Survey #176 Response from Anonymous user

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To what extent do you feel that clutter in your home represents a threat to the physical health, mental health, or safety of your family?
Not at allTo a mild extentTo a moderate extentTo a significant extent
What obstacles or issues interfere with your ability to address the clutter threats to health and safety in your home?Wanting to use the paint to create artwork. I gave away 90% of the oil paints and that made a huge difference, but I still have acrylic paint, some paint thinner, a few oil paints, screenprinting ink etc etc.
I feel a lot if anxiety because I feel these are emitting fumes. I keep the windiw of the room that I store these, slightly cracked open as they smell otherwise.
I hope to use up these items really soon.
Otherwise, I’ve been good about moving things on from the house, but now I’m in a period of being overwhelmed and needing to rest a bit before J proceeed further.
I also used to have a lot of things from previous jobs, and I’m really impressed by the person last week who said it was finally easy for her to get rid of those. I have two binders of papers (evaluations, job descriptions etc etc) and stacks of manuals- most of which I moved out but a few are still around. I was relatively successful in my old job, but left it to pursue the arts, which have been fulfilling, but not really profitable. So, occasionally I get anxiety about having left the old career. Some, akthough not all, of the guidelines for that wirk are online, though, so it’s ok not to keep everything.
Who is your favorite organizing authority or inspiration besides The Clutter Fairy?I think the Clutter Fairy is perfect. She is both practical and caring. And there is sooo much more content and generosity than anything else out there. She and Ed make a perfect duo. Occasionally, I look at GYST videos, or whatever random video pops up. But Clutter Fairy is really good! Thank you!
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Is there an end in sight with all this clutter?! I’ve done sooo much but still feel overwhelmed!
Future topics

-items from a previous career (clothing, papers, guidelines, awards, etc)
I’m also discovering little gems in your previous videos- for example , I assumed the one on what is clitter would ve super basic and the usual: if you haven’t worn it in a year, etc etc- and was delight to be reassured that perfectly new language books for example, could also be clutter- because they aren’t being used either. Clutter isn’t often old things at all perhaps, but very new things, that have stayed new, precisely because they were clutter to me!! Beyond the category of clothing and other. What a revelation.
It’s also tricky because for example, for my mother, my old things would be clutter- but they are not for me. For me, a very expensive dress she got me is very much clutter.
It is also the case with paper. I know there are a lot of online organizating tools and I hope to move on to them, but I do use a lot of paper to write out thoughts or plan- for her this is all clutter- for me too but after a week or so for each set, but for me it’s been a lot if new things that are way more clutter than my scraps of paper- even though from the outside- the bits of paper look like the clutter!
But those are my thoughts and new projects…
Thank you.

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