Survey #158 Response from Marsh

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Which of the following statements describe the help you’ve received in managing your organizing projects? (Check all that apply or have applied in the past.)
  • I have been solely responsible for decluttering and/or organizing my home.
  • I have paid for the services of a professional organizer.
  • Other
If you selected “Other” above, please elaborate:I worked with a single person whom I paid an hourly rate yet was unable to have them work WITH me in decluttering hence they did my dishes. ;(....
Where do you shop for organizing products? (Check all that apply.)
  • Thrift stores or charity shops
  • Garage or yard sales
  • Other
If you selected “Other” above, please elaborate:As I de clutter I keep finding the many storage/non-plastic items I need to for my organizing.
Describe an organizing product, resource, book, video, or other solution that you bought but never used—at least not for the purpose for which you purchased it.Well, that would be the multi colored Crayons, Felt Markers and large whiteboards' as my intention was to make outlines, hang 'em up and use the colors to create the completion flow as I checked each task off.
I instead have found myself more inspired to create brilliantly colored artwork as I do decoupaging in all the "dirty details" of my future life/living space...Interesting is that I have begun to freely complete piles and clutter somehow following an unbidden inner inspiration; where as before I kept finding "excuses" or "emotional barriers" to NOT follow through by my overwhelm in making the decisions to let stuff go. GREAT Question!
For which collections or categories of stuff do you find it difficult to obtain or employ organizing and storage solutions, and why?Up First: is my essential environment. Living in an o l d Mobile Home, I either am too cold or too hot which drains my limited physical energy.
2nd: Once I obtain then embrace the ideas from Clutter Fairy and our group to move my clutter forward I come up against the absolute physical barriers of NOT enough room = period!
3rd: As I seek to employ these wonderful organizing solutions offered to us all/me I have to struggle with multi decisions of just doing essentials stuffs, personal care items/laundry, managing bills/other pertinent paperwork...then the minute spaces I have left I feel forced to really...
4th: Create very slimline storage solutions giving up more stuff just to manage my environment with some sense of beauty and organization that inspires me to keep going.
What’s your personal favorite inexpensive or free organizing solution? We’d love to hear about furniture, shipping boxes, food containers, craft supplies, or other unlikely items that you’ve ingeniously repurposed to hold your stuff.I now have monthly pick ups of those organic cardboard Granola/Health Bar boxes from the 3 main stores I frequent. I am using them for EVERYTHING. Food stuffs, art utensils, soaps, paper flow, freezer shelves as they stack in order..Spice racks! .I use them for my change or receipt holders till I add my weekly expenses to my Excel Spreadsheet. I carry them in my car as I put new mail in to carry into my home. Toothpaste/brush', combs, makeup/hair ties...lastly they hold my cell phone/cords/ tv/dvd remotes. When they wear out I just pull another one from my stack. NO plastics or extra money spent. Talk about repurposing. OH and I also give stacks to my local special needs kids and the pet places for the cardboard is not toxic if chewed on or dropped on the floor (they bounce/don't shatter!).Another really fun question!
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