Survey #184 Response from Margy

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Describe an item or collection that you’re rationally prepared to release, but something always seems to keep you from making the final decision to let it go.The last doll that I have from my childhood
How do you feel when you think about letting go of the item you described in your answer to the previous question?I feel silly keeping it at my age; but it’s just on the grandchildren’s guest bed (although they are too old for dolls also). It is more just decor and gives me pleasure when I glance in the room. It is the only toy left from my childhood.
Complete the following statement: “I know I won’t keep this item forever, so I would like ___.”Save it for a great grandchild or a neighborhood child who appreciates it. Eventually though it will probably go to Salvation Army.
Fill in the blank: “Watching and listening to The Clutter Fairy Weekly makes me want to try ___.”Living with less and organizing what I have
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I hear you! In my opinion, you are just fine to keep this last doll from your childhood.
And how wonderful that you have a guest bed set up for your grandchildren.

I felt silly keeping a dearly loved stuffed couple of monkeys, when I was 50. I took photos before giving them away to a charity. They didn’t take up space ad they sat high on a bookcase in my bedroom. I was 14 years old when I took a very special vacation with my Mom who bought them for me when she saw me fall for them in a shop. I am older now and they are truly the only item I regret giving up, and which I did because I knew how much I loved them, my mother was dying and I didn’t think I’d have the strength to part with them after her death, and I thought it was silly or ridiculous to have these way up in my bedroom. I’m very grateful for the photo I took! I can’t hug the photo and feel the love of my Mom but I can enjoy the memory. Perhaps, by the way, take a photo of your childhood item and write a little note about its history so that when others are going through your items they can enjoy the childhood item and memory and then they can feel free to release the item if there are no takers and keep the photo and memory if they like.

All this to say I was silly to think it was silly to hang onto them. If I had shared my thought with someone than I would have learned it was quite alright to keep it and enjoy it.
My arm-in-arm monkeys only brought me pleasure, just as your childhood doll does every time you lay eyes upon her. 💓

Your childhood item is on display and you treat this doll with respect and do not shove it in a box in a hideaway place forever, or till you can make a decision (not that there is anything wrong with that - I have my own share of containers to unearth and enjoy or release in my own decluttering journey - ie. I don’t show proper respect to some items that I purport to care about).

Thank you for sharing. I’m a stranger but it’s heartwarming for me to hear your feelings about keeping your treasured doll. 💕

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