Survey #174 Response from Anonymous user

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Which member(s) of your household support or contribute to your decluttering or organizing efforts, and how? (For example, “My husband keeps the home office and his workshop organized.”)Husband began supporting by trying to start decluttering his area seen from entryway
Which member(s) of your household frustrate, foil, interrupt, or otherwise complicate your decluttering or organizing efforts, and how? (For example, “My preteen child picks through the donation box to retrieve items even after we’ve reached agreement to get rid of them.”)My family members leave things out on my kitchen and dining table after I have taken time to clear and given them a place for their use
If you were to wish for one change of behavior from someone—or everyone—in your household with respect to clutter, what change would you wish for? (For example, “My preteen child picks through the donation box to retrieve items even after we’ve reached agreement to get rid of them.”)Family should respect and take notice of areas I have cleared and clean up after themselves witout being asked
Describe an item about which you have a strong disagreement with someone else in your household over whether or not it deserves a place in your home. (For example, “My mother’s 30 years of TV Guide magazines.”)Paper clutter and some nicknack items from deceased parents home
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I have a shed which I store items temporarily and need to go through. I looked out one day and saw my husband placing his overflow from his shed in there. I addressed it he said he was going to move them after making space in his. Would it be wrong to set a deadline for this and say I am going to get rid of if he dosen't move it. Keeping me from completing my projects.I cant get to my things.
Future topics

Do we really need to fill every living space. Are minimalist practices healthy without eliminating everything. Just downsizing a percentage?

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