Survey #182 Response from Anonymous user

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Name the hobby, craft, art form, or other recreational activity that contributes the most stuff to your living space, including raw materials, tools, equipment, other supplies, reference materials, specialized furniture, etc.Sewing, painting, sculpture making - they are also my livelyhood, partner works with event planning and technology development so we have a lot of tech and setups, we used to have a cycling business so have a lot of bikes and mechanics related to that. It's a lot.
Reflecting on your answer to the previous question, describe the part of the activity that contributes most to the clutter in your home. Your answer may be based on volume, size, complexity, or any other factor that makes it difficult to store and manage the stuff for your activity.We spend a lot on storage of our old business supplies it's won't be financially responsible to keep paying for storage.
We also do events related to our jobs but when those events are over we don't know what to do with the equipment because we might need it for the next job. But each job is custom so we don't know for sure what we'll need in the future. It seems like everything is handy to have and keep. The storage room is packed and now overflowing into the living room. We're trying to sell off things that feel obsolete to us.
Reflecting on your answer to the first question, describe how the cluttered state of stuff related to this activity negatively impacts your ability to carry out or enjoy the activity.There's so much that my old system overflowed and is now mixed and unorganized. It's hard to find things I need. When new updated things come in its difficult to get rid of the old gear.
About how much time do you spend on the activity in question in an average week?40 hours+
What is the hobby, craft, art form, or other recreational activity that you think EVERYONE should try?Sewing. It makes you more aware of quality and the effects of fast fashion. Makes you a better consumer.
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once).I've been cutting the hose. Limiting what comes in.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).How does one decide how much space to devote to a craft? I'm at the point where I don't know if moving will solve the problem or just make it worse. If I can't manage this space is it realistic that space will solve my disorganization problem.
Future topics

More discussion about psychological reasons why decluttering is challenging.
How can we help children develop good habits.
Cause clearly neither me nor my husband had good examples from our mothers. Our fathers just put up with it.

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