to you. Let the things you treasure about the holidays guide your celebrations, and this year you’ll collect joyful memories instead of just more stuff.
