Survey #174 Response from Anonymous user

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Which member(s) of your household support or contribute to your decluttering or organizing efforts, and how? (For example, “My husband keeps the home office and his workshop organized.”)My daughter keeps her home fairly neat. She aso helps with other household tasks and that frees up some of my time.
Which member(s) of your household frustrate, foil, interrupt, or otherwise complicate your decluttering or organizing efforts, and how? (For example, “My preteen child picks through the donation box to retrieve items even after we’ve reached agreement to get rid of them.”)My daughter uses many dishes and containers for her meals and she usually dodoes not wash them which leaves the kitchen always looking cluttered.
If you were to wish for one change of behavior from someone—or everyone—in your household with respect to clutter, what change would you wish for? (For example, “My preteen child picks through the donation box to retrieve items even after we’ve reached agreement to get rid of them.”)I wish my daughter wouldn't use so many dishes and containers for her meals.
Describe an item about which you have a strong disagreement with someone else in your household over whether or not it deserves a place in your home. (For example, “My mother’s 30 years of TV Guide magazines.”)My daughter and I are both sentimental savers.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I have significant clutter in three different areas of my house. I think I could make some progress if I focused on just one area at a time. But as soon as I start on one area I feel like I'm being pulled to one or both of the other areas. Then I just feel overwhelmed and hopeless and don't accomplish anything. What are some strategies for overcoming this dilemma (i.e. putting other areas out of mind so I can focus on one somewhat manageable area)? Thank you.
Future topics

I am new, so I don't know what has already been coverered.

My two problems are (1) keeping things for sentimental reasons and (2) keeping anything that I might possibly need sometime in the future (even though I know the cost of keeping most of these things is more that any potential worth.) Any help in these areas would be appreciated/

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