Survey #178 Response from Michele ( just one l)😁

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Name the collections or categories of stuff in your home that are typically most likely to become cluttered.Paperwork, bills new/ old , policies 4 hse/ car etc
Clothes/ shoes.
Complete the following statement: “My clutter started to become a problem when _____.”When l didnot declutter regularly, when l bought based on emotional needs.
When l got caught up with job/ .inding eldery parents that l wasnt at home in my hse as much n started living out of bags shuffling between 2 places so needed doubles of items or couldnt find what l needed so bought again.
Describe a habit or routine behavior that you would like to cultivate—or eliminate—to help you or other members of your household get a better handle on household clutter.I will employ one in / one out rule...if l buy new shoes an old pair goes out..( 1 in 2 out would be even better but baby steps !!)
I will check fridge before making shopping list.
I will schedule a time weekly to tidy area.
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once).Love...thin the herd....also circle back / do a 2nd
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).What amount of stuff did u keep from your Mums stuff when she passed, l am trying yo hrlp my mum downsize and can see hos there will be room for much items...its hard
Do u follow fly lady mrthod to keep on top of hse ? Like the way it bringd me round again to what can be moved on...
Future topics

Working with eldery parents downsizing.
Encouraging friends to start the process.
Seeing the process through...once its packed up getting it out of hse asap...a kinda of fill it up/ toss ot out...

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