Survey #176 Response from CHRIISTINE

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Which of the following categories of vulnerable people are present in your household?
  • Children under age five
  • Someone with mobility issues
  • Someone with a chronic illness
To what extent do you feel that clutter in your home represents a threat to the physical health, mental health, or safety of your family?
Not at allTo a mild extentTo a moderate extentTo a significant extent
What obstacles or issues interfere with your ability to address the clutter threats to health and safety in your home?I am an older adult with arthritis in my joints, so my balance is not great. Plus my difficult house is on 2 levels, plus the full basement, and steps to the garage. And small rooms and many steep stairs. . I feel like I am a rat running around in a maze all day long. My husband is zero help in doing anything around the house at all, or helping me with housework or repairs. So I am on my own. Gayle and Ed, you are my main source for encouragement and inspiration. My sister is a help by phone, but she lives far away. As does most of my family.
Who is your favorite organizing authority or inspiration besides The Clutter Fairy?No body does it better than the Clutter Fairy. But My sister is a great sounding board by phone, and I can even send her iPhone photos.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Why do you thing it that the tv show Hoarders fascinates us? I am not a hoarder, but I have too much stuff I am working on decluttering. I can see the point at which a hoarder gives up on a clean house. . Life can be damn hard. But I also feel like a hoarder is being lazy or just expects someone to rescue them and fix the situation for them. But I am curious why the tv show is fascinating to watch.
Future topics

I like decluttering with the seasons. I feel like fall is right around the corner. Makes me think of slowly coming back into the house. When I think of the indoors (in a small house), I think I would like more space to move around. Which means stuff has to move out of the living space, and be stuffed into the closets and drawers. and basement. So I feel like I would like to reorganize and declutter my closets, so I can fit more in them. I would like to have more room in my rooms!

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