Survey #184 Response from Michele

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Describe an item or collection that you’re rationally prepared to release, but something always seems to keep you from making the final decision to let it go.So many things because I am actually in the middle of a two-location move. But my huge collection of vintage matchbooks keeps avoiding the donate pile and is taking up space on the kitchen counter while I ruminate over it…. Definitely tangled.
How do you feel when you think about letting go of the item you described in your answer to the previous question?Sentimentality over the times and places represented which is especially poignant for an international move. One more link to “home” let go. Also? The weirdly enjoyable smell of them!
Complete the following statement: “I know I won’t keep this item forever, so I would like ___.”A collector who would appreciate it
Fill in the blank: “Watching and listening to The Clutter Fairy Weekly makes me want to try ___.”Haha! Living with less. Okay, and beading.
Future topics

Maybe an educational one for people to understand how much trouble/bother an estate sale is/can be and how much “profit” is really going to come from all of it. Maybe it’s not worth it? As we declutter and leave things for the estate sale people, maybe it’s easier to make decisions (e.g. “I’ll get some money for this” instead of “I love this thing and am never letting it go!)” But in reality, those decades and decades of [do the voice] “my precious” may likely result in MUCH less actual money into your account than you would think in the end. I guess (to me) the value is not in the dollar amount of the sale but the work of a team doing all the disposal. I can imagine someday we will have to pay for this service rather than receive “only” 60% of the sale amount of our things.

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