Survey #184 Response from Pat

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Describe an item or collection that you’re rationally prepared to release, but something always seems to keep you from making the final decision to let it go.Breadmaker
How do you feel when you think about letting go of the item you described in your answer to the previous question?Ist a mixture of fear ( we might need it someday) and on the positive side: it was a much needed gift, brand new, very expensive and a so very lovely gift form my husband.
Complete the following statement: “I know I won’t keep this item forever, so I would like ___.”To let it go to anyone who can get good use of it. And I don’t know how?
Fill in the blank: “Watching and listening to The Clutter Fairy Weekly makes me want to try ___.”To learn more, about everthing, how the human mind works in cluttered situations
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once).Just pick something
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).Can Gayle please talk slower when she talks about ‘ the main topic’. Because it is so much information. Maybe it’s very familiar for Gayle but we are starting our processes. Although I am listening for years, it’s still a learning curve. Maybe it’s cultural, usa things go fast. But I think it is very important all the things Gayle knows. And I think that Gayle knows a lot about assesing clutter relatet situations and the people in it. I always hear compasion form her to the people she talks about and in her andwers to questions.
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