Survey #178 Response from Anonymous user
Name the collections or categories of stuff in your home that are typically most likely to become cluttered. | For me, it's not only categories, but places: my physical desktop tends to collect "deal with it later" items, wherever I happen to sit to read, which includes writing instruments and highlighters. This happens especially when I'm busy, like the other day was my husband's birthday and a couple of spots turned into a terrible mess until I was able to clean it up afterwards (following day). Health and beauty drawer in the bathroom and linen closet needs refreshing (mixture of health and beauty on one shelf as well as cleaning supplies and items which should go into my closet instead. |
Complete the following statement: “My clutter started to become a problem when _____.” | ...clutter was modeled by both of my parents. |
Describe a habit or routine behavior that you would like to cultivate—or eliminate—to help you or other members of your household get a better handle on household clutter. | Somehow develop categories (folders?) for next steps of items vs. just plopping everything on my desk and leaving the room. |
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once). | I haven't attended the group in awhile, so all I can think of is what I put on the previous answer "refresh" (when an area needs to be looked at again). |
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). | When is the book coming out? Can we all get autographed copies? |
Future topics | How our clutter affects others as a motivator vs. a guilt trip. For example (like I've already stated a few times in this survey), my office has gotten pretty messy in recent days. My husband has some mental health issues and he told me today, "Your office needs to be looked at." Well, when my office is messy, it makes him nervous and he goes to OCD behaviours. For some reason, I strongly realized it today. |
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