Survey #174 Response from Anonymous user

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Which member(s) of your household support or contribute to your decluttering or organizing efforts, and how? (For example, “My husband keeps the home office and his workshop organized.”)I live alone (with a dog) so no helpers, sadly.
Which member(s) of your household frustrate, foil, interrupt, or otherwise complicate your decluttering or organizing efforts, and how? (For example, “My preteen child picks through the donation box to retrieve items even after we’ve reached agreement to get rid of them.”)I often feel I should pay more attention to my dog and her ever-shedding hair so I’m my worst enemy. Any excuse to procrastinate and to see things as useful to save “for the dog” — like extra towels, a random bowl, extra blankets and dog accessories from previous dogs of different sizes.
If you were to wish for one change of behavior from someone—or everyone—in your household with respect to clutter, what change would you wish for? (For example, “My preteen child picks through the donation box to retrieve items even after we’ve reached agreement to get rid of them.”)Better habits for myself so I don’t procrastinate
Describe an item about which you have a strong disagreement with someone else in your household over whether or not it deserves a place in your home. (For example, “My mother’s 30 years of TV Guide magazines.”)N/a
Future topics

I have no interest in being a minimalist and have gotten rid of much excess over the past several years but think life could be easier if I dig deeper and further simplify my home. How do you get to the next level? Questions to ask yourself? Strategies to determine how much you really need? For example, I’ve pared back to three sets of towels so I have enough if overnight guests are staying. I don’t think it’s wise to cut further. I find myself going through tiny items (earrings, makeup) and always cull some but it still feels like too much. Or am I overthinking?

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