Survey #166 Response from Linda

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Briefly describe who will benefit from your efforts to declutter and get organized, and how they’ll benefit. Think about members of your household, but also about the larger world—e.g., the people who’ll buy your stuff at a garage sale, the shelter residents who’ll get your donations, the next generation of family who’ll carry a lighter load, and so on.I guess everyone I know would benefit by my streamlining my life and belongings - it would save them time and money too.
. I was told by a daughter-in-law that “Nobody wants your stuff”. It hurt in a way because I grew up in a family that treasured old unique historical items. But it also opened my eyes to real hard facts!
Tell us about a memory of a person or incident from the formative years of your life that influenced your attitudes and emotions about belongings, clutter, organizing, or any related subject. (For example: “Grandma’s house was packed to the rafters with stuff.”)At one time My great grandparents had a museum in their home (Native American artifacts) and later in life I remember being at their house an it really was stuffed to the rafters - there were”trails” through the house and every surface was loaded.
Their daughter (my grandmother) lived in a 14 room Victorian and it was lovely, but imagine having enough to fill a home of that size. She downsized as she aged and moved in to 5 or 6 smaller homes keeping the very best each time she downsized.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I have made a lot of progress decluttering through the years BUT we are planning to have some work done inside our home this summer and I am feeling Panic just thinking about all the steps to be ready for that! How do manage those feelings?

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