Survey #175 Response from Anonymous user

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Think about a decluttering project of any size that you’ve completed in the past. (The project may be as little as one section of cabinet, a drawer, or a small set of objects.) How successful have you been at maintaining the space or collection in the finished state?Somewhat successful
For the project you thought about in the previous question, what habits, attitudes, events, people, or other factors contribute to your tendency to re-clutter the space? (For example, “I’m a habitual shopper” or “My family doesn’t respect my organizing efforts” or “The mail just keeps coming!”)New stuff comes in since massive April decluttering. So there are some new clothes and crafting materials.
But the real problem is having items near where I will see them. My out of sight out of mind memory creates small clutter piles near chairs.
What habits, mindsets, practices, or other factors contribute to your ability to successfully maintain a previously cluttered space? (For example, “I reset my dining room after each meal” or “I’ve set a limit of five decorative items in each room” or “I use the ‘after’ photo I took as motivation to keep my bathroom shelves organized.”)I re set my large dining room/living room/studio/and office when I'm expecting company. Also, I make my bed daily. Also I vacuum weekly, wash dishes almost daily, and clean toilet and sink in bathroom almost daily.
In which collections or categories of stuff are you most inclined to re-clutter—i.e., to refill areas and spaces that you’ve previously had success decluttering? (For example, “I purge my clothes closet every couple of years, but it’s always overflowing again within three months” or “My coffee mug collection is always out of control.”)My dining room table and table between two upholstered chairs both get piles of papers of important papers with tasks I must remember.
Lately I have set one corner of room as "command central" and I'm trying to organize it to have all important papers, maybe with the exception of a daily/weekly to do list and my paper calendar.
Fill in the blank: “When I finish my current decluttering/organizing project, I’m going to treat myself to ___.”enjoying the space & feeling good
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.It's nice to have one or two things in each room that I try to keep tip top looking... That way I don't feel that crushing negative feeling that my space is out of my hands! Currently, this philosophy includes my couch, my dining room table, my toilet and bathroom sink, my bed and chair in bedroom, and in the kitchen my counters and floor.... And the entire carpet in my apartment. Piles on the floor used to be my downfall.... because I had too much stuff!!

I wonder... My question is... Do You guys know how much your light, friendly banter kept me feeling cheery for years before my stepmother finally helped me take bags and boxes (so many I lost count) out to Goodwill, recycling, and the dumpster? You helped me feel committed to trying!!! Even when all I could do was "churn" my belongings, which means reorganize it, without actually taking hardly anything OUt of my home!!

and and -- crucial to my ability to let Anything go -- I took about the equivalent of 15 to 20.boxes of stuff up to my mother and stepmother's garage for storage for a year... to get it out of my apartment and so I can judge in the next year whether I want or need each of the 20 odd boxes of stuff anymore, or whether it can be given to others (family, friends, Goodwill, sold, etc)...

I couldn't have done this if not for you!!!!!!!
Future topics

I can't help suggesting this, as it is the reason I could finally say "Let this go!" about Anything from my carefully organized, separated, curated, Tetris-packed apartment full of collections of some of the oddest things::::::: Let some of your stuff go to a space away from your living space... For up to a year but no more, with plans to reassess your ownership of it a box or bag st a time during the year to come. (This single agreement, using a family members corner of their garage, made it possible for me to give about 10 drop offs to Goodwill, about 15 drop offs to the dumpster, and about 5 large drop offs to recycling, including collections of glass jars and various food packaging I thought were cute, and I thought they would be useful, if I started a food packaging design company, or an advertising agency. Also recycled third class mail I thought would be useful if I ever wanted to design third class mailer postcards. Once we got started and had the sitting area in the living room super decluttered (of unsent Christmas 🎁🎁🎁 presents, old board games, and a picture frame collection), I had what Gayle has described before: a motivation to have my whole space look as wonderfully restful and clean!
Now I can see clear to the wall in my living and dining rooms... Like when I first moved in here (old photos came in very very handy for motivation and vision board type goal setting!!) which was in 2005.

Thank you Clutter Fairy!! I've been watching since you were in the Houston Nature Center! Love love love all things Clutter Fairy!!!! Best wishes to every viewer/listener ANd to creators Gayle and Ed!!!!!!

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