Survey #182 Response from Sara Jae

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Name the hobby, craft, art form, or other recreational activity that contributes the most stuff to your living space, including raw materials, tools, equipment, other supplies, reference materials, specialized furniture, etc.Paper crafts
Reflecting on your answer to the previous question, describe the part of the activity that contributes most to the clutter in your home. Your answer may be based on volume, size, complexity, or any other factor that makes it difficult to store and manage the stuff for your activity.I have about 2.5 square feet of raw materials to make greeting cards, bookmarks, origami, small artworks on paper, including paints & glitter glues. Need to find accessible, usable storage solution.
Reflecting on your answer to the first question, describe how the cluttered state of stuff related to this activity negatively impacts your ability to carry out or enjoy the activity.The paper craft materials are in haphazard piles which are not currently attractive compared to the rest of my recently decluttered dining/living room.
Honestly, I'm so negatively impacted that the thought of passing all of it on to a younger arts & crafter has crossed my mind this summer. I have not made anything this summer except for ball point pen sketches.
About how much time do you spend on the activity in question in an average week?0 minutes, 0 hours
What is the hobby, craft, art form, or other recreational activity that you think EVERYONE should try?Decorating blank puzzles
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once).Bigger buckets
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).Do you think that inside every TCFW audience member beats the heart of a future organizer??
Future topics

When Zig Zag cleaning and organizing are okay

Moving items or collections of items within your home, just in order to deep clean and redecide how many items you'd like in your space!

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Ooh, I really like your zigzagging cleaning and organizing question!

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