Survey #184 Response from Janice

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Describe an item or collection that you’re rationally prepared to release, but something always seems to keep you from making the final decision to let it go.Parts to knitting machines, which are worth some money, because I am fearful of using ebay and not knowing how to ship, I don't have a printer. If I could figure it out I will do it.
How do you feel when you think about letting go of the item you described in your answer to the previous question?Positive mostly. I ordered these items for "someday" but I now realize I have enough and want to have the ability via ebay to make another crafter happy.
Complete the following statement: “I know I won’t keep this item forever, so I would like ___.”To try for some money and if not, donate it to its next owner.
Fill in the blank: “Watching and listening to The Clutter Fairy Weekly makes me want to try ___.”Haha. Living with less, so much easier to manage a home with less inventory. Teeny tiny beads are pretty, though!
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once).Eating the Elephant, peeling the onion, good on you, clutter attracts bugs and vermi , don't keep canned food in hot garages
Future topics

The easy decluttering is now done, floor clean, easy stuff put away without overstuffing drawers . Some things I want but can't figure where to store them , like garden items that the winter will ruin, like a 4 foot cement angel statue, some tropical lemon trees to overwinter in the home, and some faux stone large flowerpots that wear out or crack when frozen

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