Survey #176 Response from Anonymous user

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Which of the following categories of vulnerable people are present in your household?
  • Someone with impaired vision (beyond what can be corrected)
  • Someone with a chronic illness
  • Someone with other special needs not listed here
To what extent do you feel that clutter in your home represents a threat to the physical health, mental health, or safety of your family?
Not at allTo a mild extentTo a moderate extentTo a significant extent
What obstacles or issues interfere with your ability to address the clutter threats to health and safety in your home?Deceased husband left huge locker of stuff to sort.
Destructive pets make extra work almost daily
Strong sentimentality and inability to make decisions also hamper decluttering attempts.
Lack of strength and energy needed to maintain my space as well as get decluttered enough to move slows the process severely.
Who is your favorite organizing authority or inspiration besides The Clutter Fairy?Don Aslett "Clutter's Last Stand"
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.Because you asked, more-than-you-asked-for answer to #4, about impediments, is here to insure anonymity:
I have multiple chemical sensitivity. It only takes parts per billion of tobacco smoke, synthetic fragrance, natural gas, etc. for me to be made ill (brain fog, pain, respiratory distress, weakness, difficult walking or standing, voice loss, etc.). I was extremely lucky to find this apartment because it had not been painted or carpeted within 5 years and the previous tenant used no synthetic fragrances or cleaners (although I can’t use the furnace or air conditioning because they draw in fumes from the other apartments).
The newest tenant in our smoking-free building ignores the no smoking request (which was a verbal promise, not printed in the lease, but was in the rental ad). She also uses strong chemicals, which are deadly to me, to make her smoky apartment smell pretty. In spite of air cleaners and sealed cracks and outlets, if I am indoors when she smokes, or outdoors (or my window is open) when she opens the door to her apartment or has her windows open, I may fall immediately and/or be sick for hours to weeks. To lessen the permanent damage caused by exposures, I have been sleeping outside year round for over 4 years and staying out of the house while the air is bad. (and added $100s to my therapeutics)
The first two years after the neighbor moved in, I could be inside for only about 45 minutes at a time. This, added to the piles of stuff left by my deceased husband and four recently inherited estates has made a mess of the place and prevents me from being able to make much progress in decluttering or moving (although I have not been able to find a place to go anyway). Before the neighbor started poisoning me several times a day, I tended to clutter, but it was not out of hand as it is now.
I know it sounds as if I should be in a facility somewhere, but I am actually in excellent health, merely hampered by the genetic difference which prevents my liver from detoxifying certain chemicals. That is why I don’t want to give up. Your Clutter Fairy Weekly series has helped me immensely. Thank you thank you thank you
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