Survey #174 Response from Anonymous user

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Which member(s) of your household support or contribute to your decluttering or organizing efforts, and how? (For example, “My husband keeps the home office and his workshop organized.”)It is just myself, my boyfriend and our 3 cats in my household. None of them contribute to decluttering or organizing. My boyfriend will pull stuff out of a donation pile, out of the trash so I have to donate when he is not around.
Which member(s) of your household frustrate, foil, interrupt, or otherwise complicate your decluttering or organizing efforts, and how? (For example, “My preteen child picks through the donation box to retrieve items even after we’ve reached agreement to get rid of them.”)My boyfriend is very frustrating when it comes to both. He will pull stuff out of donation pile even though it is my stuff. If I tell him something broke and is in the trash he has to get it out and inspect it to see if it can be fixed. Organized the cans in the pantry and when he was looking for something he was like a little kid and would just sweep the items around. He has gotten better about this after I kept explaining to him if you see a can of corn all the cans behind that one are also corn. He and I both struggle with finishing tasks. If he works on something he just leaves it in a mess. Since listening to Gayle, Ed and viewers' comments I have improved on this but still struggle.
If you were to wish for one change of behavior from someone—or everyone—in your household with respect to clutter, what change would you wish for? (For example, “My preteen child picks through the donation box to retrieve items even after we’ve reached agreement to get rid of them.”)Probably I would wish for both of us to finish what we start. My boyfriend leaves things out and I have to clean up after him. I start cleaning, get worn out then leave stuff out when I should just put it away.
Describe an item about which you have a strong disagreement with someone else in your household over whether or not it deserves a place in your home. (For example, “My mother’s 30 years of TV Guide magazines.”)My boyfriend plays paintball and all his gear is very disorganized on our porch. If he would just organize it, I wouldn't mind it so much. Just general stuff that needs to go like a tire for a vehicle he doesn't have anymore. A tent he bought to camp with he said he wasn't going to use again but he won't donate it. He is 6 feet 6 inches tall and his legs hung out of the tent
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Gayle- What are some ways to finish a project? It seems like I get 60 to 80 percent done and stop, then start something else. Pretty sure I am Add. Also how to overcome the perfection trap, if I can't do it perfectly I just don't do it. Ed, personal question: what inspired you to lose weight and how did you start. Gayle- what are some things clients do that really hinder your helping them?
Future topics

Dealing with Add and how they organize, work on projects. What have you learned as an organizer working with people who have Add.

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