Survey #182 Response from Marsh

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Name the hobby, craft, art form, or other recreational activity that contributes the most stuff to your living space, including raw materials, tools, equipment, other supplies, reference materials, specialized furniture, etc.Saving/repairing the rare few Family heirlooms/historical treasures I am sole keeper of.
Reflecting on your answer to the previous question, describe the part of the activity that contributes most to the clutter in your home. Your answer may be based on volume, size, complexity, or any other factor that makes it difficult to store and manage the stuff for your activity.A piece here drying, A piece over there drying...Piece by piece then I start on another Family treasure
so even as I clear older clutter I then cover the cleared space as I fix, mend or glue/paint the said treasured items.
Reflecting on your answer to the first question, describe how the cluttered state of stuff related to this activity negatively impacts your ability to carry out or enjoy the activity.Hard to answer this for I find the joy in saving these few priceless items more so than the negativity of clearing out the non solvent $ junk!
About how much time do you spend on the activity in question in an average week?Now I am doing about 2/3 hours based on repair process...I am learning such patience!
What is the hobby, craft, art form, or other recreational activity that you think EVERYONE should try?Just Do It! Everyone must try their activities coming from with in themselves as they just do it their way now. Upcycle out of the "Box", Recycle from ones clearer thoughts of pasting or painting and so on. Just Do It yet Do It Different for oneself.
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once)."Fairying Fo My Future"!
Future topics

Regarding the possible delay of Christmas items from the Shipping backlog worldwide 2023, Might we all = amazing Clutter Fairy Group, talk about what other ways we can "do" Christmas Holiday season?

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