Survey #184 Response from Anonymous user
Describe an item or collection that you’re rationally prepared to release, but something always seems to keep you from making the final decision to let it go. | Camping/survival type gear and products |
How do you feel when you think about letting go of the item you described in your answer to the previous question? | I feel positive about letting the items go, but then, the thought of, "What if the power grid goes out for several days? I will need the propane camp stove to cook." That thought or something similar usually keeps me from donating the items even though they sit, unused, year after year. I live in a very small, rural area, so I can't easily or quickly buy more of these types of items. |
Complete the following statement: “I know I won’t keep this item forever, so I would like ___.” | Usually, we offer any unwanted items to our six children. If they don't need the item(s), we donate to a thrift shop that supports a cause important to us. |
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once). | only live once, which, when applied to decluttering means I don't need to keep enough stuff for several lifetimes. |
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). | Mental health professionals successfully treat people suffering from Hoarding Disorder. Are they also able to help people for whom seeing even small amounts of clutter and/or disorganization causes great stress and anxiety? Since childhood, I have always been very organized, and have adopted minimalism as I have gotten older. However, not all family members see things as I do, so I frequently walk the tightrope between what is calming and peaceful for me, and what they prefer. |
“ only live once, which, when applied to decluttering means I don't need to keep enough stuff for several lifetimes.”
Thank you for these words.
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